“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

❤️ Me and the Nuggets

Years later, WHEN I looked at the nuggets front page, I saw that I joined the nuggets community on November 24, 2020-24. It was also when I changed jobs and entered a new environment.

The new environment is a new start. I finally bid farewell to the title of full stack development engineer and concentrate on being a professional back-end development engineer.

When I was an intern, I used to admire the full stack. After graduation, I found a position in full stack development. After more than a year of full-stack development, I realized that simplicity is true. The whole stack really want to take into account too many things, simply master a field is true!! At this time, I thought of the internship colleagues’ words: the full stack is not all! (Haha doesn’t come with that! Still fruitful)

The position of full-stack development really enabled me to learn a lot of knowledge, which enabled me to have a deeper understanding of various technical knowledge required by a project from the front end to the back end and even to operation and maintenance.

However, most people have limited energy and cannot cover all aspects (except for the big guys). It takes a lot of time and energy to thoroughly understand and master the framework principle, so I finally chose a post that only focuses on professional back-end development.

As a professional back-end development, finally some time to draw strokes (of course is around BBS), unconsciously scratched the nuggets community, I’m the nuggets the layout is better than some url of the article, without advertising, the interface is clean, these are really amazing to me, and the nuggets plug-in, open a browser home page is hot articles and making all kinds of projects, I fell in love, and I was thrown into the arms of the Nuggets community.

⌛ review 2021

☀️ was fine at first

People are always motivated and curious about new things. I was no exception, just started to contact the Nuggets, published a series of articles with enthusiasm: Java8 new features – column for young vae – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)

Haha, it was the first time that I posted an article, with enthusiasm and disappointment. More importantly, I gained a little bit. In the follow-up, I also posted some fragmentary articles intermittently, but there was not much enthusiasm.

How can ⭕ fail

Later, due to mediocre feedback and busy work, I was cut off for more than half a year. (^o^)/ HMMMM ~~ feel that is an excuse, just lazy!! I don’t have the same passion anymore. In self-reflection…

🔋 is to wake up or hit chicken blood life

At work, you will find that the knowledge I have learned before, this technical proposal I studied before, but is can’t solve the problem quickly, or not done system and practice, often cannot give solutions to problems, as a result, you may find where prior knowledge, then do it, Because you didn’t keep detailed documentation. So notes are especially important at this point.

At that moment, I suddenly woke up! I think I need to start writing again and devote myself to the creation of the nuggets. On the one hand, I can record the problems I have encountered in my work to the nuggets and help some people who have the same problems. On the other hand, I can also take part in an activity

As a result! I grasped the last bus at the end of the year and participated in the last wen Challenge of 2021, although I don’t know whether I can win the prize or not!! But with the attitude of sharing knowledge, they don’t care so much about whether they can win awards.

👍 my 2021 results

  • A total of publishing73Article:
    • 1: Mysql related articles
    • 2: Java basic notes related articles
    • 3 articles: Kafka series
    • 3: Docker series of articles
    • 3: SpringBoot related articles
    • 4: Environment installation related articles
    • 5: Linux related articles
    • 23: In-depth understanding of the JVM series
    • 29: Redis series of articles
  • Level by Lv0, – > Lv3
  • Participate in the Gold Digging activity: the last Text challenge of 2021 (it is best to win the prize)

✈ ️ outlook for 2022

  • ⛳ Monster upgrade: Nuggets level will be increased to Lv4
  • ⛳ learning strategy: publish at least 100 related articles
  • ⛳ Challenge yourself: improve the career bottleneck and pursue the dream of big factory