The preface

The year 2021 is coming to an end. Here I look back and record my work and life in this year and look forward to the future.

Work – What projects have you done this year

  • Implement the React framework
  • Application and practice of TypeScript
  • Lottie- Web animation library in practice
  • Build interfaces based on YAPI/ApiPost to localize the Mock service development pattern
  • React based on basic components, business components development and practical application
  • Application of automatic buried point system



This year, the company required to transfer React, and the transfer from Vue to React was still relatively smooth. Especially, React Hook was quite good to use. Before React, I read its source code, and then started to write a core API, and wrote a related article: a simplified version of React core AP


It is important and complex to manage project status. If you really understand the core, you will be much easier to understand if you look at the libraries related to Redux. I wrote an article on Redux principle parsing and Implementation


This year, I have been using TS to develop the project, in fact, it is relatively easy to use, similar to writing C# before.


The project encountered a lot of dynamic effects, using lottie-Web library to practice, about which I wrote two articles: combined with lottie-Web source code in-depth analysis, Lottie-Web practice and application

And Design

Due to business changes, the component library gradually failed to meet my existing needs, such as pop-ups, etc., forcing me to rebuild my own component library according to it. Now I have extracted it And named it Simple Desgin initially.

CSS variables (Use Open Props to implement dark mode scheme)

  • Naming uniqueness, consistency
  • Changing theme colors is quick and easy
  • Variable values can be set using JS

Duim & StoryBook application

  • Storybooks are more stable, but larger
  • Storybook supports component presentation of a more comprehensive technology stack, while Dumi does not support Auguler
  • Storybook and Dumi are both out of the box.
  • The Storybook preview environment is built entirely based on Webpack, and the development environment is close to the actual production environment. Dumi is built on father-build and has slightly less freedom to package and compile than Storybook
  • Storybook shows that the environment is interactive in real time; Dumi is more of a document-friendly visualization.
  • Summary: Support multiple technology stacks support storybook; Lightweight and fast, fast development of a component visual teaching document, focus on display, advantages React recommends dumi.

Books to Read

  • React decryption
  • Tseng: The Wisdom of the BOOK of Changes (listen 2 times)
  • Zeng Guofan’s way of recognizing and employing people
  • Ethology of eerie
  • The courage to be hated
  • Half an hour comic economics
  • The nature of poverty
  • Island economics
  • The silent majority
  • The moon and sixpence
  • The black swan
  • The red


Thanks to my colleagues and friends who have guided and helped me in the past year, I have learned a lot. I have practiced many projects with React+ TypeScript this year, and I have a lot of feelings. I found that I need to strengthen my study in many areas, and improving software knowledge and technology is only the surface of the problem. The essence is to improve their own understanding of the problem, analysis of the problem, to solve the problem of ideological height.


On the front

  • – Enhance the breadth and depth of technology
  • – Focus on performance optimization
  • – Improve work efficiency and quality
  • – Improve user experience and increase product value by driving business
  • -Identify problems, summarize problems, write more articles, practice writing ability

The business side

  • – Learn product thinking and design, so as to find out the disadvantages through analysis

2022: Read task

  • – algorithm

  • – Data structure

  • – Birdman’s Linux

  • – Boundaries of knowledge

  • – The nature of finance

  • -Ordinary world

  • -Warren Buffett


  • – Exercise more and lose fat is the goal
  • – Spend time with your children and family
  • – Invest steadily and keep your mind in check