When the design project is delivered to the client, are you sure that all the problems have been solved?

In addition to the changes that raise blood pressure, a small change, more than N times to send back and forth (burning green ~).

Fortunately, I have an idea that can help a lot of designers drastically reduce the amount of rework they do. It is the designer’s “improvement” artifact – Copy DT, a web-based collaborative design tool for many people! At present, the product has just been released, participating in the public test can also receive a large red envelope (receive at the end of the paper).

As to whether or not this new product will be a hit with you, let’s take a look at the tool first.

What is DT?

Simple understanding, Copy DT is a simple and easy to use domestic online vector design tools.

Its biggest advantage is not limited by physical devices, multi-platform sharing, flexible use.

Operating system support Win, Mac, Linux, etc., devices support computers, tablets, mobile phones; This also means that there is no need to download installation packages locally, and software plug-ins are automatically updated, eliminating the need to wait for long downloads and install updates frequently.

However, in combination with the actual scene, how much convenience and change can be brought by imitation guest DT, please let me slowly introduce.

I. Chinese ecology, positive response

As a homegrown design tool, Mich DT not only displays in Chinese interface, but also handles user feedback very quickly. Compared with PS and Sketch, you need to turn to Baidu for help when you encounter problems. In Mich DT, you can directly scan codes and join user groups to give feedback at any time.

Exaggerating is that during the week when I was diving in the group, the user’s message returned almost in a second, which is also very impressive. Although the product still needs to be optimized, this wave of dedication also makes me have great expectations for this design tool.

However, for designers, attitude alone is certainly not enough, functional experience must follow.

Two, complete functions, double the efficiency

Vector editing, masks, Boolean operations… It has all the basic functions!

In addition, a lot of designers are concerned about component reference, style management these functions are also a good, at the same time for the use of local designers, copy DT on some popular functions also carried out operation optimization.

For example, In terms of component logic, Mick DT can compete with Sketch. It can not only handle inheritance and nesting relationship flexibly, but also adjust style attributes such as shape, color and size to simplify complexity and provide more smooth operation experience for designers.

Although compare with abroad a few mainstream design tools, the fame of copy guest DT is still quite small, but the stylist that a lot of had used this tool feedback is good, besides easy to get started besides, its function also makes many stylist praise.

Iii. Real-time collaboration and efficient delivery

You can finally say byebye to sending your design back and forth

For designers, the most afraid is “this is not what I want” this situation, now based on the Web terminal operation, copycat DT can not only realize the real-time collaboration of the design post, but also the collaboration of the whole project.

Through a link, everyone can gather in the project for communication and discussion, and non-design colleagues can also participate in the work at any time. This work logic from “single-soldier combat” to “multi-person collaboration” makes the whole team design and development process easier, but also truly improves the efficiency of team collaboration.

Even if the content of the file is changed, it will be automatically synchronized to all the links, so there is no need to worry about forgetting to update after the change.

Four, fast start, close to the local

In the previous points, I briefly described the advantages of this tool.

In the next section, you can see how much effort this tool has made to make the transition seamless for domestic designers.

First of all, the layout part, Keyless DT is not different from the current popular tool. For users who are accustomed to PS, XD and Sketch, you can Get it quickly the moment you open the software, and its own set of shortcut keys can also help you Get started quickly.

Secondly, the font part. In addition to supporting local fonts, Mke DT also provides several online fonts without copyright. Although the product is a Beta version, it is still considerate in user experience.

Five, version restore, better experience

I don’t know if you have ever experienced that you can press Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q quickly after a sharp revision of a document, and then your leader picks up the previous version after work.

Although this is a small probability of events, but once encountered can only be tearless to change back.

Copy DT on this point is very in place, version management experience is good, every modification will automatically generate the corresponding historical version, even if some members misoperation modify or delete some things, still have the opportunity to one-key rescue.

The above functions are only the tip of the iceberg of imitation DT, more fresh functions, you can point to the bottom of the article “read the original” experience.

Six, make a summary, send wave welfare

Finally, I would like to say that most domestic designers are still hesitant between Sketch and Figma at present. Keyless DT undoubtedly provides a better choice for everyone. With its rich localization advantages, it is bound to better satisfy us.

At the same time, in order to make the product more suitable for the use of Chinese people, During the public test, if you submit feedback and suggestions, you can get a large cash red envelope, and 100 Eagle lifetime members for free!

You might have a feature you suggest that could be implemented in the future

Experience immediately and receive a large red envelope


PS: you don’t need I don’t need, domestic when can come out!