“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

📻 ding!

As 2021 draws to a close, year-end reviews begin on Monday.

Looking back at 2021, there are shouts and cheers; There is collapse and there is joy.

But fortunately ✏ ️

Treat one thing and another small thing, always maintain the requirements of their own 📊

Not because of comfort and indulgence, not because of hard and give up 📈

Day after day to run toward the goal, will eventually meet a better yourself.

Start replicating this year’s dribs and drabs ~📌

🎈 Long way ashore

Prepare spring and Autumn trick

After giving up the idea of postgraduate entrance examination, I began to prepare for spring and Autumn college entrance examination. I have always had a dream to enter dachang, but the probability of going ashore is almost zero due to my academic background. After reviewing his resume, or want to game.

It is not easy to prepare the spring and Autumn recruitment from the middle of March to September. At the beginning, I thought I would be ready for the interview when I finished my study of networking. However, after I finished my study of networking, I found that there are still browser principles, data structures and algorithms, and front-end engineering Webpack…

In the middle of the spring recruitment has cast some positions, but because the knowledge just learned, not completely familiar with the point, the interview may be to know that there is such a knowledge, but can not answer the reason.

At the beginning of the state of mind is, afraid of spring recruit not to go ashore, autumn recruit more difficult to go ashore, so sometimes special panic.

But think carefully, spring recruitment does not go ashore can not ah, I can not always be in a state of anxiety, so in netease two face hung, simply put aside spring recruitment, prepared for the end of the term. Then, as soon as the final exam is over, I will join the autumn recruitment.

Different from others, summer vacation is 6 to 11 life, a day of study time is about 12-14 hours.

About the record of formal schooling

Say again next my record of schooling, my record of schooling is 3 non run by the local people undergraduate course, with respect to everybody understanding the kind of undergraduate course that the college entrance examination tramps on the line leads. In a word, it is a school that is in a high stage of development, but few people know about it. So usually before the interview the interviewer will ask me if the school is full-time…

So in fact, after I have the big factory this goal, I know that it is possible to directly be the bottom of the resume, the general way to send a resume is to find all kinds of internal promotion.

Second is the resume extra points, now very glad that the university several years basic every day in learning, so to resume matting some content, generally is internship + project experience + professional skills + GPA + national provincial competition.

But when I went back and reviewed my resume, I found a lot of things that didn’t stand out. For example, the technical depth is not enough, there are no difficulties in the project, and the hr doesn’t care much about the internship experience. Therefore, I would review my resume every once in a while to see my growth and harvest in the next period, and whether there are any new project difficulties and technical points that can be added or replaced.

My biggest insight is that the learning environment around me cannot make me get the most useful information as soon as possible. Therefore, all the basic, algorithm and front-end engineering contents to be tested in the interview can only be summarized and summarized by myself slowly through books, some scattered blogs and materials on the Internet.

In the middle of preparation, it turns out that the interview is a long battle and may have to be interviewed at some stage later. If you don’t summarize what you have learned now, then interview preparation will start from zero again. Therefore, I began to classify the contents I sorted out, one topic after another, and finally formed a set of framework for my review.

Attached here is the “Offer is Coming” column: juejin.cn/column/7007…

About the volume

In fact, this year has a lot of time to be rolled inside, but fortunately, timely adjustment. At the end of the day, there are several reasons for being rolled in:

  • Watching your peers improve while you stay stuck.
  • Making progress with people around you, but always slower than others;

The above situation always brings me inexplicable anxiety, began to doubt whether they are not smart enough, learning ability is worse than others.

But later after the review found that learning ability is really worse than others. Put yourself in the other’s shoes and know that you are not a talented player.

Therefore, when being introverted, must keep awake, do not compare with others, and their last node, to always maintain their own pace, determine the current should have goals and plans. Instead of watching everyone learn XXX, I should learn XXX myself. In fact, when I have a plan, I will find that XXX can be learned, but there are more important goals and tasks to be completed at present.

