Written in the beginning

Hi, I’m Frogman.

Time flies, 2021 only a few days left, will usher in the New Year, the arrival of the New Year means that will face new opportunities and challenges, the New Year to cheer oh.

Happy New Year to you all!

This is the first time FOR me to write an annual summary. Before that, I used to see it written by the bigwigs in my circle of friends. So this year I tried to write the first article, the first time may not be very good, we can see ~, but I will keep writing every year.

Annual summary is the account of this year’s work and life, but also record the traces left by this year.

Follow me through this year!

Talk about running

I just began to register the public account is the purpose of existence, I believe that most people do the public account is so, my purpose is very simple:

  • Share your notes or practical tips and experiences to help others and enhance your own impression
  • Earn some pocket money

2021.1.23 registered public number, thank you very much when friends help me promotion focus, manual @ here, ladies and gentlemen: o o booth, cable, the dog, bald, full, HuaMuQuan, lei guns, the elder brother of the yuan, before and after ha, chichen itza is moved (meowed ~), remember less than a month time I attention to 600. You know, 600 users may not sound like much, but the official account is a closed space after all, unlike Kuaishou and Douyin, which have popular channels and are not easy to expose.

Now my public number has more than 2000 attention, no more no less or more satisfied, after all, there is a direct proportion to pay and return.

I know what you’re thinking right now haha, you must want to know how much pocket money I make? , some time ago also saw a group of friends asked me, do the public must be very profitable, is not already earned over the need to work, is not already full-time write the public. To tell you the truth, we have made a total of 2000 yuan since the beginning of operation. . Of course, the level of income is determined by the flow of public accounts and the number of fans. I believe many readers will see each number in the main advertising, yes, this is the main source of income of our public number, so many readers are very annoyed with us to send advertising, but the number of the Lord is always crazy output article, always let us experience the sweet. Or please forgive me, see the advertisement text a little bit or skip but don’t take off, the number of owners true just rice is not easy ah.

If readers also want to write a public account, they can talk to me, although I may not be able to help, but I will tell you what I know. But my advice is this: if you are unstable in your main business, then blindly developing a side business will result in poor mastery of both sides. On the contrary, if your main business has a wealth of experience or influence, then developing a side business will come naturally. This is what I realized after doing the public account.

Unconsciously operating public number is nearly 1 year time, immediately before this period is June has been a crazy output, is a week before to write a, slowly become Buddha is behind, even a one month, two months a, until after the number do the public feel is really tired ah, writing work in the day evening, rest morpheus is bad, But crazy output that time is also full of satisfaction, always feel time is not enough.

Do the public during the meeting of Xie Xiaofei big man, and then he pulled into a wechat group, which are the number of the front end of the industry, but also in this group to learn a lot of Internet and front-end knowledge. Including understanding: Lin Ge, 01, every day, if chuan, a tree, the navy and other front-end big guy. Thanks to TianTianUp who got me on my first push, Respect.

The public will always do, here is a Flag, the New Year public attention to break 4000, will resume the pace of writing original articles, good operation.

Of course, this year, I also published articles on the nuggets platform and got some attention and gifts from the nuggets platform. I am still very happy and have a sense of accomplishment. It is very impressive to see these data.

Talk about your body

This year, my body has some minor ailments on and off. The culprit is staying up late. It really hurts people to stay up late. In the first half of the year, I went to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning, so I didn’t get enough sleep and eventually my body broke down. I hope you don’t feel too young, I can still endure, I am the champion of staying up late! Although I used to think so (note: I’m not saying I’m older now… , I’m still in my early 20s, ha ha ha), just hope we have a good body, timely stop loss.

There may be readers here who say, “Who in the programmer industry doesn’t stay up late to work overtime?” Yes, we do need overtime in this industry, but there has to be a period of overtime, not all the year round. If you are working overtime all year round, I would suggest that you change your company (of course, this is just a personal suggestion, still depends on your choice), and don’t end up changing a bunch of bills at the hospital.

When you don’t have to work overtime, you can go out for a walk on the weekend, or exercise to make yourself have a very good body. After all, the body is the foundation to support everything. In addition, you should avoid sitting for a long time during working hours. You can do some activities while sitting down, or stand up and write code for a while. You should also drink more water.

