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Cesium encapsulates a class for orbital trajectories

This method generates a running track, with the default track running in red and the track about to run in green

The renderings are as follows

The following code

Cesium encapsulation / * * * * create orbital coordinates for orbital create plug-in needs to be line said * orbital coordinates, please use the array format Cartesian3 deposit, As shown in the following * pos. Push (new Cesium. Cartesian3. FromDegrees (0, 0, 4000000)) * configuration items configuration is as follows: {viewer: Cesium viewer, our lineWidth: Line width, postype: coordinate point type, the default can not pass, out: {track running is completed configuration item name: name, positions: coordinate point, color: Cesium Color. Color. GREEN | | new Cesium. Color (0255, 1),}, in: {the orbit is moving configuration items Same as above... } } */ class GuiDao { constructor(args) { this.viewer = args.viewer; / / cesium viewer enclosing our lineWidth = args. Our lineWidth | | 5. This.optionout = args. Out; // This. OptionIn = args. // This. Postype = args.postype; / / judgment into orbit coordinate point type/rails/completion of coordinate point spread array types if (this. Postype = = "array") {let pos = this. OptionOut. Positions. The slice (); this.guidaoOut = []; for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) { this.guidaoOut.push(new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(pos[i][0], pos[i][1], pos[i][2])); } }else{ this.guidaoOut = this.optionOut.positions.slice() || []; / rails/coordinate points out, the default is null} / / track the moving coordinate point spread array types if (this. Postype = = "array") {let pos = this. OptionIn. Positions. The slice (); this.guidaoIn = []; for (let i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) { this.guidaoIn.push(new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(pos[i][0], pos[i][1], pos[i][2])); } }else{ this.guidaoIn = this.optionIn.positions.slice() || []; } this.entityOut = null; // Entity this.entityIn = null; // Entity this.guidaoInterval = null; // Delete this.init(); } // test() {let ci = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 2; I++) {enclosing guidaoOut. Push (new Cesium. Cartesian3. FromDegrees (ci, 0, 4000000)), ci + = 0.01} for (var I = 0; i < 100; I++) {enclosing guidaoIn. Push (new Cesium. Cartesian3. FromDegrees (ci, 0, 4000000)), ci + = 0.01} this. The init (); this.guidaoInterval = setInterval(() => { this.next(); }, 33)} // initialize the orbit init() {// determine if the orbit has finished running more than 2 coordinates, New if (this.guidaoout.length >= 2) {this.entityOut = this.createGuidaoOut (); This.entityin = this.createGuidaoin (); } // Go to the next orbital point next() {if (! this.guidaoIn.length) return; This.guidaoout.push (this.guidaoin.shift ())); If (this.guidaoout. length == 2) {this.entityOut = this.createGuidaoOut (); } // If the number of coordinates is less than 2, Delete the if (this. GuidaoIn. Length < 2) {. This viewer. Entities. Remove (enclosing entityIn)}} / / reset reset (args) {this. Destroy (); this.viewer = args.viewer; / / cesium viewer enclosing our lineWidth = args. Our lineWidth | | 5. This.optionout = args. Out; // This. OptionIn = args. / / rail will drive configuration items enclosing guidaoOut = this. OptionOut. Positions | | []; Rails / / coordinate points out, the default is empty this. GuidaoIn = this. OptionIn. Positions | | []; // This. EntityOut = null; // Entity this.entityIn = null; // Entity this.guidaoInterval = null; this.init(); } // Destroy () {// Use the test method to initialize, comment out; If (this.guidaoInterval) {clearInterval(this.guidaoInterval); this.guidaoInterval = null; } // remove entity, To add this. Viewer. Entities. Remove (enclosing entityOut) enclosing viewer. Entities. Remove (enclosing entityIn)} / / create on track CreateGuiDaoOut () {return this. The viewer. Entities. Add ({name: enclosing optionOut. Name | | - "drive" rail line, polyline: {positions: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(() => { return this.getOutPos(); }, false), material: this.optionOut.color || new Cesium.Color(1, 0, 0, 1), width: this.lineWidth, }, }); } / / create the moving orbit createGuiDaoIn () {return this. The viewer. Entities. Add ({name: enclosing optionIn. Name | | "rail line - is driving", polylines, { positions: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(() => { return this.getInPos(); }, false), material: this.optionIn.color || new Cesium.Color(0, 1, 0, 1), width: this.lineWidth, }, }); } getOutPos() {return this.guidaoout; } getInPos() {return this.guidaoin; } setOutPos(pos) {this.guidaoOut = pos; } setInPos(pos) {this.guidaoIn = pos; } // Get identity of entity getOutEntity() {return this.entityOut; } // get the upcoming track entity getInEntity() {return this.entityin; }}Copy the code