You can put the XXX you are interested in on your future plan, make a list, and then move it from low priority to high priority when you have time and energy.

Although professional classmate says I coil, but if I do not coil, can lie equal others to make anxiety to me only 🥺

Ashore result

Because of the impact of academic qualifications, so generally can get the opportunity to interview are very few. When I looked at the interview, I felt that many friends would take small and medium-sized factories to go to sea first, but I felt that going to sea is very time-consuming, and even the interview will be a little energy consuming, so I will send it when I have learned about the same time.

It started delivery around the end of August, and eventually went to Baidu, Byte, Tencent and netease. Received interview invitations from 3 companies, and finally got offers from 2 companies.

To be honest, I feel I am lucky. Every company receives the interview feedback quickly, usually within 10 days from interview to OC.

Still remember the first time I saw the interview passed these four words is on the birthday of this year, when I was still outside the school, excitedly holding my roommate and leaving tears 😭, holding nai Xue’s tea in hand has been shaking…

In addition to passing the interview, IT feels like a successful end to the preparation time of this half year.

Surface classics only sorted out baidu, poke here: Baidu 123 face classics

Think of may when, because rarely with the way of communication to answer questions, but also need to back network and browser principle related to some of the text of a bit of knowledge. So continued for more than half a month, every morning from 8 o ‘clock to 12 o ‘clock, wandering around in the corridor next to the dormitory, wandering back and forth, repeatedly saying: “Hello, the interviewer! I’m XXX. The answer to this question is as follows. Hello, interviewer! I’m XXX…”

📚 Daily Daily

Time management

From the beginning of the paper copy, to the middle of the find that go out with a few pieces of daily plan materials will feel a little redundant, so he switch to notion do daily plan.

In the year that I persisted in the review, I found that EVERY day I reflected on my own shortcomings. The advantage of the second review is to reduce the occurrence of repeated work. For example, if you learn the same type of course today, it will take longer to learn it for the first time. Then in the second learning time should go back to see their own copy, check which part they have stepped on the pit, with the first lesson, the second learning will be much smoother, save more time cost.

Plan visualization

One of the top things on the agenda for 2021 is planning visualization. Every time WHEN I am lax in learning, I find that in many cases, the knowledge I have learned cannot be displayed intuitively, and I feel more or less guilty. And when the intuitive list of their current learning results, see a column of data, the heart of happiness and sense of achievement has been, learning will also be more motivated ⌛

July-september Rematch Stamp here: Rematch under innovative vision

About the speech

Speech used to be a very weak place for me, and I practiced in the following three ways.

1️ small report → speech

The first is to treat every little presentation like a speech. At the beginning, at the end of each semester, there would be some courses that needed to be reported. And I put every small report, all carefully write speech and continue to practice, in order to make the final report more smooth, more fluent. Gradually, I found that this way to a great extent exercise my speech ability.

2️ disagreeing

The second is to keep reading and retelling the news. Since February this year, the first thing I do every morning is to listen to and read the People’s Daily. Stick to the power or anchor little sister’s voice is too good to listen to provoke.

The reason for choosing People’s Daily is that the time of People’s Daily’s notification is around 5 am, so that when you wake up every morning, you can see the latest notification and you won’t feel that you are reading outdated news.

From the beginning of a long string of more than 10 digits are not sensitive, chewing the root of the tongue there to correct the pronunciation and billions of situations, to gradually become familiar with the intonation and pause between sentences. A small change of 15 minutes in the morning, and the day after day of training is just waiting for that moment to accumulate.

3️ blog by way of communication

The third way is to communicate with others through blogging. Speaking of this, I was preparing for the autumn recruitment at that time, and then I saw the shore of the senior students said that writing blog is extra points, so I started in March, continue to write blog accumulation. Later, I found that blogging had become a habit. And the advantage of blogging is that I need to talk to others in a third party’s language, which is actually a way to talk to others. As you write more, you will find that your language organization skills begin to develop. At the same time, when you are talking to the interviewer in the language of blogging, you will feel that the interview is a conversation, not just a question and answer.

