
Companies are still hiring toward the end of the year, and the pool of talent to sift through is shrinking, probably because everyone is waiting for their year-end bonus. So in the resume screening, education and age are appropriate to relax. Because of this, I interviewed many older programmers.

There is always a discussion on the Internet about the difficulties of finding a job for older programmers. For me personally, IT is doubtful, but as a programmer, I still have a sense of crisis for my career and future. At the same time, as the leader of the technical department, I don’t mind those who are older and more capable than me joining in, as long as they can do things well, it doesn’t matter.

With the development of the Internet, a large number of programmers are bound to increase, it is impossible to find a job. And China’s future is bound to be like that of developed countries, where decades or even a lifetime of writing code is not a possibility.

So what are we worried about? What influences job hunting? This article through their own interviews with a few typical cases said, may sample some small, for reference only, do not like spray.

The difference between large and small factories

Two days ago, I posted a feeling about recruitment in my circle of friends, about the difference between large factories and small companies.

Dachang: influential, rich and able to attract a large number of applicants. Therefore, there are screening qualifications, such as 985 universities must graduate, must be under the age of 35, can not three jumps in five years, must this…… Can’t that… When employees don’t fit in, performance ratings are low or they lose money.

Small company: no brand, limited capital, every penny has to watch carefully. The recruitment of candidates is limited, within this limited range of choices, but also to consider the cost, availability, retention and other issues. Ability is too strong to afford money, do not stay; Weak ability will only make the project worse and worse; Therefore, the best choice is to be slightly above the current team, but not to jump ship easily.

With that basic premise in mind, let’s take a look at the difference between big and small companies in treating older programmers.

For programmers after 35 years old, some big factories have been directly stuck, also don’t die knock. Other big factories are still open, but there are certain requirements, such as what level the position must reach and what requirements the ability must reach. In other words, if you’re awesome, being 35 isn’t really a problem, and if you’re not, that option almost doesn’t exist.

So, the big factory’s choice is basically no choice. If you look at small companies, the core of small companies is cost performance, or to put it bluntly, being able to do things and save money. In addition, can you do more than one job, can you bring new people, can you work overtime…

Personally, compared with the requirements of large factories, the requirements of small companies can be met with a little effort. As for overtime, not all companies have an overtime culture, and not all companies need to work overtime all year round.

Recruitment case

Pick a few typical interview examples to talk about and see if they inspire you.

Case a

In 1984, the applicant filled in his resume to apply for “medium and senior Java development.” In the interview, all the skills are mediocre. I have experience in functional development, but I do not have deep drilling skills and do not consider better solutions. Make it clear that overtime should not exceed 9pm. I also write blogs and official accounts. Resigned in September and has not found a job yet.

As far as this candidate is concerned, first, there are not many leaders who can accept employees older than themselves for fear of losing control. Second, his skills are not bright, just as he has positioned himself. He has more than ten years of work experience, and only has medium and senior development. Third, overtime this card is too dead, which company on the line less than 10 o ‘clock later, there is a sudden demand do not add a shift?

Case 2

’86 applicant, downsizing at another company, recommended resume. Ten years of working experience, has been responsible for the development of a simple color will be sensitive word ticket business, there are several years of no project experience. The functions written on the resume are still: user management, rights management, XX interface docking. Refer him to his boss and position him as an intermediate developer.

This candidate has literally written one year’s worth of code for ten years. The previous boss chose him for downsizing, and his position was only intermediate. Then he helped recommend him to other companies. The story behind it, you carefully taste, carefully taste.

Case 3

The ’87 candidate, average degree, two years of work experience is a bit bad, the timing of the move is not good. I have been engaged in payment industry for a long time. I have been engaged in payment and related industries for seven or eight years in my working experience of more than ten years, including four years in a payment company. During the interview, I specifically asked about some solutions and technical implementations in the industry. The basics are a little weak, but it doesn’t matter. After the interview, I sent out the Offer, among which I even helped to win a hand in front of the boss.

This applicant, although in education, two years of experience, basic knowledge are slightly inadequate. But his industry experience gives him a down-to-earth feel. The overall ability exactly meets the criteria mentioned above for selecting a small company: better ability than existing team members, industry experience, moderate salary, good stability. His long board more than made up for his short board.

Four cases

91 applicants, a small well-known second-line Internet companies out. I have not worked in the last six months. The reason given is that I have been dealing with something at home for six months and now I have decided to look for a job. Talking about the project I did six months ago, I can hardly remember the logic. Talking about technical knowledge, I can only give a general idea, but I can feel that I have done some functions, but I haven’t thought deeply or done complex logic.

This candidate, who’s not sure how long he’s been interviewing, should have a hard time finding a job. First, not working for half a year, even if there is a reason, but also let people a little worry; Second, you have not done your homework at all before the interview, which is not a problem of ability, but a problem of attitude.

In the above cases, there are successes and failures. To sum up the reasons for failure, there are basically several points: ability does not match with age, can not work overtime, family influence, no expertise…… Of course, if you can look at other reasons for failure, so much the better.


These are just a few examples of recent interviews and what you can get out of them, and whether you can act in advance and prepare for them. That’s up to you. Again, it’s a small sample, but it’s telling. Only personal point of view, do not disagree, do not like spray.

I used to worry about the future of my career, and I used to worry about my age, but what I never gave up is to keep learning and thinking. As many of my friends have said, whether you’re a leader or not, whether you’re still writing code, you don’t lose technical skills. You have to be the most technical person on the team. I’ve been working on it, haven’t you?

About the blogger: Author of the technology book SpringBoot Inside Technology, loves to delve into technology and writes technical articles.

Public account: “program new vision”, the blogger’s public account, welcome to follow ~

Technical exchange: Please contact the weibo user at Zhuan2quan
