The front end

  • Introduction of Liyang-Meituan front-end component Center
  • Rutting – Testing practices for front-end visualization
  • Node.js service-oriented architecture and service governance
  • Dntzhang – Web graphic programming
  • Integ-post-react front-end: It’s not as bad as it looks
  • Kou Yun-vue. js develops enterprise-level WebApp
  • Lin Yang – Components Cloud Practices in IOING Framework
  • Wengshu – The development path of Alibaba Push
  • Bin Lee – Enterprise AngularJS Application Architecture & Development Experience
  • Xu Qi – YOHO! Front-end technology change
  • Shen Jie – Web performance optimization practice @ Tuniu
  • Taro – A Story of the front end team of a start-up company
  • Sang Shilong – The road to full stack Engineer – Node.js
  • Liu Xinran – Vue performance optimization in best practices
  • Li Zhiwei – Flyme Hybird optimization practice
  • Du Guangmin – Build cross-platform front-end tool App with Electron
  • Justjavac – Front-end performance optimization
  • Ouyang Jichao – Practical Monads

Guest articles recommended reading:
Learning Functional Programming the Stupid Way: A First look at Elm

After writing Javascript for so many years, I could have started using RxJS. But again, because I know myself, and I find that it gives me too much room to go against the grain. I needed a tool that forced me to think functionally to solve any problem, and then Elm came along. Elm is a programming language that compiles to HTML5: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Depending on how you display the output, it could be a built-in object or a more traditional web page. Let me repeat, Elm is a language that is compiled into three languages to build Web applications. Moreover, it is a functional language with strongly typed and immutable data structures.

“The Road to Full Stack Engineer – Node.js”

Easy or difficult (procedural-oriented/object-oriented/functional), good infrastructure and package management tools, scenario-specific speed, architecture balance, asynchronous features…

  1. The philosophy of small but beautiful
  2. From the LAMP to the scheme
  3. Asynchronous flow control
  4. Node. Js Web development
  5. Node.js module development

These, in turn, have made Node.js the way it is today.

Test Practices for Front-end Visualization

The idea of visual correlation testing is to do unit testing for rendering irrelevant parts and UI testing for rendering relevant parts. You can test the render consistency under different configuration items and test the render consistency of different versions. When encountering errors, you can view the Canvas image and operation stack diff to analyze the cause of failure.

The back-end

  • Gallop – The path to PHP performance
  • Jiang Jiting – Before and after node.js
  • Sun Hongliang – Golang status quo and practice in Docker ecology
  • Xinhailong – PHP asynchrony exploration
  • Zhou Yue-qiu – What has Docker changed
  • Xu Xiaomeng – Spark Streaming real-time log processing

Guest articles recommended reading:
PHP Performance Road

IO, Memory, CPU, NetWork, don’t they look familiar? Yes, this isn’t just a PERFORMANCE bottleneck for PHP, it’s a performance bottleneck for any language, or any service or application developed in a computer language in the world today. If you look at PHP’s history and performance optimization efforts, you can see that PHP 7 is really the Next Generation.

The mobile terminal

  • Lin Yang – Superhtml VS Native App
  • Wei Zheng – The Revolution of wireless technology
  • Weihao – The evolution of BEIbei APP development technology
  • Wang Chao – Hybrid mobile application development
  • Li Xiaoyu – Introduce Swift, improve the existing code
  • Wen Shengzhang – Application of RxJava in SegmentFault
  • Li Jianwei – Continuous integration and delivery of mobile applications

Guest articles recommended reading:
RxJava Series of Mysteries

What’s so fascinating about RxJava? The answer is to write asynchronous sequences into a workflow! Same as JavaScript Promise/A. Doing asynchronous things in Java is not convenient in our traditional sense, and it is even more difficult to get asynchrony to follow our workflow. But in RxJava, we just call the call
observeOn()We can switch our work thread.

Docker architecture and cloud services

The cloud service
  • Jiakun – Transforming enterprise applications with cloud technology
  • Li Lin-Docker application in enterprise service
  • Liu Xin – Basic practice of OpenStack private cloud
  • Ye Jing – Based on Docker cloud processing service architecture practice
  • Zhu Yu-su – Operation and maintenance advanced application performance management
  • Sun Yurun – Challenges of audio and video transmission on mobile Internet
  • Lei Aimin – Suning Tesco Docker private cloud practice
  • Hupo-tencent Test self-developed automated testing framework practice
  • Shi Lei – virtual machine introspection method
  • Key force – Technology selection and evolution: On the importance of new technology introduction in teams
  • Makincaid – Distributed tracking system and practical cases
  • Chen Zhoufeng – Ali cloud messaging service related technical architecture
  • Liu Guangya – Open DC/OS function introduction