“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Friendly reminder: this article is too realistic, if there is the same, pure coincidence!


I live in the front end of a second-tier Z city. There are two children in my family. The eldest is now in primary school and will go to primary school next year, while the second is two years old and will go to kindergarten next year. The main expenses of the family include mortgage, car loan, parking space loan, insurance, minor accidents from time to time, and a $30,000 credit card installment, without any savings. And my salary is just over $10 million, not enough to pay off the loan. My wife earns 3, 000 yuan a month, even less than the local basic salary, just enough to feed our family.

As a result, my 2021 has been extremely difficult, and my repayment credit is on the verge of collapse.

Analyze the reasons

  1. Impulse spending, loan + down payment to buy a car in installments, resulting in the salary can not pay the loan
  2. Hematopoietic capacity has not improved, wages have not risen, consumption is increasing
  3. You’re so sure of yourself that you think you can get by with little projects

I change the status quo, what am I struggling to do?

Investigate cross-border e-commerce shopee

When I was brushing a certain sound, I happened to see an advertisement, one mobile phone, one computer, zero investment in cross-border e-commerce, I thought that isn’t exactly what I want to do? So I signed up and left my contact information.

The next day, a teacher called me and added me to the wechat group, saying that there would be a live class at 7 PM.

At seven o ‘clock in the evening, I entered the live broadcast room, where the teacher bragged about how powerful cross-border e-commerce was, supported by national policies and backed by Tencent investment, with a low learning level and a bright future. From time to time during the display of students shop sales. As a layman, see the blood boiling, like a lot of money waving to me.

Finally, the teacher changed a depressive and nervous background music, loudly said: heart does not move, do not want to learn, not 9998, as long as 8888. Teaching by hand, teaching by hand.

So I silently quit the studio.

Later, I checked what the teacher said and learned about Shopee. What the teacher said was true. He was the overseas version of Taobao, looking for a source of goods in China to make a distributor and make profits from it. The teacher’s intention of cutting leeks is too obvious.

So I read some shopee rules roughly, the general process is as follows:

  1. Register for a business license, preferably for a company rather than an individual
  2. I need a cell phone number and a computer
  3. Registered shopee
  4. Source goods and stock them in your store
  5. Waiting for the order
  6. Shipment to domestic transit warehouse
  7. Handling after-sales

Forced me to give up his handling of after-sales freight rules, as well as some import and export restrictions. Return merchants pay shipping fees starting at $8, and you may make less than $8 on a single sale because you sold items at a lower price. Also, the rules of entry and exit change frequently, and sometimes something becomes contraband.

Maybe I’m not very interested in e-commerce. Maybe I missed her and didn’t know her very well.

Try movie commentary

You will often see XXX talking about movies on a certain tone, so I made a work according to their formula.

Skills you need:

  1. Learn to use Pr, clip and other video editing software.
  2. Learn how to use audio processing software such as Au

Production process:

  1. Watch a movie and write a copy
  2. Use a cell phone to record the text, or use speech synthesis technology
  3. Find the corresponding clip on the movie according to the pronunciation
  4. Add background music
  5. Make a cover

The first time I tried to publish my work on watermelon video, the official gave me 50 yuan of revenue. It feels good, but in terms of the cost of time, it’s too inefficient to make money.

  1. Watch movies for at least an hour
  2. Write paperwork for an hour
  3. Recording for half an hour
  4. Editing is the most time-consuming, requiring one hour to edit one minute of work and five hours to edit one five minutes of work.

So it takes 7.5 hours to edit a piece.

The cumulative production of three, on the first step effect is good, the second due to the new release of the film accused of infringement, the third due to the screen is a little unsuitable for children was removed. So I stopped making it because it was too expensive.

What if I stick to it…..

On Changing Jobs

The ideal job is: more money, less work, close to home.

But my current job is a little bit less money, other content. Come to work late, leave work early, also double day off.

I made several interviews and got several offers, but didn’t go:

  1. Offer01, salary rise 2k, cross-district drive to work, single rest
  2. Offer02, wages remain unchanged, cross district to work, two days off, big factory outsourcing
  3. Offer03, the interview, and then send me a question email, a busy forget

I think I live in an environment where my skills are not growing and my ability is not outstanding, so I deserve not to find an ideal job.

About life

2021 all regrets and complaints due to no money.

No money: When my child asks for a toy, I wonder if IT will be returned next month

No money: the family relationship is at risk, your wife is unscrupulous complain why they married you, poor couple Pepsi failure!

No money: even sick all dare not….

No money: you’re not even a good guy

No money: home is not your harbor


2021 is the most confused year of my life.

CURD every day makes me numb. I can’t keep up with the demands of trivial changes, and my enthusiasm for learning new technologies is far less than learning new industries. Lack of concentration, just like the well digger in the cartoon, I couldn’t hold on in my confused and anxious heart.

At this point, I suddenly realized, why did I give up my advantage? I’m a front-end engineer! Is 2021 the year of Brackish Borrowing a Tail? Ha ha ha…

Because 2021 is extremely unfocused, I’m going to be a do-it-all person. I’m going to start with every little thing and do every little thing well.

Because 2021 was extremely confusing, I spent half a month trying to figure out what my big goal for 2022 was!

2022 be hopeful and enthusiastic.

Always believe that there is money to be made in every head of industry.

New Year’s Flag

  • g,u,nOut of the comfort zone
  • Learning Vue 3
  • Developed with excellent open source vuE-Admin front-end platform and open source Node-based backend contains simple low code and permissions, so that it can be done out of the box
  • Learning webgl