“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Time passed quickly, a year has passed in the blink of an eye, in 2021, I harvest is quite a lot, unfortunately, this year, my goal is also not complete, some regret and pity. But NEXT year I will work harder to achieve my goal.

What have I learned this year?

First of all, I would like to thank Sifu for giving me a chance to develop. I am honored to record video courses on Sifu. I don’t care how much profit I earn, but at least I can realize the difficulty of recording video and the growth brought by recording courses. The following are my recording results:

  • Authenticate login to play with TypeScript projects

  • Movie options for playing with TypeScript projects

  • Implement a Mini version of the compiler from scratch

  • Write a color picker from scratch

Originally, I planned to record a course of “Reading Notes Management System”, technology stack React + typescript + Family bucket + PHP this year, but because I have added a lot of design in the process of gradual development, so I will finish this goal next year, please look forward to it!

PS: I learned a lot from this course, at least I was familiar with the React stack. I also built a lot of UI components by myself, such as Dialog Dialog, breadCrumb, Select, Upload, Pagnation, etc. This is a small UI component library.

As shown below:

Because the function gradually increases, I believe that this course will let you learn a lot, can show you the effect in advance.

Several articles were also completed this year, as follows:

  • 2 days with VUe3.0 “Nuggets – 2020 Popular Creators List” website
  • A flexible and highly customizable JavaScript color picker
  • Drill into this object in JavaScript
  • In 2021, let’s hand write a mini version of the VUe2. X and Vue3. X frameworks
  • What have I learned from 50 Web projects in JavaScript in 50 days?
  • Create a website from scratch using create-react-app + react + typescript
  • A utility function that implements restricted use of the page tooltip component
  • Implement a color picker from scratch (native JavaScript implementation)
  • What DID I learn from 50 days of rewriting 50 Web projects with React. Js?
  • Implement an online triangle generator from scratch

I am very satisfied with the results. In addition, I have also written an official website of 50 projects. The details can be seen here. The technology stack adopts less + Vite + VUe3 to achieve.

Website, of course, I also completed the algorithm, the sword refers to the summary of the offer, now I have the sword refers to offer a second version of the algorithm is finished brush, brush is special assault, have to say after brush algorithm, feeling I was improved a lot, all logical thinking I know I’m still very vegetables, still need to work, May 2022, I can finish all my goals. Below is a partial screenshot of my finger Offer algorithm.

More details can be found on the official website.

There are also sites that collect code snippets, as shown below:

It may come from summaries at work, or from collecting code snippets on the Internet. I take every open source project seriously. I will never give up and try my best to update it.


Hope to have friends to join the contribution, improve the repository of this code fragment, not limited to JS, CSS and other technologies.

Of course, there is the biggest blow this year, that is the failure in the interview, although I failed five times, but I am not discouraged, I know that I still need to work hard, as I said in my column, a little progress every day, that is, a lot of progress.

And there are still some tasks to be completed, I did not complete well, this is my own regret, next year’s goal is to try to complete these goals.

  • Write a gold digger booklet.
  • Recording “Reading notes Management System” course.
  • Completed 50 JavaScript projects for vUE version, mini version. (In fact, I have already completed the part, but I have not summarized it yet. For details, you can check my official website.)
  • Strive to finish the summary of the algorithm of the special assault version of offer and the algorithm summary article.
  • Major update to color picker 2.0.0.

Looking back at the past year, perhaps it is the year of my deepest growth since the beginning of my career.