From an algorithm problem, think of what is upside down

857. Minimum cost of employing K workers

  • This question is very interesting. Roughly, everyone has his/her expected basic salary, and then each has his/her own ability to speak two words. Human resources need to dynamically find the lowest cost person K from these people.
  • Generally speaking, we can figure out their cost performance based on their (psychological expectation/ability), and then we can hire people according to their cost performance. This is also the most popular model in current society, and programmers with less money and more patience are the favorite of an e-commerce company.
  • But now the requirement must be distributed according to work, the whole group should be consistent according to the cost performance, do more and get less money to fill up according to the lowest label, that is, those who do not work for money, the policy should fill up the price difference, so that workers can sweat without tears.
  • The final result is that those who need the least money and can do the most work are basically optimized, because after making up the price difference, these people actually belong to the high cost, which makes me a little confused. Why is this on earth?
  • Up to now, in fact, I am still a little confused, maybe I will figure it out in the future, but this is particularly like a social phenomenon — “upside down”.

If in the upside down, old employees and new employees of the hourly wage, why the enterprise basically refused?

  • If in accordance with (overall income/capacity) efficiency ratio, when 💰 give enough, in fact, the old employees or new employees are actually the same, but why the old employees pay the same labor force, but not the same production resources, and optimization is the first, this is worth thinking about.
  • Then I think about this phenomenon with upside down, want to understand a point, if every time a dynamic adjustment of salary, it must be the same, just like the same, but if this is a periodical adjustment of salary? The old skilled worker was promoted this time, but his ability was basically fixed there, so the cost performance was basically maintained at that level during an adjustment. However, the ability of other employees with lower cost performance can be improved during the two adjustments, and their ability will be increased by a lot. However, the price does not increase, so the cost performance will be improved. So this is the key why the older programmers were fired
  • That’s why you’re not allowed to make the same salary as a new programmer. Is it possible that the boss thinks you’ve hit the ceiling and there’s no more potential to exploit in the intermittent salary increase

What have I learned from consistently waking up early

  • I’ve set three goals for 2021: get up 300 days early + finish 300 battles + finish 12 battles.
  • Basically completed the basic tasks of January, continuing slowly but surely
  • Brush li Bing’s “browser principle” column again
  • Read the book Grow Up — Admit your mediocrity and use it to become yourself
  • Others also learned some fund investment books, learn how to play video number, read a lot of money making articles and so on
  • Getting up early seems to have really changed my life a little bit.

Compared with December 2020, getting up early gives me more time to study

  • In fact, I always have the desire to get up early, because I know I am mediocre, so I hope to fly first, to narrow the gap with the big guys, but the inverse entropy operation actually needs to consume energy, need to use resources to exchange for the inverse entropy process.
  • As the saying goes way always more than problems, there are a word is an excuse is better than work easy come, easy so even if I continue to cheer yourself up, in fact before getting up early is always off and on, and not to get up early, study time will be less, because the food and the anxiety is more, since the labor of ascension can’t finish it, let alone think about more things.

  • In fact, I only know that it should be a lot more time, in fact, and last year when I quit to study at home, the total learning time of the month is almost the same, this may be regarded as the magic of persistence, there is nothing spectacular, just persistence; I am so ordinary, but also wish one day can be so confident ah.

