
VSCode is good, on average a month to update a small version, each time you can intuitively see the optimization and features.

It’s been more than two months since the last post. In the meantime, I collected a wave of useful plugin recommendations;

The plug-in set

Version and document management

  • Better Merge: Better Merge is a Merge that resolves file conflicts. After multiple versions, it becomes more stable. recommended
  • Folder Indexing: Indexing files in memory: a must for large projects
  • Git IndicatorsSimilar to:githubOn the statistical submission code to add or subtract entries, in the status bar display, very small and practical
  • Gitk: With this, real-time version comparison is really good

Angular 2+ && Typescript 2+

  • Angular Language Service:ng2+The development of companion necessary plug-ins, definition jump, complete, information prompts, etc.
  • JSON to TS: This is a convenient way to declare the interface to the background negotiation.typescript interface】.
  • move-imports: Not perfect BUG free, but at least regular migration [js, jsx, ts, tsx] is synchronous and worth installing


  • Node.js Modules IntellisenseFor:node_moduleSmart tip too friendly, must install
  • NPM: some NPM commands can be executed directly in vscode, which is quite useful. Just try it
  • ExpressSnippet: Code snippet of Express, recommended
  • ES6 Mocha Snippets: Unit testsMochaCode snippet


  • TurboJavaScript: Quite a full range of JS code snippets short, proficient and efficient not at all
  • Angular 2+ Snippets: The Snippets are so extensive that I admire the author for putting them together


  • Vue TypeScript Snippets:vuethetsCode snippet
  • VueHelper:vue2,router,vuexCode tips, covering most apis
  • Vetur: Syntax highlighting and smart tips


  • React-Native/React/Redux snippets for ES6 / ES7: This is a heavyweight plugin, and the author updates it very quickly
  • Typescript React/Redux Snippets:tsThe grammaticalreactCode snippet


Nginx is very well suited to do front-end service layer, too many benefits, reverse proxy to avoid cross-domain, load balancing

  • nginx.conf: highlightnginxMay be introduced in a later version.confSyntax is highlighted without the need to install this plug-in
  • nginx.conf hint:nginxConfiguration file intelligent tips and completion, whether or not to use you decide


There are two recommended themes that I personally find interesting

  • Bluloco – Dark: The color is right for my eyes
  • One Dark Proatom-themedvscodeVersion, the author made some adjustments


I hope this article can help some partners save time and speed up development.