This is the fifth day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021


How do I merge code? For example, when dev branch is developed and goes live, you need to merge dev into master and use master code to go live.

So how do we do that?

Select the target master

Why select the target Master first? Since you are merging the dev branch into the master branch, select the target master branch.

Start merging code

You want to choose which branch is the source. Now it is time to merge the dev branch into master, so select the dev branch.

Merger success

If there are no conflicts, the merge succeeds.

The dev branch modification code has now been incorporated into the Master branch, but now at the local master, not the remote repository. So next push to the remote repository.

Push to the remote repository

You can see that the master branch has a green arrow indicating that the code you just merged needs to be committed to the remote repository.

Push success

The master now has code to modify the dev branch as well