I realized the importance of the body this year, and I will do a general physical examination every year, just to buy peace of mind. Finally, I hope everyone has a good body, after all, only a good body can experience a better life and earn more money!

Talk about travel

Speaking of travel, I still remember that I planned to go to Qinghai or Tibet this year at the beginning of the year, but it was delayed due to various reasons. It’s a pity.

This year’s trip or the Dragon Boat Festival went to a wild slope, and this is still a walk on the trip. I didn’t plan well in advance, so I lived far away from the scenic spot, and I didn’t have a car to go back to my place at night… , finally let the hotel owner’s wife come and drive to pick us up (we are to take a direct train to The west of Beijing, without driving… After learning a lesson, I still have to drive to the nearest place. This experience is still good, playing mountain rafting, other exciting bungee jumping I also dare not play, ha ha ha.

What impressed me was that I mainly saw the mountains on both sides of the highway. Since I was born in the plain area, we have no mountains there. I went to Yibin, Sichuan province in the south and felt that there were no mountains there. Maybe I went to a fake one. I felt the excitement of seeing the mountain (look at me this have not seen the world). Again lamenting the motherland’s great infrastructure projects, two mountains so far away from the highway and high-speed rail, very spectacular, had to praise the great spirit of labor for the motherland.

Simply post a few photos!

Finally, I hope you can take a trip every year to relax. Instead of writing code at home all the time, you can make your life meaningful and explore more beautiful scenery.

May there be poetry and distance in our life!

Talk about the economy

This year’s personal economic flow can also be said in the past, a look at the deposit without a cent, this is also a kind of sad working people, see their savings at the end of the year how much, far less than the target deposit set at the beginning of the year. Maybe this is the plan to catch up with the change, something happened in the middle. So our each person besides the main source that has salary, still hope to want to have other income source, believe the colleague beside you may have those who buy fund, say compensate today, say rose again tomorrow. There are many ways to make money, such as: investment, financial management, stocks, private work. Of course, in addition to private work, there are risks, you must have experience in this area, you can try to consider developing in this area.

I plan to also see the data of this respect, my oneself fund had not been bought, experience is very poor, can try to buy a few less first, should play seek experience from it, everything must contact ability to go, you say is not. I can occasionally receive private work this year. It is the business development of their company introduced by my former colleague. I don’t have work every month, but it is also an extra pocket money.

The happiest thing this year is to make a down payment in my hometown (Handan). I have a house under my name, haha. But back loan days are really good, although every month for not too much, but after all, also so many years. Because what I go is the business that the bank borroweth, interest calculates come down still want tall, regrettable ah, accumulation fund is specified amount is not quite. Hope everybody reader still saves the money of accumulation fund loan total the interest that wants low than a bank much.

Strive for an early end to the house slave’s life, and strive to make money!

Talk about technology

After talking so much, we finally come to the technology. Most of the technical flags set at the beginning of the year have not been completed yet, and I still feel guilty. To be honest, there has not been a straight rise in technology this year. It is possible that the knowledge we have come into contact with is too mixed, leading to the failure to form a system. I have been engaged in the front-end business for two and a half years, and have been engaged in toB business development. I am considering changing to another business field for development in the New Year. The New Year Flag mainly around these aspects of the development of the source code, engineering, algorithm.

Of course, we should not only look at technical books, but also some other aspects. If a technical person only reads technical books, and does not read other philosophy, culture, history, that is far from enough. We need to develop in many ways, not just in terms of technology, but in other areas as well. Because reading can bring us profound thoughts and broad horizons. There are a lot of benefits of reading: improve thinking and vision, cognition, charm, etc., belly ink enough words, can really reflect the belly has poetry gas from China, but these are far from money to buy.

I appreciate a saying very much: the thickness of the book at one’s feet is the height of his life

I’ve been doing this for two months, and I’m getting a lot of results.

Just to give you a brief list of this year’s books, there are not many. There are also a few books on the history of the Red Revolution, which are interested in modern history.

I want you to work quietly and impress everyone.

Well, my year is so flat talk black and white in the past, the New Year I hope I try to go to bed early, read a few books, more road.

In the New Year, I wish you all good health and a leap in technology. I hope we can become the person we want to be.

The writer’s literary talent is limited, may not give readers a wonderful reading experience, forgive me

With you!

Thank you

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