Requirement scenarios:

Jump logic When page A jumps to page B and page B selects the address equal option in the form filling process, page B needs to be keepAlive cache and will not be re-rendered upon return

However, we need to consider the need to reload from page A to page B, and we need to control keepAlive dynamically in such scenarios

Flow chart PAGE A > PAGE B (form page) < Cross-jump > page C (additional options select similar address)


<! -- Vue3.0 configuration -->
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
        <component :is="Component" :key="" v-if="route.meta.keepAlive" />
    <component :is="Component" :key="" v-if=! "" route.meta.keepAlive" />
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import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
export default defineComponent({
  name: 'App'.setup(props) {
      const route = useRoute();
      return { route }
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// ...
    path: 'path/BComponent'.name: 'BComponent'.component: BComponent,
    meta: {
        title: 'Page B'.keepAlive: true}}, {path: 'path/CComponent'.name: 'CComponent'.component: CComponent,
    meta: {
        title: 'Page C'.keepAlive: false}},Copy the code


import { useRouter, useRoute, onBeforeRouteLeave } from 'vue-router';
export default defineComponent({
  name: 'B'.setup(props) {
      const route = useRoute();
      const router = useRouter();
      const changeRouterKeepAlive = (name: string, keepAlive: boolean) = > { any) = > {
            if( === name) { item.meta.keepAlive = keepAlive; }}); }; onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from) = > {
	if( ! = ='c') {
            // Do not go to c page, do not cache
            changeRouterKeepAlive( as string.false);
	} else {
            changeRouterKeepAlive( as string.true); }});return{}; }})Copy the code