Changes in vuE3’s custom component bidirectional binding syntax make it written differently than VUe2. Let’s take the example of the Dialog component of Element-Plus. Based on it. Encapsulate a dialog box of its own, and introduce two implementation ideas:

Idea 1: Data-driven:

We wrap a test-dialog component:

<el-button @click="open"> open < / el - button ><test-dialog  ref="testDom"  v-model:visible="flag" ></test-dialog>

import TestDialog from "@/components/Dialogs/TestDialog"

import { reactive, toRefs, ref, onMounted, watch } from "vue"

setup() {undefined

const state = reactive({

      flag: false


 const open = () = > {

      state.flag = true


 watch(() = > state.flag, (val) = > {

      console.log("Parent component listening flag:", val)


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Child component (popover component) : <template><el-dialog






    <span>This is a piece of information</span>

    <template #footer>

      <span class="dialog-footer">

        <el-button @click="close">Take away</el-button>










import { ref, watch } from "vue"

export default {undefined

  name: "TestDialog".components: {},

  props: {undefined

    visible: {

      type: Boolean.default: false}},setup(props, ctx) {

    const dialogVisble = ref(false)

    const close = () = > {undefined



    watch(() = > dialogVisble.value, (val) = > {

      ctx.emit("update:visible", val)


    watch(() = > props.visible, (val) = > {

      dialogVisble.value = val


    return{ dialogVisble, open, close }; }};</script>

<style scoped>


` `

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Second idea:

Similar to manipulating the DOM directly, we first get a reference to the test-Dialog component through ref, and each time we click the open button, we directly manipulate its internal variables through the child component to show and hide them

The parent page: <el-button @click="openByParentMethod "> open </el-button> <test-dialog ref="testDom" V-model :visible="flag" ></test-dialog> import TestDialog from "@/components/Dialogs/TestDialog" setup() { const testDom = ref(null) const openByParentMethod = () => { testDom.value.dialogVisble = true } const closeByParentMethod= () => { TestDom. Value. DialogVisble = false} return {testDom openByParentMethod, closeByParentMethod,}}Copy the code
<template> <el-dialog title=" prompt "v-model="dialogVisble" width="30%" :before-close="close" > <span> <template #footer> <span class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="close"> <el-button type="primary" </el-button> </span> </template> </el-dialog> </template> setup(props,) ctx) { const dialogVisble = ref(false) const open = () => { dialogVisble.value = true } const close = () => { dialogVisble.value = false } return { dialogVisble, open, close }; },Copy the code
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