This section describes the JNPF platform architecture

JNPF rapid development platform adopts the front and back end separation technology and B/S architecture development, forming a one-stop development multi-terminal (APP+PC) use.

This section describes PC versions

The first, of course, is the hot.NET Core, which runs in Visual Studio 2017 and can be deployed separately on IIS.

Main Technology Stack

The front end

JS framework: jquery, Bootstrap, vue

UI frameworks: Bootstrap, ElementUI

Rich text editing: UEditor

File upload: Webuploader

Client validation: jquery-validate

Socket communication :socket. IO, webSocket

Icon components: Echarts, HighCharts

Print components: LODOP, H5 print

APP JS framework: UniAPP, H5, Vue

APP UI framework: UniAPP

The back-end

Core framework: ASP.NET Core

Database framework: entityframework, dapper

Cache framework: Redis

Interface document: Swagger2

Project construction: Nuget

Database drivers: mysql, SQLServer, and Oracle

Log component: Log4net

Preview online: freeSpire. Office

Code Generator: Self-developed generator

Task scheduling: Quartz

Office component: NPOI

The background to show

Code generator

Statistical reports

The working process

The second is the Java version

Java version adopts the front and back end separation, which can directly import the code into IDEA to run, or deploy the front and back end code separately using NgniX.

Main Technology Stack

The front end

JS framework: jquery, Bootstrap, vue

UI frameworks: Bootstrap, ElementUI

Rich text editing: UEditor

File upload: Webuploader

Client validation: jquery-validate

Socket communication :socket. IO, webSocket

Icon components: Echarts, HighCharts

Print components: LODOP, H5 print

APP JS framework: UniAPP, H5, Vue

APP UI framework: UniAPP

The back-end

Core framework: SpringBoot

Database framework: MybatisPlus

Cache framework: Redis

Interface document: Swagger2

Project construction: Maven

Database drivers: mysql, SQLServer, and Oracle

Load balancing: NgniX

Logging component: SLF4J

Preview doc files online: openOffice

Code Generator: Self-developed generator

Task scheduling: Quartz

The last APP version

JNPF APP is based on UNIAPP and is built from HBuilder X editor.

Main Technology Stack

The front end

JS framework: ES, Vue

Rich text editor: Editor

File upload: uploadFile

APP side verification: graceChecker

The Socket communication: webSocket

Chart component: UCharts

APP JS framework: UniAPP, H5, Vue

APP UI framework: UniAPP

The interface display

Platform authorization details

1.JNPF software development platform provides a variety of development services. Under normal circumstances, non-commercial users can use the services of the platform for free. Users can access and use the service after registering the platform and obtaining relevant service keys.

2. If users use the Services of the Platform for commercial purposes (including but not limited to collecting fees from third party users, bidding for projects, and obtaining other benefits or benefits directly or indirectly), they need to obtain the “Commercial Authorization” license of the Platform in advance.

3. The authorized object of the platform’s commercial authorization is the main body of the company, and the authorization fee varies according to different needs. Commercial authorization takes effect for one year from the date when Yinmai confirms payment. After successful authorization, you will receive a written version of commercial authorization provided by the platform (with yinmai’s signature and seal).

4. Users who have obtained commercial authorization of the platform can still enjoy the rights and interests of authorization normally