For this year, live streaming platforms have shone brilliantly in the market. The live streaming industry has opened the live streaming + mode in a short period of time and applied it in all walks of life. The addition of new features means that the technology of live source development needs to improve and solve new problems. A complete live broadcast system includes acquisition, pre-processing, coding, transmission, decoding and rendering, so what skills can be applied to avoid program problems in the process of building and implementing these links?

First of all, we need to understand the principle of live broadcast system source code to achieve online live broadcasting: Live broadcast source code development industry to today, the technology is relatively mature, the equipment also support hard coding, live broadcast system source code is relatively easy to achieve. IOS also provides a ready-made Video ToolBox framework for processing camera and streaming media data structures. The Video ToolBox framework is only compatible with version 8.0 and above, which requires library software of X264. Video live system source development companies basically have ready-made open source implementation, push and pull flow, beauty, private message, bullet screen, gift animation, play. The source code development technology of the live broadcast system is not very difficult, and now many cloud manufacturers provide SDK. The functions of the source code construction of the live broadcast system are almost the same, but the difference is the service difference of the whole live broadcast platform and the ease of access.

Second, we need to know the basic functions of live broadcast APP. (1) Video live broadcast the one-to-many live broadcast function is the main function of live broadcast software. There are many ways of live broadcast, such as ordinary live broadcast, private live broadcast, payment by the time, payment by the scene, the realization of PK Lianmai, and the sending of bullet screen gifts, all of which are in the live broadcast room. How to retain basic functions and innovate and optimize details is the embodiment of the differences in platform technology.

(2) The platform with the function of startup picture and rotation broadcast can edit the pre-made software publicity pictures to the playlist and perform virtual rotation broadcast of multiple pictures in accordance with the order of the playlist. Can add background articles link, set the start and wheel of jump instructions (3) of the figure recorded back in advance can see functional platform will introduce good recording related video clips uploaded to the cloud, or previous live video recording file, published to the platform, in the absence of the host, can increase the popularity of platform. (4) Live channel sharing function In the process of live broadcast, anchors can share the live broadcast through wechat, QQ and other channels, so that more people can understand the platform.

(5) Short video dynamic function As an additional function to follow the market trend, it is necessary for live broadcast platforms to release small videos and text, pictures and other video dynamic functions.

Finally choose the appropriate system language, the source of native development is more stable: system: Linux database: mysql Android side: Java language, using Android Studio to develop IOS side: USING OC language, using Xcode tools to develop front-end: Native, no framework using PHP language, based on TP framework to provide Android, iOS, Web background management all native code, source support secondary development