With the penetration of the Internet into all walks of life, data is becoming more and more the lifeblood of all industries, and the demand for data visualization positions closely related to it is also rising, and compared with general front-end and other general positions, more opportunities to become professional accumulation of the occupation, so it is becoming more and more popular.

As a practitioner in the field of data visualization, I have some thoughts on job hunting/recruitment that I can share. In addition to data visualization, many of them are also applicable to general positions.

1. What highlights interviewers want on their resume in addition to the general items

Many resumes, especially those for graduates, are easy to give people the same feeling, and it is difficult to find out the real highlights and technical strength of candidates. At this time the practice of laziness is often according to the school popularity and professional matching degree for the initial screening, so a lot of very strong candidates were buried.

To help the interviewer quickly discover the value of the candidate, it is recommended to include the following in your resume/email:

  • Talk is cheap show me your code!
  • Key project experiences, described in terms of START: Situation, Task, Action, Result, and Time; For example: In July 2019 (time), participated in the development of a 3D model online display product (business scene), personally took charge of optimizing WebGL engine rendering efficiency (task), designed and developed Webworker’s scheme to accelerate front-end data processing (action), and improved the rendering frame rate from 20FPS to 60FPS (result);
  • A brief explanation of why you are applying for the position and why you are qualified is recommended. It can reduce the cost of talent discovery for the interviewer, and communicate the advantages of the candidate during the interview, which is an opportunity to leave a good impression on the interviewer.

Second, what kind of technical personnel does the data visualization industry need

The current data visualization industry is usually divided into pure technical framework, report products, data large screen products and so on according to the product application scenarios.

Pure technical framework, such as eCharts, G2 and other chart framework, mainly requires front-end development; Reporting products typically include chart development and data governance, so there are back-end development requirements as well as front-end development; In addition to the commonly used visual chart development and data governance, big data screen products have a great demand for geographic information technology and 3D rendering technology. Therefore, in addition to front-end and back-end development, they usually include GIS development, WebGL engine development and commercial game engine development (UE4/Unity, etc.). To sum up, the current job requirements and core skills in the data visualization industry are as follows:

  • The front end

    • Proficient in one or more React, Electron, node.js;
    • Visual chart development experience plus;
  • The GIS development

    • Have GIS related professional background;
    • Master one or more of database, front-end development, graphics;
  • 3D Engine Development (WebGL)

    • Master javascript and engineering development environment (git\ NPM \node, etc.);
    • Master graphics principles;
    • Master WebGL native API development;
    • Master three. Js or one of the major WebGL frameworks;
  • 3D Engine development (commercial engine)

    • Master graphics principles;
    • Master OpenGL or DirectX;
    • Master UE4/ blueprint /C++;
    • Or master Unity/C#;
  • 3D Engine Development (desktop engine)

    • Master graphics principles;
    • Master DirectX (12 more);
    • Master c + +;
    • Familiarity with new NVIDIA rendering features plus;
  • Technology art

    • Familiar with graphics principles;
    • Master DCC software modeling;
    • Master Shader and performance optimization;
    • Master a commercial engine such as UE4 or Unity;
    • Outstanding aesthetic taste, strong communication skills;

The most useful job-hunting tips

The most helpful job search advice you can get is straight to the job listings! Ali Cloud DataV team recruiting teammates!!

  • About the DataV

    • DataV is the leading data visualization product in China. Please refer to data.aliyun.com for more information

    • Spot a product video, intuitive feel the DataV products: cloud.video.taobao.com/play/u/6421…

  • Job Wanted:

    • Front-end, GIS development, WebGL engine development, UE4, Unity, desktop engine development, technical art, it all!
  • Resume delivery:

    • Please name the email with “Technical direction – name”, e.g. “WebGL Engine development – Carmack”;

    • Please include your work, or provide visual evidence of your skills, or your personal insights in the field of data visualization;

    • Please send your resume to: [email protected]

    • Get AirPods Pro for your application or recommendation!