“Time does not stop, creation, this article is participating2021 Year-end Summary Essay Contest”


It’s January 3, 2022, and the Nuggets are nearing the end of their year-end essay season, so I didn’t write until after the end of the year.

“But when you do good things, don’t ask about your future” has accompanied me for three years. From the beginning of learning, to the school offer, day after day after work study, and then to enter Ali this year. To make up my mind and keep pushing myself, I adopted “doing good” as my VX nickname. It witnessed the first three years of my study with great interest, hard reading, anxiety, high morale, pride, modesty and caution, and finally — the joy of harvest.

Encounter the front-end

In 2016, I entered a second school in Xi ‘an to study software engineering. In the first two years of college, I did not get in touch with anything related to my work direction. I just studied blindly following the school courses. I usually skipped classes and slept by cramming before exams. At first, I chose software engineering as my major because I wanted to be able to do App development in the future. At the end of 2018, I learned that Java language was mostly used in Android development, so I planned to start from Java and learn from the basics to the upper mobile development.

A chance discovery, an organization has out of the full set of Java system courses, then began to slowly chew up. The first part of the System course of Java was Java SE. After stumbling through the course, I entered the second stage — Web introduction, including HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap, etc. This was my first encounter with the front end.

When he learned to get started with Web, he was no longer a Java SE who could only look at print results on the console, and his WYSIWYG approach attracted me deeply. At that time, he realized the rapid development of front-end in recent years. In addition to ordinary web pages, he could also apply to mobile App, desktop, Node server, etc. At that time, he decided to switch from Java(Android) to front-end. At the time, I didn’t think I’d make a smart decision, or I’d be stuck with Android.

At the beginning of 2019, in the second semester of my junior year, I officially transferred to the front end, which also started from the front end system courses of an institution. That year was a very fulfilling year, with classes, practical training, learning to drive, part-time jobs, falling in love and learning to front end. Every day was full of work. In the process of self-study, it is inevitable to encounter a lot of pits, especially the old white piao course of pirating. The deepest memory is that I can’t use Apache to start the server, and I got stuck for half a month. When LEARNING Vue, I set up a QQ group in order to discuss the pits I stepped on with other netizens in front of learning. At the beginning, there were only 4 people in the group, but it grew gradually because I knew more and more people in the process of learning. With the company of a group of friends, it also makes me study harder.

It is worth mentioning that in April 2019, when I just started to learn front-end technology, I saw that big factory started recruiting summer interns. I was fearless and applied to Ali for my resume, only to be interviewed within two days. There was no surprise. The interviewer was racking his brains to ask me something, but I was embarrassed and didn’t know anything. Looking back now, I really admire the interviewer’s dedication and professionalism. In the face of a pure white person, he could talk patiently for an hour.

In the second half of 2019, I studied for about five months and entered my senior year. Autumn recruitment also began. I had never worked as an intern, participated in a real corporate project, or had an interview, so I had no choice but to review the exam papers in a panic. From then on, Bian took “but do good things” as the nickname of VX. Fortunately, The ancients sincerely did not deceive me and obtained several offers in the autumn recruitment. Although the salary was not high, it was also a very satisfactory harvest at that time.

The fledgling

At the beginning of 2020, I had planned to start my internship in the company after the New Year, but as a result, I stayed at home until April due to the outbreak of the epidemic. During this period of time, I studied at home all day long, gradually beating solid knowledge which had been false before in order to catch up with the progress of autumn recruitment.

In May 2020, I entered the company as an intern and officially joined the work after graduation in July. I was very glad to join a nice team. At the beginning, it was easy to get stuck in writing code. I went to the team leader and other colleagues and they always explained to me patiently. I am especially grateful to my team leader, who explained the problems in a simple and simple way and learned a lot from him. I often lament that it is a great loss for the front-end training industry that he does not give lectures in training institutions.

Time goes by slowly. Thanks to the 965 working hours of the company, I have enough time to study every night. That period of time I was like a sponge, hard to absorb knowledge. In that year, Mr. Coderwhy also began to give separate courses based on technology. In the second half of 2020, HE finished learning small programs, React, Node.js, Flutter, etc. (kudos to Mr. Coderwhy).


At the beginning of 2021, I became a skilled brick moving (and bug writing) expert. The team leader saw my passion for technology and assigned me the difficult and visualized parts of the project, which enabled me to have a rich resume and meaningful words in the interview later.

In the first half of 2021, I went on three business trips to a GA branch in Shanghai, a GA branch in Liaoning Province, and a GA branch in Beijing. It was a very worldly experience, but I also managed to finish my work assignment with a close shave, and paid travel added a bit of color to my monotony.