💻 Technology to improve Technology

Creative achievements

In May last year, I recorded a bug and wrote my first blog. Since then, nothing has been created.

In March of this year, the Nuggets community, who forgot where they knew it from, discovered that blogs can be created in the way of knowledge, rather than just documenting bugs.

Therefore, I started my creation from the summary of professional courses to the knowledge of front-end modules. I tried my best to start from the vision of a third party and use easy-to-understand language to create.

All the way down the creation process, it is difficult to say, but it seems not easy. When I first started writing, I would have to go back and see if my friends could understand the point if I explained it to them. If not, how to write so that they can better understand and understand, these are all points to consider when writing a blog. But although the early writing will be a bit boring, but slowly write more, their writing mode will be like being through ren Du two veins, in the hone again and again to get progress.

Dang dang dang dang! The next step is the creation!

Up to now, the number of articles created 112, the total word should be 50W, 60W or 70W?

This year’s creation direction is generally inclined to the creation of basic knowledge, because it is too deep to write. However, I believe that with the progress of my knowledge, the depth and breadth of the content of the article will slowly progress, continue to refueling ing~

Although the reading volume is nothing compared with big V, it can be regarded as the creative results of nearly a year. Compared with myself, in the creation process of nearly a year, I have made great progress in language expression, writing style and other aspects. Even if the amount of data has been in an ordinary state, but I believe that with the accumulation of qualitative change and quantitative change, there will always be a glorious day.

I still have many years to write in the future. Writing has become a lifelong hobby. 🎈

Blog’s journey through the mind

In the early stage, I mainly focused on the basics. At the beginning, I sorted out the content of VUE, and basically summarized all the basic knowledge points. When I learned React and summarized the basics again, I found that it was the same as learning VUE. When I wrote blog, I felt that the speed was much faster than before.

The other found that not everything you learned was suitable for blogging, and that you needed to find a place to store the extra knowledge. There are many ways to think about it, but the notes should be structured so that they are readily accessible and thematic.

< span style = “box-sizing: border-box; color: RGB (74, 74, 74); font-size: 14px! Important; white-space: inherit! Important; word-wrap: inherit! Important;” So for this type of notes, choose to use the flying book document to record. I will first build the framework of a knowledge module in the flying book document, and then fill it with knowledge.

In a way, this is a new way for me to take notes. There should be a variety of new problems in the future, continue to dig

Read more

2021 also read a few books. Used to be more like fast food learning, do not like to eat thick and difficult books. But this year I have set myself a small goal, to settle down and read a few books.

Every time I finish reading a book, I deeply feel how insignificant I am in this vast knowledge universe.

As the reading time increased, it went from reading one book every two months to reading one book a month to reading two books a month now. In this process, slowly learn to focus and persistence.

I haven’t been able to empty my bookshelves this year, so try to empty them as early as possible next year, and then start new ones!

💡 Activity Activity

The teens

Another big achievement this year is the youth camp. The whole training camp cycle includes youth training camp and practical training camp, which is about 20 days. In the youth training camp, I have grown a lot in various aspects from the harvest of courses, teamwork, q&A in class meetings, project achievements and so on.

Although the cycle is very short, but basically close to the training state, so action is also highly mobilized.

The harvest of the youth training camp is too much, too much liao. Predestined to get together in youth training, see you in the future 🥂~~

Cooperation with the University of Nuggets

I did an online campaign with the University of Nuggets around October. I used to plan many offline activities in school, but this activity with nuggets university is an online activity. With the change of mode, I once again gained new harvest for the activity planning.

From preliminary discussion and communication channels, to connecting communities, online publicity platforms, and to communicating with developers on both sides, every step of action and communication is a new harvest and growth.

