“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

For the first time to write a year-end summary, I thought about the title for a long time, and finally used a plain title, because it is like me, millions of programmers in the ordinary one.

This year is also flat but also has the change year, summed up that is busy and idle ice fire double day.

1. I have worked overtime twice overnight since I started working

The high workload in the first half of the year successfully made me experience two overnight overtime work since the beginning of the work. I was not very sleepy and dull, and the only feeling was that my brain could not move at all, not to mention that I had to test and fix bugs every second, with very low efficiency. It’s a novel experience that you no longer want to have, thus speeding up your exit.

2. Change jobs for the second time

In addition, I have been working as an intern for nearly four years, so it is really time flies. After changing jobs twice, I have gained some insights as follows:

  • It’s a brick to go anywhere (if you’re a mediocre little front end like me) and not a great vision to achieve, but I still consider job achievement as the second element of the interview, Hahah
  • There is no perfect company, with their rhythm matching, consistent value, comfortable environment atmosphere that is already very good
  • Learning is your own business, do not complain why there is no Daniel to lead you, do not repeat.

As mentioned at the beginning, the new job is too idle, which leads to the past half year passing by without doing anything. Between these two extreme modes, I am struggling to find a balance, but I don’t want the next job to be better to solve this cycle

3. Technical gains

Programmers who don’t want to go to big factories are not good programmers

Ha ha, with sometimes some passion, went to brush Leetcode, learned bit operation, etc., look at the algorithm is really a brain teaser, understand the topic to go around QAQ

Vue + React double channels, always familiar with, not the interview to find what also forget, the rest of the no progress, next year must cheer up

4. Fun trips, boring routines

Finally bought as they fly in the same period last year, is a happy thing, the motherland great rivers, the journey of the people and things in my future days are shining hair light, flashing are those happy days, went to the shenyang, gansu, shantou, Qingdao, xi ‘an (passing), can see out, does the north may be when I live in the north of the southern city of obsession.

The days when you don’t travel are boring, so boring that you don’t think there is any fun in life. The TV is not good anymore, and the games are not fun anymore. Until today, I saw a blog that said:

People like virtual worlds for the simple reason that the real world is too heavy, life is too tiring, too boring, and the day to day is not interesting. Virtual world is a spiritual sustenance, but also a refuge, let you temporarily forget the real troubles, let you have a better, more interesting world to go to.

This is speaking, a part of the universe, but I want to say is, why now very happy but didn’t face the thought had that kind of happiness, because the outbreak of the normalized for two years, how we spend, friends to get together just can’t say that, to consider where you go, meet to consider, we have to live for a long time in the virtual, But no matter how wonderful the virtual world, to experience in reality, to everyone’s emotional progress or more enduring and new.