“Time does not stop, creation, this article is participating2021 Year-end Summary Essay Contest”


I know the dream qinglan flute residual, a college code white, please you a lot.

Review my 2021

The first language I learned C language

This year just admitted to the university, learning the Internet of things engineering, before this have not carefully understand the computer language, that is, heard of not seen. Because I went to college, I was exposed to computer language. The first language I came into contact with was C. When I first started learning, I was excited to write my first program hello World. I wrote my first program 😁. This is kind of a historic moment. With the gradual in-depth study, I found that it was more and more difficult, but this did not kill my love for this technology, in which I would not be without the help of my good seniors.

My love/hate relationship with Jean Lee Studio

At the beginning of my university, there were many recruitment organizations, and I didn’t read too much. My good roommates were crazy Amway, and I applied for the music studio, so I applied for the studio with a try in mind. On closer inspection, it became clear that the organization could learn the technology. Ho! Boy! I got interested right away. Due to the written test, I was crazy about learning about computer for a while. Fortunately, I passed the written test. (excitement here for several days) then came the interview and passed as expected. It was the beginning of a formal general studies course in technology. I wrote my first web page for general studies.

With the gradual learning of general education courses, I also gradually understand the front end, back end, operation and peacekeeping products. It was also here that I learned my second computer language, Python.

With the end of the general studies class, the defense of the general studies class came. It passed without incident. It was after this defense that I made clear my learning direction and chose the department of operation and maintenance. Then I began my operation and maintenance learning life.

My operation

As mentioned above, I joined the operation and maintenance team of Qinli Studio, where I met a lot of big wigs and learned a lot of things, such as PHP, Nignx, MySQL… . Here I bought my first server, QAQ, at a huge cost, and installed my first game, 2048.

As the saying goes, “operation and maintenance without blog is not good luck” (manual dog head), I also set up my blog here.

Life goes on…

The first C language large program (C language curriculum)

Because the end of the semester is approaching, the C language course is also coming to QAQ. After I less than a week of efforts, is finally finished writing my class set – small salary statistics system.

#include<string.h> void information (); Int money(int I); Void output(); Void change(); Int average(int I,int k); Void delet(); Int count=0; Struct data {char id[10]; struct data {char id[10]; // Char name[10]; // Name char department[100]; // department char ysalary[10]; Char insurance[10]; // Insurance char taxes[10]; // char salary[10]; Char avgsalary[10]; }employee[50]; int main() { int menu; While (1) {printf("1. Input employee data \n"); Printf ("2. Display staff data \n"); Printf ("3. Employee data of a department, and total salary, average salary \n"); Printf ("4. Delete employee \n"); Printf (" 5. The end. \n"); Printf (" Please enter numbers 1 to 5??" ); scanf("%d",&menu); switch(menu) { case 1: information() ; break; case 2: output() ; break; case 3: change() ; break; case 4: delet() ; break; case 5: exit(0) ; }}} void information () {int I; i=count; Printf (" Please enter employee data in sequence \n"); Printf (" Please enter employee number \n"); scanf("%s",employee[i].id); Printf (" Please input employee name \n"); scanf("%s",employee[i].name); Printf (" Please enter employee department \n"); scanf("%s",employee[i].department); Printf (" Please input salary payable \n"); scanf("%s",employee[i].ysalary); Printf (" Please enter employee insurance \n"); scanf("%s",employee[i].insurance); Printf (" Please input employee tax \n"); scanf("%s",employee[i].taxes); Printf (" Entered successfully! \n"); count++; } int money(int I) {int a,b,c,d; a=atoi(employee[i].ysalary); b=atoi(employee[i].insurance); c=atoi(employee[i].taxes); d=a-b-c; return d; } void output() {int I,j,m; Printf (" no. \t name \t department \t salary payable \t insurance \t tax \t actual salary \n"); for(i=0; i<count; i++) { printf("%-8s",employee[i].id); printf("%-8s",employee[i].name); printf("%-8s",employee[i].department); printf("%-16s",employee[i].ysalary); printf("%-8s",employee[i].insurance); printf("%-8s",employee[i].taxes); j=atoi(employee[i].salary); m=money(i); sprintf(employee[i].salary,"%d",m); printf("%-16s",employee[i].salary); printf("\n"); }} void change() {char a[10]; int i,ave,sum=0; int j=0; int m,n; Printf (" Please enter the department you are looking for: \n"); scanf("%s",a); Printf (" no. \t name \t department \t salary payable \t insurance \t tax \t actual salary \n"); for(i=0; i<count; i++) { if(strcmp(a,employee[i].department)==0) { printf("%-8s",employee[i].id); printf("%-8s",employee[i].name); printf("%-8s",employee[i].department); printf("%-16s",employee[i].ysalary); printf("%-8s",employee[i].insurance); printf("%-8s",employee[i].taxes); m=atoi(employee[i].salary); n=money(m); sprintf(employee[i].salary,"%d",n); printf("%-8s",employee[i].salary); sum+=n; j++; Printf ("\n"); } } printf("\n"); ave=average(sum,j); Printf (" Total wage \t average wage \t\n"); printf("%-16d",sum); printf("%-8d",ave); printf("\n"); } int average(int I,int k) {int a; a=i/k; return a; } void delet()// delete {char a[10]; int i,j; Printf (" Please enter the name of the information you want to delete "); scanf("%s",&a); for(i=0; i<count; i++) { if(strcmp(a,employee[i].name)==0) { for(j=i; j<count; j++) { *employee[j].id=*employee[j+1].id; *employee[j].name=*employee[j+1].name; *employee[j].department = *employee[j+1].department; *employee[j].ysalary=*employee[j+1].ysalary; *employee[j].insurance=*employee[j+1].insurance; *employee[j].taxes=*employee[j+1].taxes; *employee[j].salary=*employee[j+1].salary; } break; }} printf(" delete successfully \n"); }Copy the code

At 2022

Learn another language

Since I haven’t learned much, I think I can learn another language next year. Let’s make it JAVA. An object-oriented language. I will continue to post my notes on the Nuggets for your supervision. Here I thank you in advance.

Better learn operation and maintenance

Since the choice should go on, is the so-called learning like a door, stem a line, love a line. Learn the good fortune dimension to be a good fortune dimension.

One last little wish

Find an object………