
This is the 37th minute and 22 seconds I’ve been staring at a computer screen… I’m going to write another article, but this time, I’m not expecting to be well received.


2021 is a year of rapid personal growth, which I categorize as follows:

  • technology

– Enabled React, Electron and other skills, from writing “bug hooks” to outputting hooks in practice, from API to React source code, but still unfamiliar with React ecosystem; In the project, UmiJS was fully embraced for the purpose of technical convergence. It seemed very cool to use, but in the end, even Webpack gradually became unfamiliar. So there’s a good saying, you can use wheels but don’t just use wheels, you have to understand how it works.

  • business

I was lucky to be in charge of the live broadcasting business, using the SDK integrated by the partner company, yes, wheels again… So the development difficulty is ok; In my spare time, I study WebRTC, IM, audio and video and other related knowledge by constantly gnawing on second-hand materials. Sometimes I am self-inflated and sometimes I am short of money. When IT comes to in-depth points, it is very difficult.

  • infrastructure

Once you have a team, you start to think about the growth of the team, try to encapsulate some wheels, rebuild the JS-SDK that doesn’t work well, share some practice articles; In-depth understanding of front-end standardization and promotion in the team; Although everything seems trivial, but will insist, after all, not everything has to be a result.

  • friendship

I am very glad that I can join the big family of XJY, where I have a very dedicated tutor – Brother Hui (who went to the goose factory because he was so excellent); There is a very nice leader Kang (known as the front-end dictionary), not only technical cattle, the king also played 6; There’s a guy who can fix anything. Besides, there are a group of friends who are good at coding and playing games together, so that the work is no longer boring. Dribs and drabs, in retrospect is very miss, now although each rush things, but I wish a bright future 🚀


Summary in a word: a thriving industry + a “double minus” nuclear bomb = a downbeat unemployed front 🤣

The first half of 2021 is busy and full. The product always said that it would not be so busy after this month, but it is always next month, which indirectly reflects the objective business.

In the second half of 2021, things started to go wrong. My friends graduated one after another, and those who stayed were in a panic. Finally, one day in early November, I also graduated, but I still want to thank the company for its cultivation!

Taking advantage of the rare gap, I went back to my hometown to rest for two weeks, eating, drinking and sleeping. It was very unbridled, but seeing the end of November, I quickly slipped back to Guangzhou to review the interview. After a round of torturing, regrettably failed to enter the factory, but the result is not too bad, and then arrange a face to share.


2021 the most romantic thing is to propose to my little lovely, the most happy thing is to go to the civil affairs Bureau with my little lovely to get the certificate (not scattered dog food, beaming 😁)

But it’s just the beginning. Travel plans, weddings, houses, kids… Cough cough, think of these seem to be inseparable from money, it seems to refuel

Looking forward to

Set a flag for 2022:

  • Community: Keep writing
  • Technology: consolidate the foundation, read more, think more, improve the technical vision and depth
  • Work: Integrate into the team to improve efficiency
  • Health: Run 1-3 times a week
  • Family: wedding + travel


There is no ideal without sorrow

Every dream chaser is No1, come on! I’m roast chicken. Be there next time.