React vs. Vue: Why do big companies in foreign countries seem to prefer React? _bilibili bilibili

In common

  • componentization
  • One-way data flow, data-driven view
  • useVirtual DOM + DiffAlgorithmic rendering of DOM
    • But there are differences in the implementation of the source code:
    • Vue Diff uses a bidirectional linked list to compare and update the DOM
    • React mainly uses the DIff queue to store the DOM to be updated, obtain the patch tree, and then update the DOM in batches in a unified operation
  • The community is mature and all support SSR

Why do Vue and React choose Virtual DOM

  • Reduce direct manipulation of the DOM and use data-driven views
  • Can be cross-platform, render to platforms other than the Web. ReactNative, Weex

The difference between

  • Different core ideas

    • Vue personal development, advocating flexibility and ease of use (progressive development experience), two-way data binding (dependent collection)
    • React was developed by Facebook to revolutionize front-end development. The core of functional programming was stability (no side effects) and testability (the output must be the same if the input is the same).
  • Vue uses templates to embrace HTML, React uses JSX to embrace JS

  • Vue2 uses declarative programming, while Vue3, like React, prefers functional programming

  • React “manual” (manually setState to modify the state, often requiring a variety of plugins and solutions in the community)

Lastly, why do big companies and foreign countries prefer React?

  • React is widely publicized and well-known in foreign countries
  • React itself has a low floor, but the ceiling is high enough that large companies can manage it