Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

Previously, we learned about the Map class. A Map object represents a group of values called keys, and each key is associated with a value to form a mapping relationship. Today we will learn about another (weak mapping) class, WeakMap

JavaScript WeakMap

In JavaScript, you’ll see a lot of things that have a key that’s a string, but sometimes when you need an object or an array,{}) // '[object Object]' WeakMap()) // '[object WeakMap]'
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Can see the use of the Object. The prototype. ToString. Call () method for Object {} and new WeakMap judging (), results showed that both is different

At this time, there are two data structures Map and WeakMap. Today, I will mainly study WeakMap.

Review the Map class (Mapping)

Map is used to create a mapping object to store key name/value mappings

let map = new Map(a)// New creates a mapping object for key/value mapping
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WeakMap class (weak mapping)

WeakMap Weak mapping is mainly used to associate values with objects without causing memory leaks. Here’s the explanation:

WeakMap structure is similar to Map structure and is also used to generate a set of key-value pairs. However, WeakMap only accepts objects as key names (except null) and does not accept other types of values as key names. Moreover, the object to which the key name of WeakMap points is not included in the garbage collection mechanism.

When Vue3 source code, we will see the keyword WeakMap

// First we need to set up two caches
let toProxy = new WeakMap(a)// Query the data after the response based on the original data
let toRaw = new WeakMap(a)// Query the raw data based on the response data
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The cache is then queried when reactive data is written, reducing unnecessary performance costs

Here, target is the object to be responsive, and WeakMap is used for data caching

function reactive(target) {
  // Query the cache
  let observed = toProxy.get(target)
  if (observed) {
    return observed
  if (toRaw.get(target)) {
    return target
  / / response type
  observed = new Proxy(target, baseHandler)
  // Set the cache
  toProxy.set(target, observed)
  toRaw.set(observed, target)
  return observed
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