In the first half of 2021, efforts are still being made to complete the technology stack, Data structures and algorithms, network principles (thank Li Ming), design patterns, front-end performance optimization (thank Xiu Yan), JS Red Book/Yellow Book, V Yu blog (thank Yu), Vue3 + TypeScript, Webpack5 (thanks for CoderWhy), HTTP (thanks for Luo Jianfeng), Browser Principles /V8 engine (thanks for Li Bing), etc.

With plans to jump ship in July after one year of experience, I was forced to swallow all this knowledge and boast a resume.

Thrilling encounter

In August 2021, because I wanted to start the job before the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, I resolutely resigned in August and began to prepare for the interview at home.

At that time, I was also very uncertain about whether I could successfully enter the big factory. In order to comfort myself, I set the minimum goal to work at a 15K position in a better Internet company (not a big factory) in Shanghai/Hangzhou.

Before the interview with Hangzhou company in Shanghai, I first practiced in three companies in Xi ‘an. The first one went to a local medical company in Xi ‘an for insurance. Interestingly, the second technical director out of a prototype problem stumped me, I am not convinced, asked him if I can give him a JS problem to try, as expected, the results of the two problems are stumped him. He said awkwardly that the library and frame would be smoothed during the work and would not be used. I asked him in reply: Would you change the prototype chain manually during the work? He smiled awkwardly. Finally, I asked how much salary I wanted, and I casually said 12K, but the director said it was a little high, would you consider a lower salary? The salary level in Xi ‘an further encouraged me to go to Shanghai and Hangzhou.

Do not imitate the above operations, I just make sure not to go to their company dare to give the technical director questions

The following two questions are posted, interested students can have a look, find the answer by themselves.

If (a == 1 &&a == 2 &&a == 3) {// If (a == 1 &&a == 2 &&a == 3) {// If (a == 1 &&a == 2 &&a == 3) {// If (a == 1 &&a == 2 &&a == 3) {//Copy the code

Meanwhile, I had an interview with Tencent Cloud and Huawei Xi ‘an Research Institute, the only two major manufacturers in Xi ‘an. The interviewer of Tencent Cloud in the second interview seemed to hang up on me because I delayed his interview on Friday. Huawei west developed by written three problem, a total of 400 points, 150 points to pass into the interview process, halting do after more than a hour, 1 problem is full of, 1 question is not, one problem, though the cover not the whole, but cases just stick a line into the interview, the next follow-up interview three rounds, each round has algorithm, the last and narrowly missed by the interview, Received the Offer.

The Offer from Huawei greatly increased my confidence, and then I began the interview in Shanghai/Hangzhou company. After the interview for about three weeks, I chose to join Alibaba Cainiao Network. The interview questions and links are as follows:

# Summary of the recruitment interview in the first year of the recruitment of Ali Rookie

A new start

At the end of August 2021, I will rent a house in Hangzhou and then work there. The new job has a lot of inadaptability, the common set of things are almost different:

  • windows => mac
  • PC => Main App/ optional PC
  • Vue2 => React + TS
  • Element => Encapsulates itself
  • SVN => Git
  • Slash-and-burn workflow => professional one dragon
  • Business of public security industry => business of logistics industry
  • Food capital => Food desert
  • No overtime => cough, use your imagination

These changes in all aspects are big and small challenges. From the beginning, I didn’t know how to start to now, I can basically adapt to them skillfully. I just completed the reporting job during the probation period and successfully became a regular employee, and was also recognized and praised by the supervisor.

The new team atmosphere is very good, better than expected, leading Nice colleagues is very interesting, and I feel that I have come to a team of rice king, I have eaten more than 10 meals in more than three months.

Social & Life

In the past two or three years, I have met a lot of front-end friends and bigwigs, who are also one of my biggest gains. Talking about technology, talking about life, blowing water in the group, friends at the front have become a big part of life. This year to Hangzhou back base several friends, hope next year can more face base, play together.

In life… Because the first two years spent a lot of spare time on the front end, said curly King’s life is not interesting HH. Stay up too much in the first half of the year, a little endure bad body, sick in the first half of the year, hospitalized in the second half of the year, deeply feel the importance of health, the New Year must be more exercise less stay up to keep good body (Flag1).

State Flag link

After a new start in Hangzhou, allocate more time to life.

  • Double eleven chop hands an electric piano, good practice pick up the craft in childhood (Flag2);
  • Read, front end and computer a lot of books to read, also have a lot of humanities and social science books continue to read (Flag3);
  • Travel to Hangzhou and its surrounding cities on weekends and holidays to see the world when the epidemic is over (Flag4);
  • Learn, follow Wang’s lessons, continue to deepen the front-end foundation and core knowledge, explore cross-end and visualization direction (Flag5);
  • Output, if possible, to write more articles (Flag6)

A super long running account to this close to the end of the year-end summary written in the front three years summary, can see here is true love.

2022, but do good, don’t ask future.