Recent haven’t write an article for a long time, investigate its reason, nothing more than a lazy and busy, two characters, after the project, before I can spare the time, later began to the ios SDK company requirements to do, and then I started to check information, I feel confident start ios client SDK, as a result, leadership is all expected to complete the big policy gave me, Then he gave me the SDK that was already built for Android. “, and then I got so confused that I was not told how to parse the data and how to encapsulate it.

Then, I did the HTTP function first, and was deceived by the background, which was also transferred from Java. He did not know what the background was, but only knew the background head: XX, body: XX. I misunderstood, I thought it was the HTTP protocol header and body directly put data in it, and it took a long time to find out. (During this period of time, I also captured the packet and considered all kinds of situations. As a result, a third party was used in the background, and I could not see my request, but only the result. As a result, I did not know where I was wrong and wasted a long time. Kind of regret.) Then it is the SDK package for socket communication, which is almost done now, as well as the pedometer for calculating the number of steps by custom sensors, direction judgment and the production of air pressure and height. Calculate your ability or have improved, express very happy.

Looking forward to 2017, I hope my skills are improving. If I want to have a chance, I can review and prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. (I failed last year, but I still want to give myself a chance, because now my job is stable, I think it is necessary to improve my academic background.) Read more technical articles, technical stickers. Aim to read at least 12 technical books — that’s plenty of time after all. I feel that I have wasted a lot of time, and my health is very important. When I come back for the New Year, I think IT is necessary to get a fitness card. Only by doing exercises every day can I have a good body and have a good future, then I should lose weight accordingly.

So, look back on your hopes for the coming year:

1, grasp the review, give yourself a chance to continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

2. Read at least 12 technical books (I have been yearning for Python and ReactNative for a long time, and I also need to read some books on the background, and I also need to read some books on Android because I need to refer to the SDK that Android has already made. However, this is an Android game when I finished school, I should be able to read it quickly and do some small things to play.) .

3. Exercise and lose weight are very important. After all, even the weight can not control themselves, how to talk about the future.

I hope I can travel sometime. My graduation trip did not do !!!! Ah touch of sadness.