I deeply appreciate the hard work of the nuggets operators. My salute to the salute is not only salute the salute, but also salute the salute

Nuggets translation project

The team of the youth training camp → the code Strike team is a group of active partners who love learning and technology. After the camp, the group still maintains a strong learning atmosphere. Led by YK bacteria children’s shoes, we agreed to participate in the excavation of gold translation plan, according to their own learning pace and plan, have claimed the translation task.

Technical essay is a little different from ordinary essay, sometimes there may be lexical ambiguity and other problems, so friends will sometimes put forward their doubts, we discuss together.

I still remember my first article on Monday. I didn’t know how it was translated, so I sent it to my friends.

The results… The friend said it was better to read the original… U1s1, those six words did strike me as 🤣 at first

However, there will be new progress when mistakes are pointed out, so go to review your article as soon as possible. As it turns out, I can’t even read my own Chinese because I translated this article so mechanically. 🥶)

Out of a sense of responsibility to myself and to anyone who might see the article, I hastily rewrote it. Try to read the article from the third perspective, and think about whether the reader can connect and understand a sentence after translation.

Translation xiaobai, if there is not enough, welcome to comment on the comment area, will change ing~

Move the empty Nuggets days

“The day to empty the nuggets,” is a common digging friends often say a word. But as it turns out, the Nuggets can only move more and more.

When I started my gold digging account in early March, I didn’t pay much attention to the activities because I thought they were too difficult for even xiao Bai to participate in.

In June, more wen challenge appeared, and found that the activities of digging gold are extremely friendly to xiao Bai creators, so began to enter more wen daily. Every month there’s an event or two that you can attend.

In June, more text challenge, in July, good text call order, in August, new text play method, in September, youth training notes + Mid-Autumn Festival activity, in October, little knowledge + Digging star project, in November, more text and double 叒.

Now the first thing I do in the morning may be to open the nuggets and sign in 😜

Ding, show some of the prizes you received

Later excavated gifts in the dormitory can not put it was sent home to my parents save liao ~ (ignore the black and bright picture quality 🤒)

⏰ other Others

The junior

In 2021 in the community met a lot of Internet domain number Lord and big guy, zero one, hero brother, small cheng students, three li, xiao Lu, three heart big guy, if sichuan giant, the ancient one…… (too much), really feel the mountains beyond the mountains 🚵🏾. In this process, met a lot of peer partners, although everyone is the volume king, but also inside the volume victim. Everyone is insisting on original writing every piece of technical dry goods, carefully output every wonderful moment.

In the youth training camp, I also met many like-minded friends, such as @YK Fungus, @Xiaomingzi, @Xinxinzi, @Front-end Na, @Brian, @Output, @LCK, etc. In particular, I remember the days when we studied hard together, stayed up all night to catch up on projects and worked hard together.

It is worth celebrating that all the junior partners of the youth training camp also got offers from their favorite big factories in the autumn recruitment. 👏


Since I went to college, my parents didn’t seem to say that they expected me to read books and learn how to be what I want to be in the future. However, when I go back to school every year, the most common advice I give is to pay attention to my body and go out for a walk to relax myself on weekends. That being said, who wouldn’t want to be proud of their parents.

Although my parents will not see this, I want to say that I will work hard and study hard in the future, and I will take more time to go home in my spare time.

📸 Future planning Future

2022 outlook

Name some quantified flag goals for next year:

  • Improve front-end expertise;
  • Improve product thinking and innovative thinking;
  • Enhance its soft power;
  • Nuggets upgraded to Lv4

Refine the target and so on the end of next year. Ding, looking forward to the unknown 2022~

The final End

Finally is to introduce me to send yourself!

After 00 program yuan 🙆, everyone calls me Monday.

This name comes from my ID name: Monday Lab. This nickname is two years ago when applying for the public account, until this year began to write a blog has been using this. Over time, everyone got used to calling me Monday.

I feel Monday has some meaning, Monday means a new challenge, and I hope I can be highly motivated in each stage in the future.

The last

Hopefully in the age of fast food on the Internet

Keep learning to be yourself

🔍 🔍 🔍