Here, the array of several commonly used methods are summarized for subsequent review and improve the efficiency of daily development

1. Array archiving (grouping array objects by a field)

This article… There are related methods of introduction, digg friends also gives a new method, choose their own easy to understand the summary of experience

2. Array deduplication

I wrote a previous article about array de-duplication, but it only works for arrays of simple data types. For simple array deduplicating, check out the following methods:… Here’s a compatible approach (array objects & primitive data types)

const objArr = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 4.userName: 'luggage'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'

const numberArr = [];

/ * * * *@desc Array duplicates (ARR, key) *@param {Array} Arr: Array * to be de-duplicated@param {String} Key: deduplication key *@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrRmDuplicates(arr, key) {
    let obj = {};
    return arr.reduce((newArr, item) = > (key ? (obj[item[key]] ? ' ' : obj[item[key]] = 1 && newArr.push(item)) : newArr = Array.from(new Set(arr)), newArr), [])

console.log(arrRmDuplicates(objArr, 'userId'))
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3. Array union

const num_1 = []
const num_2 = []

const objArr_1 = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 3.userName: 'Tian Ba Lee'
}, {
    userId: 4.userName: 'luggage'

const objArr_2 = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 6.userName: 'Wu Xiaofei'
}, {
    userId: 8.userName: 'don'

/ * * * *@desc Array union arrUnio(ARR_1, ARR_2, key) *@param {Array, the Array} Arr_1, ARR_2: original array *@param {String} Key: indicates the keyword *@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrUnio(arr_1, arr_2, key) {
    return arr_1.concat(arr_2.filter(item= >key ? ! >it[key]).includes(item[key]) : ! arr_1.includes(item))) }console.log(arrUnio(num_1, num_2))
console.log(arrUnio(objArr_1, objArr_2, 'userId'))
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4. Array intersection

const num_1 = []
const num_2 = []

const objArr_1 = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 3.userName: 'Tian Ba Lee'
}, {
    userId: 4.userName: 'luggage'

const objArr_2 = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 6.userName: 'Wu Xiaofei'
}, {
    userId: 8.userName: 'don'

/ * * * *@desc ArrIntersection (ARR_1, ARR_2, key) *@param {Array, the Array} Arr_1, ARR_2: original array *@param {String} Key: indicates the keyword *@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrIntersection(arr_1, arr_2, key) {
    return arr_1.filter(item= > key ? > it[key]).includes(item[key]) : arr_2.includes(item))

console.log(arrIntersection(num_1, num_2))
console.log(arrIntersection(objArr_1, objArr_2, 'userId'))
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5. Array difference set

const num_1 = []
const num_2 = []

const objArr_1 = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 3.userName: 'Tian Ba Lee'
}, {
    userId: 4.userName: 'luggage'

const objArr_2 = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'
}, {
    userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'
}, {
    userId: 6.userName: 'Wu Xiaofei'
}, {
    userId: 8.userName: 'don'

/ * * * *@desc Array arrDifference(ARR_1, ARR_2, key) *@param {Array, the Array} Arr_1, ARR_2: original array *@param {String} Key: indicates the keyword *@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrDifference(arr_1, arr_2, key) {
    let duplicatesArr = arrRmDuplicates([...arr_1, ...arr_2], key) // arrRmDuplicates are the array deduplication methods mentioned earlier
    return duplicatesArr.filter(item= >(! [arr_1, arr_2].every(it= > key ? ( > its[key]).includes(item[key])) : it.includes(item))))

console.log(arrDifference(num_1, num_2))
console.log(arrDifference(objArr_1, objArr_2, 'userId'))
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6. Array flattening

"Method one" : Encapsulate recursive functionsconst arr = [1.2[3.4].5[6[7[8.9]]]]
const objArr = [{
    userId: 1.userName: 'Zhang Haiyang'[{},userId: 2.userName: 'Wang Xiaoxiao'[{},userId: 3.userName: 'Reese'{}]],userId: 6.userName: 'Wu Xiaofei'
}, {
    userId: 8.userName: 'don'

/ * * * *@desc Array flattening arrFlat(ARr, I) *@param {Array} Arr: original array *@param {Number} I: Number of layers to be leveled. The default value is 1 *@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrFlat(arr, i = 1) {
    return arr.reduce((newArr, item) = > newArr.concat((i>1&&Array.isArray(item))? arrFlat(item,i-1):item), [])

console.log(arrFlat(objArr, 1))

/ * -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - * /Method 2: Added in ES6`Array.prototype.flat()`Used to "flatten" a nested array into a one-dimensional array. This method returns a new array with no effect on the original data.console.log(arr.flat())

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7. Two elements in an array are swapped

const arr = []

/ * * * *@desc Array values swap arrExchange(ARR, index_1, index_2) *@param {Array} Arr: original array *@param {Number} Index_1: The index * of the first exchange value@param {Number} Index_2: The index * of the second exchange value@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrExchange(arr, index_1, index_2) {
    arr.splice(index_1, 1, arr.splice(index_2, 1, arr[index_1])[0])
    return arr

console.log(arrExchange(arr, 1.3))
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The above method will change the original array. If you do not want to change the original array, you can consider adding a switch to control and achieve compatible effect. The method is as follows:

const arr = []

/ * * * *@desc Array value swap arrExchange(arr, index_1, index_2,isChangeSourceArr=false) *@param {Array} Arr: original array *@param {Number} Index_1: The index * of the first exchange value@param {Number} Index_2: The index * of the second exchange value@param {Boolean} IsChangeSourceArr: Whether to change the original array, default does not change *@return {Array} Returns an array */
function arrExchange(arr, index_1, index_2, isChangeSourceArr = false) {
    let newArr = isChangeSourceArr ? arr : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr)); // The deep copy here does not apply to arrays whose elements are functions and data types such as Symbol
    newArr.splice(index_1, 1, newArr.splice(index_2, 1, newArr[index_1])[0])
    return newArr

console.log(arrExchange(arr, 1.3),arr) // Do not change the original array
console.log(arrExchange(arr, 1.3.true),arr) // Change the original array
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8, the end

All of the above approaches to arrays are common at work, so if you find this article useful, keep your mind at 😁😁