Tian Ning, who runs 5km every morning, started from Zhejiang University and has been running for 19 years.

“Victory inspires us to go, but when we run, we gain more than victory.”

Just nine days after the games, Panshi announced the completion of a new round of 2.25 billion YUAN D round of financing, led by Cerberus Investment Group, including Hana Financial Group, CCB Trust and other new and old shareholders to participate in the financing, panshi valuation of 10.25 billion yuan after the completion of financing.

Tianning, who loves sports, led his pan Shi to become a unicorn athlete who is good at long-distance running under the background of the global new economy, and gradually occupied the position of the leader. Correspondingly, Pan Shi also accelerated its pace of global layout.

“What you need to be the best runner is patience.”

Under the influence of Tian Ning, pan Shi company has a deep sports culture atmosphere.

Sportsmanship is carried out in all aspects of the corporate outlook.

Every year, the 5000-meter run of the sports meeting is a must for all senior executives of Panshi.

“Long-distance running is for those who value delayed gratification and those who like success through hard work.”

To complete this sport, it takes amazing perseverance, dedication, self-discipline and hard work. This is what Tian Ning has learned from long distance running for many years and what he summed up as the “secret of long distance running” for Pan Shi.

The unique “long-distance running” of Panshi makes it become a global Internet unicorn enterprise with stable and fast growth. After obtaining the C round of financing in 2016, the market value of the company reached 3.461 billion RMB on neeQ, and exceeded 10 billion RMB after the D round of financing in 2018. Panshi, which derives 70 percent of its revenue from overseas, is expected to earn at least 600 million yuan in 2019 and 2 billion yuan in annual profit within five years. According to a reliable source, The company plans to list in Hong Kong by the end of 2019. Constantly consolidate their own market position of panshi, is steadily into a new stage of rapid development.

Now rock, accelerated the pace of running in the expected track, through the “platform” rock the global new economy’s marketing content cloud and SaaS cloud, cloud, cloud security certification, electric ShangYun, financial cloud, cloud whole seven cloud core services such as education, makes the big data based on rock the global new economy Internet ecosystem system.

“We have 1,000 reasons to keep running.” “Tian Ning said.

“Sometimes in life, you have to challenge greatness.”

Tianning plays a game of basketball every week. He loves the feeling of being on target and making good shots. He enjoys working hard for every shot.

That kind of initiative has been injected into the business he founded.

In recent years, China’s Internet industry has achieved rapid development, and a large number of industry giants and unicorns have emerged, showing strong competitive advantages in e-commerce, social networking, gaming, online car hailing and other market segments, and forming a trend of neck-and-neck with American Internet companies. Although Chinese cultural products are also showing increasingly strong competitiveness and gradually exported to overseas markets, offering unique Oriental culture for global consumers, no Chinese enterprise can compete with Netflix in the global Internet content subscription market.

This is a tough, powerful company. In the third quarter of 2017, The total number of global subscribers reached 109.25 million, and in 2018, Netflix exceeded $400 per share, with a market capitalization of $170 billion, and has maintained a revenue growth rate of more than 20%. In the second quarter of 2018, Netflix reported revenue of $3.907 billion, up 40.3% from $2.785 billion in the same period last year. Net income was $384 million, up 482 percent from $66 million in the same period last year.

By any measure, no Other Chinese company has achieved so much in this area.

It is in this situation, pan Shi has set a target for Netflix.

Catch in the context of “area”, and enhance the opportunity of cultural soft power, China rock at home and abroad on the one hand, with CCTV, China mobile, the film and television play company copyright cooperation, such as synchronization through global localization purchasing IP access to literature, music, games, film and television content such as the copyright for the expansion of the digital culture resources. On the other hand, Panshi cooperated with Facebook, GooglePlay, affiliate and other global traffic distribution and promotion platforms to accelerate the adoption of its products by overseas users. So far, it has successfully entered more than 30 countries and served hundreds of millions of users.

Through market innovation, rock will develop fastest growing mobile Internet market and the market potential is the largest developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, to the rapid growth in mobile population, Internet penetration soaring bonuses, occupied the world more than 50% of the huge consumer market of mobile content subscription service.

It is precisely with the pioneering cultural output, The performance of Panshi in the global mobile content subscription service rose sharply, also let Panshi shares in 2017 operating revenue of 585 million yuan, an increase of 216% compared to 2016, 2017 net profit of 129 million yuan, an increase of 802% compared to 2016 14.29 million yuan.

With the support of this round of huge financing, Panshi will have more funds for overseas business layout and expansion, and can more quickly copy the successful experience to more countries and regions.

As a disseminator of Oriental culture, to create a Chinese version of Netflix, for Pan Shi, has never been a delusion.

“Never underestimate the heart of a champion.”

“Life is like football. Don’t foul the ball. Don’t dodge the ball.

No one knows the limits of tian Ning, a sports lover.

The afternoon after finishing 12 and a half laps, Tian ning led the president’s team in a rugby final match with the athletes’ representatives. Both sides are poised to win, fighting and fighting with all their strength.

Such dedication and concentration is also the theme of global digital marketing promotion of Panshi.

Panshi is one of the first three websites in China, in the field of network alliance for more than 10 years, and dedicated to serving small and medium-sized enterprise websites, more than 10 years down the company has mastered hundreds of thousands of websites and mass mobile APP and other media resources, through the accumulation of rich experience in Internet traffic management. In 2014, Panshi started the layout of mobile global business and carried out global digital marketing promotion. At present, it has formally established a global mobile promotion alliance, which now has a maximum daily flow of 100 billion PB.

Through the cloud big data multidimensional data analysis, build the audience the picture library, with the help of a professional precision of eight orientation technology, from put on the agenda, geographical distribution, the classification of the media, LBS scenarios, the crowd, the audience interest, equipment attribute, theme and content, rock on the global digital marketing created the unique advantages of its technology and effect.

In addition, panshi global marketing also through its own global content distribution to obtain the interests of each overseas user, and establish a large database; Based on this large database, Panshi matches users with corresponding products according to their labels, so as to help Chinese enterprises go abroad, open the brand globalization, and promote their products and services to more overseas markets.

“This team is built to win a championship.”

Tianning and Pan Shi have many plans for the future.

In the next three years, we plan to establish a global content distribution channel system and digital marketing promotion system, covering billions of global users.

The plan is to expand the global market more stably by relying on the cultural rich market of China and the policy benefits such as the Belt and Road Initiative, promote the transformation of real economy, manufacturing industry and small and medium-sized enterprises and embrace the global new economy, become the disseminator of Oriental culture and make itself the leader of the global new economic platform. With the global enterprises to jointly open up the global new economy broader prospects, and finally achieve the “world trade backward economy” panshi mission.

“To become a leader of the global new economic platform, solid as a rock, sustained development for 101 years.” This is the tone that Tianning set for Pan Shi.

Compared with the 100-year development plan, the results of panshi 19 years is only a “sprint” victory in the long journey, but it is a solid foundation.

Today’s long-distance champion, tomorrow’s rock for 100 years.

We look forward to the rapid replication of the successful model of Panshi in the world with the support of capital. We look forward to the long distance running of Panshi, which will become wider and wider under the unique entrepreneurial spirit and steady business development.