Time flies, blink of an eye 2021 year-end summary race schedule has passed half a decade; After carefully watching everyone’s wonderful stories in 2021, I feel that it is another year with vigour and vitality. Next year, Rose Youth (female) will start again. This issue will mainly share the articles submitted by digg friends between December 13 and December 19. The selected articles will also appear in this column

Technology Volume King of 2021

Climb the peak of technology, not creative lonely brave

@lucifer Think before you act A lot of emotion. It’s been an unusual year for me
@ Running around the Ba to get scriptures Year by Year – My 2021 year-end summary
@Nuggets Carmelo Anthony Hey, fellow! It’s 2031, looking back to 2021!

The Inspirational Dreamer of 2021

Live up to the time, no pains, no gains, and strive to grow

@jiaxwu 2021, the year from undergraduate to intern to graduate
@CUGGZ Under the double reduction, an ordinary fresh graduate’s growth road
@xGo Junior college programmer in 1998, plan completion in 2021 and life plan in 2022
@ iraqis a Children without umbrellas must run hard
@ Xiao Cheng Have you ever walked around campus at 4:00 in the morning? — The long road ahead for newcomers
@ liu Java Love and career double harvest! The 2021 annual review of career programmers
@JackPan 2021, “Xin” Challenge! (2021 Annual Summary)
The rain is gone [2021] What is the experience of receiving 200 stars a day for open source projects?
3 years without a shower A 2-year “2021 Year-end Summary” of a self-taught front-end specialty vegetable chicken
@ of yan Graduation struggle finally landed dachang, 2021 is just the starting point is not the end
@cjinhuo The road to self-redemption for the two-year frontrunner: 2021 summary

2021 with the Nuggets

The code lives a long life, with only gold for company

@qingcheng sequencer stone 🔥🔥 throughout the year, but did not expect that the nuggets really dig gold
@ the south is Between you and me, I’m going to release my little thoughts about writing! Year-end summary of the learning section 🚩
@ Running around the Ba to get scriptures Year by Year – My 2021 year-end summary

Pay tribute to 2022

2021 past, all for 2022 complete prologue

@it Learning diary v Still hesitant to pick a bucket in 2022? Look at my experience!
@jsliang Chaohuaxishi – Annual Arrangement, 2021? 2022!
@More than end-to-end 2021, front-end ape nervous, serious, lively year-end summary!
@Bezier Stop more than half a year, Dachang circle back to the starting point 2021 annual summary
Xu Xiaobai, programmer 【 Year-end summary 】 Nearly ten thousand words to sum up my 2021: resignation, graduation, employment in a state-owned enterprise, lousy.

Go Back to 2021

The wind turned over and turned to the sun

@zxg_ God said let there be light When I fell into the darkness, it was the public account that saved me
@ YK bacteria 2022 Autumn recruitment, from rejection to SP+, talk about the experience and harvest of YK bacteria in 2021
@ Monday Lab Extraordinary 2021, the last pu Bensheng autumn recruit ashore dachang process
@vortesnail Have the courage to start again! What did I go through from being unable to find a job to entering a big factory?
@ fall 19 By the end of 2021, confessions of a new intern are summarized
@ a row boat My 2021- From online education to New energy vehicles
@CrazyDeveloper Survive 365 days of intense learning 2021 my annual summary
@ LeiXiaoHong 2021 Year-end summary – Thanks for the time, another bumpy year
@poo One year after graduation, I resigned from a state-owned enterprise
Would you like some milk tea From upgrade to Internet giant – my 2021

Program girls different 2021

Beauty and intelligence go hand in hand, fingertips and code take off

@Xiao Wanzi ah A 21 year old average front end girl’s year 2021 summary
@ Yang ah Female, 30+, married, childless front end worker 2021 year-end summary
@programyuan is the cutest “Year-end summary” of a half-way program for a socialite for 5 years

Everything can be sun-baked

Who says programmers are shy? Dig your friends out to bask in the sun!

@ three points Goodbye 2021, north drift day people year-end summary: work tiankeng, consider a career change; Blind date failure, “forever single”; Angrily naked resignation, interview on the street……
@ the south is Goodbye, 2021👋 Hello, 2022✅ (Summary of Life)
@Zhujiang Looking back at 2021 and looking forward to 2022
@kobesdu 2021 Year-end summary: The Kong family has adorable children
@ the big fish, 2021 is gone, 2022 I’m here
What @ xie 2021 time chicken: years quiet good future can be expected
Big data _ Xiao Yuan They left overnight because I wrote a year-end intern review for my data development junior
@Kobayashi calling Naluduo A 21-year memoir of a junior at the front end
@ go tone Year-end summary of a front-end programmer in the education and training industry: the confusion and expectation of the team being cut

The official zone

@ optimal arc One of the nuggets to run the 2021 NUGGETS annual essay
@Zoe_2333 A year-end summary of the operation of an ordinary gold-digging community 🧱 | Job notes to share