
Last week, I voted for station B on a certain website, and the interviewer seemed to have finally decided on the 14th of January, which is the interview today. After the interview in the evening, I came to a warm interview for everyone’s reference. Although it was cold, at the beginning, I asked how to achieve big data rendering and how to deal with the buried point

One side (60 min)

  1. When I introduced myself, MY wechat phone number was on, and both of them were on speakerphone. When the response was too noisy, I changed to the phone number. I burst my door and asked about my project experience, and my internship experience began to enter the formal interview.
  2. Event delegation mechanism
  3. Event bubbling, prevent bubbling events, prevent default events
  4. How to make an asynchronous request without using the ES6 Promise asynchronous method
  5. ES6 asynchronous request methods Promise /async await/generator etc
  6. Var let is different from const, block-level scope
  7. What is scoped chain scoped closure read code
  8. The difference between the concept of arrow functions and ordinary functions
  9. The pointer to this, says a piece of code that points to different functions this
  10. How does apply, call, bind change this call and apply differ from the arrow function
  11. Math.max math.min round math.ceil math.floor math.round
  12. Js toFixed method
  13. Js map method
  14. Implement an Ajax method
  15. Jsonp domain cors PostMessage, iframe, jSONP domain cors Postmessage
  16. Why can’t Vue/React use index as key
  17. Does Canvas know webGL
  18. Paint bucket algorithm
  19. How do you switch to branch B when there is A Bug in branch B while writing code in branch A
  20. Git rebase -i git rebase -i git rebase -i git rebase -i
  21. The browser’s entire process from entering the URL to rendering the page is as detailed as possible
  22. How to implement the longest common substring
  23. OSI 7 layer protocol, HTTP is which layer TCP/UDP
  24. What type is null typeof NULL
  25. Introduce the understanding of the browser kernel V8 engine
  26. Let’s talk about hashing
  27. Cache The browser caches the HTTP cache
  28. Common Linux Commands


The interview is some of the more basic, but I vegetables chicken, I wish you all can find suitable and satisfactory work. There will be time for answers later