This is the 22nd day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

Lists, removes, and updates installed plug-ins

You can retrieve the list of currently loaded plug-ins using the following list option:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin list
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Alternatively, use the Node-info API to find out which plug-ins are installed on each node in the cluster

Remove the plug-in

Plug-ins can be removed manually by removing the corresponding directory under plugins/, or by using a public script:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove [pluginname]
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After the Java plug-in is removed, you need to restart the node to complete the removal process.

By default, the plug-in configuration file (if any) is saved on disk; This is so that the configuration is not lost when the plug-in is upgraded. If you want to purge the configuration file when you delete the plug-in, use -p or –purge. You can use this option to remove any delayed configuration files after the plug-in is removed.

Delete multiple plug-ins

Multiple plug-ins can be removed in a single call, as follows:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove [pluginname] [pluginname] ... [pluginname]
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The plugin was built for a specific version of Elasticsearch, so it must be reinstalled every time Elasticsearch is updated.

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove [pluginname]
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install [pluginname]
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Intelligent Chinese analysis plug-in

This plugin integrates Lucene’s Intelligent Chinese analysis module into ElasticSearch.

It provides an analyzer for Chinese or mixed Chinese and English text. The analyzer uses probabilistic knowledge to find the best word segmentation for simplified Chinese text. The text is first broken down into sentences, and then each sentence is broken down into words.

The installationThe editor

This plug-in can be installed using plug-in Manager:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-smartcn
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The plug-in must be installed on each node in the cluster, and each node must be restarted after installation.

You can from the artifacts. Elastic. Co/downloads/e… Download this plug-in for an offline installation. To validate files, use an SHA hash or ASC key. .zip