“This is the third day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details of the event: The last Gwen Challenge 2021”.

The target

ElasticSearch Connector (Flink) is used to process Kafka data and store it in ElasticSearch.


The version of ES can be configured according to the version I actually use. Here I use ES7 online.

Kafka is configured according to the version of Scala it uses;


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ES configuration

Address resolution

You can encapsulate your own address resolution method

public static HttpHost[] loadHostArray(String nodes) {
    if (httpHostArray == null) {
        String[] split = nodes.split(",");
        httpHostArray = new HttpHost[split.length];

        for(int i = 0; i < split.length; ++i) {
            String item = split[i];
            httpHostArray[i] = new HttpHost(item.split(":") [0], Integer.parseInt(item.split(":") [1]), "http"); }}return httpHostArray;
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If it is just a test, it can be as follows:

List<HttpHost> elsearchHosts = new ArrayList<>();
elsearchHosts.add(new HttpHost("".9200."http"));
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Create ElasticsearchSink. Builder

Configuration details:

  • esSinkBuilder.setBulkFlushInterval(3000); // Batch write interval. If set, ignore the following two batch write configurations
  • esSinkBuilder.setBulkFlushMaxSizeMb(10); // The maximum amount of data to be written in batches
  • esSinkBuilder.setBulkFlushMaxActions(1); // The maximum number of writes in a batch
  • esSinkBuilder.setBulkFlushBackoff(true); // Whether to enable retry
  • esSinkBuilder.setBulkFlushBackoffRetries(2); // Number of failed retries

Configure a failure policy:

  • esSinkBuilder.setFailureHandler(new RetryRejectedExecutionFailureHandler()); // Default failure retry
  • esSinkBuilder.setFailureHandler; // Rewrite the failed policy. Write to the es disk if it is full
ElasticsearchSink.Builder<JSONObject> esSinkBuilder = new ElasticsearchSink.Builder<>(elsearchHosts, new ElasticsearchSinkFunction<JSONObject>() {
    public void process(JSONObject jsonObject, RuntimeContext runtimeContext, RequestIndexer requestIndexer) {
        new ElasticsearchSinkFunction<JSONObject>() {

            private String INDEX = "test";

            public void process(JSONObject jsonObject, RuntimeContext runtimeContext, RequestIndexer requestIndexer) {

                // If it does not already exist, part of the document must be used as a upsert document
                UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest(INDEX, jsonObject.getString("id"));
                updateRequest.upsert(jsonObject, XContentType.JSON);
                updateRequest.doc(jsonObject, XContentType.JSON);
                // Add the requestrequestIndexer.add(updateRequest); }}; }}); esSinkBuilder.setFailureHandler(new ActionRequestFailureHandler() {
    public void onFailure(ActionRequest actionRequest, Throwable throwable, int i, RequestIndexer requestIndexer) throws Throwable {
        if (ExceptionUtils.findThrowable(throwable, EsRejectedExecutionException.class).isPresent()) {
            // full queue; re-add document for indexing
        } else if (ExceptionUtils.findThrowable(throwable, ElasticsearchParseException.class).isPresent()) {
            // malformed document; simply drop request without failing sink
        } else {
            // for all other failures, fail the sink
            // here the failure is simply rethrown, but users can also choose to throw custom exceptions
            //throw failure
            //logger.error(throwable.getMessage());}}}); esSinkBuilder.setBulkFlushInterval(3000);
esSinkBuilder.setFailureHandler(new RetryRejectedExecutionFailureHandler());
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Kafka configuration


Properties properties=new Properties();
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Data is read

Custom Schema

BinLogPojo can be replaced with its own entity class

public class BinlogSchema implements DeserializationSchema<BinLogPojo> {

    public BinLogPojo deserialize(byte[] bytes) {
        String log = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        return JSON.parseObject(log, BinLogPojo.class);

    public boolean isEndOfStream(BinLogPojo binLogPojo) {
        return false;

    public TypeInformation<BinLogPojo> getProducedType(a) {
        return TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<BinLogPojo>(){
            public TypeInformation<BinLogPojo> getTypeInfo(a) {
                return super.getTypeInfo(); }}); }}Copy the code

Consumption kafka

There is a note, is not directly returns a JSONObject flow, so the sink will be submitted to the Java. Lang. UnsupportedOperationException errors, so suggest using String or own entity class encapsulates a serialized

FlinkKafkaConsumerBase<BinLogPojo> eventConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer<>(
        TOPIC, new BinlogSchema(), properties)
SingleOutputStreamOperator<JSONObject> mapStream = env.addSource(eventConsumer)
        .map(new MapFunction<BinLogPojo, JSONObject>() {
            public JSONObject map(BinLogPojo binLog) throws Exception {
                LinkedHashMap<String, String> binLogData = binLog.getData();
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                returnjsonObject; }});Copy the code