How to do one thing consistently

1. Let’s keep things simple

  • 21 days from entry to give up This is a very classic words, actually reflects our desire to do things beyond the limit, we can realize the ideal and the reality gap makes the ordinary we will fall in frustration and, in turn, to give up, insist to do the same thing so I think that is the premise of this matter to the simple, at least at the beginning of the most simple.
  • We all know that inverse entropy costs resources, so first we need to know what the inverse entropy thing is, and it’s very simple, doing things outside of your comfort zone is inverse entropy.
  • We often hear people say that the only way to make progress is to step out of your comfort zone. However, you should have a clear idea of where and how far you are going. When you run to the edge of a cliff, you don’t pull back. So I think it’s not that people don’t want to go out of their comfort zone, it’s that they don’t know how far to go each time;
  • The boundaries of your comfort zone are dynamic. They can expand outward to include things that were previously outside of your comfort zone, but they can also shrink. Even if you feel comfortable now, you may not be able to do it in a few years.
  • Back to the topic, I think doing simple things is the first step of persistence, just like when we start to exercise, we don’t run 10km to death at the beginning, but always start from 1km, gradually increase, and finally reach your goal. This is actually a process of dynamically expanding the comfort boundary.
  • Take running laps as an example. When I was in junior high school, I was a 400-meter member of the school team. At the same time, I insisted on running in the college entrance examination. I still remember at that time is constantly with faith (in fact, it is a kind of resource), chanting “even 10 laps can not run, but also want to take the XXX school, can running laps more difficult than that? “, and then is kept running, although the final or failed to enter XXX school, but still not bad
  • Digression, in fact, at that time, it was a process of intermittent consumption of mental resources against entropy, and the boundary did not move; Then, when I was a sophomore, my girlfriend asked me to run 3km, but I could hardly keep up. This was the first time THAT I realized that the boundary of my comfort zone would shrink, and the physical qualities I used to be proud of would actually decline if I didn’t practice them
  • Then I insisted on it. In the postgraduate entrance examination, I always need to do exercise. So I set a simple goal every month and add 2 laps each time.
  • We resist chicken soup. We think it doesn’t work because it doesn’t last long. In fact, you can feel the pain of inverse entropy, but you don’t stick with it, and your comfort zone boundary doesn’t change, so you think it doesn’t work. So I think it is better to drink a cup of green tea to encourage myself, every day to do a little thing, add up, will always pay off.
  • I have three goals in 2021, insist on getting up 300 days early and insist on doing one algorithm when I get up early. These are all small things. Compared with the grand goal, I don’t even feel like a goal.

2. Give yourself motivation

  • Even if the inverse entropy is small, you still have to consume resources, so inevitably have to consume resources, the consumption of resources is painful, have to take back from other places, to achieve the conservation of energy is good, and I choose to write a running account of the article
  • My public number is 15 years to open, 20 years was shut down, recently apply for unlock, actually very early before I know to write text, continue to write text is valuable, to the career ah, install force is very useful, but time consuming, and oneself return dish, have what use.
  • But I suddenly thought about it, I wrote, do not show you, Buddha is a running account, so that you can slowly accumulate the skills to write things, but also can install force, pretend to be stupid force, you see my this from 1-31 problem solution, don’t feel that this is a big man ah feeling? (Real big man to give some face, I just want to find some incentive).
  • You see, this can pretend to force, but also to their own incentive to stick to it, you think more broken, not uncomfortable; Once you break the more uncomfortable than you insist on uncomfortable, you can persist; Once you pretend the pleasure is greater than your pain, you can go on.
  • So follow the first point, do the little things less energy, so that you get more energy, do not do more energy, you can stick to it, simple as that.

So, should we get up early together

  • Actually in the process of writing laundry list, there are many students give me advice, let me write a bit delicate antithesis, so look more comfortable, I can also gain more, actually appreciate these give my advice, I also wrote about my opinion, here with the conservation of energy again, that’s fine is the need for more energy, and my capacity of the battery is so big, Sharding is needed;
  • When I am more comfortable with my early tasks, i.e. the dormitory area boundaries are extended, I may take a delicate route and draw a picture, but first, let me take a small step first, I am afraid of dragging my hips too much.
  • A drop of water is easy to dry, a tuo of water sharing may be a little bit good, thank you very much to see here partners; I am a very ordinary very ordinary programmer, but I am very confident that I can become a big man, because they do not believe, others do not believe ah.
  • If you want to get up early together, install a force together, study together what, group a bureau to get up early even mai ah, wechat learning area up Lord walk up ah; I started to rent a special group of early risers in February. I hope I can boast with those of you who are early risers. It is mainly because other groups get up too late, or those who are early risers are the leaders of the group.
  • You see, in fact, as long as you insist on doing a thing, you can put the micro signal, others do not add another said, it looks like someone added, you think I back to show the number of group? Even if I am the only one, I can also say that there are a lot of partners and I work hard together, this does not reap a wave of cool energy, ordinary I why can not be so confident, anyway, I secretly happy, you see it.

Looking forward to February

  • January ended, a new month is coming, since the boundary has a little so the extension of the duffy, always have to do something, but they continue to walk a little lower bar
  • Wake up early from 6 to 6:30 and move up to 5:30 to 6, giving you an extra half hour to work on something new
  • Riwatch video number, with Shuai Zhang’s card as the lead, add my own thinking, text and video synchronization, as the new battle of this month
  • We’ll talk about it in March.

I hope all of you can achieve your goals. Come on, cook.