“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

In fact, the Nuggets campaign has been going on for a few days, and I’ve been thinking about writing my own year-end review.

I also read a lot of summaries written by diggers. Some have found their own jobs, some have good income, some are just starting out in the industry and join the queue of programmers with full of enthusiasm, and some have found their partners.

It reminds me of a poem I saw two days ago: “The wind and the snow can’t be much bigger than the dreams of the countryside, and the sound of it can’t be heard in my hometown.” It was written by Naranxide in His Book “A Journey to the Mountains”. It means that the people who were disturbed by the snow and the snow on the same cold night felt completely different from their hometown.

I think the mentality of programmers is the same as this poem. They have also struggled in this field for several years. Some people still love this industry, while others see through the rules of this industry and have no original intention.

Programmer for 3 years, I do not much, but also be their recognition of the industry have a certain, how to say, in the heart still love coding, but three years have been doing this front, hard to avoid some ripples in the heart, always feel oneself also can think those philosophers, galloping and cities, to tell their experience, Or you can go to Github every day, write an open source framework and become a “super star”.

So at the beginning of this year, I gave up a reasonably well-paid job in my city and decided to take a change of scenery and see the outside world.

It didn’t turn out that way. I was still doing curd’s life, building pages, and debugging back-end, day after day.

Aside from leaving work an hour and a half early, nothing changed in my life.

I sometimes wonder: since circumstances can’t change me, how about I try to change my situation?

So I asked a colleague for a Copy of the Java Technology Manual.

On the one hand, I don’t want to stick to javaScript or Vue all the time. I think learning this is a process of checking the gaps and filling up the gaps. If you keep learning, there will always be something you can’t finish. On the other hand, I just can’t stand the backend. I feel like “he can’t give me what I want.” Every time I ask him to do an interface, he says he can’t achieve it. Since you have difficulties, then I help you, later you can not achieve, brother help you achieve.

But it wasn’t long before another incident happened.

My wife is pregnant.

I’m glad I’m going to be a dad. A real dad. Not the one two kids said I was your dad, but you were my dad. Melancholy is THAT I have not ready ah, how to be a father, he cried how to do ah, in case is a girl, such as her wedding day, that is often said by people in the audience cry tears of the purpose of the person should not be I put (think of can be really far).

I couldn’t sleep for two hours a night, so I was lethargic and unproductive at work.

Until one day, I talked about this with a friend of mine, who just had a daughter a few days ago. He said it was nothing, you will know what to do when you are born. He also told me a lot about how to get a pregnancy test and some things to pay attention to, which relieved my heart.

It was a day-to-day life after that, and I had forgotten about learning Java.

When I was talking to my colleague about this, he asked me where I had learned. I said I had read all the data types in Java. He said, “You’re a fast learner!” “I thought he was really complimenting me.

So I recovered my mind, every day I took part of the time to read a book, and then finished reading felt that the book learned can not remember, when I see springBoot, I found a video from THE B station, have time to see, when watching the demo, take notes, so that every day is much more enriched.

Sometimes WHEN I was studying, I thought, “I can’t really ask my son to do it for me!”

Seeing my baby is about to be born, my thinking also has some changes, I am more and more looking forward to his arrival, anxious for him to be born immediately.

So I taught him Java.