Auto Close Tag

Automatically adds HTML/XML closing tags, the same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime text

After you type the closing brackets for the opening tag, the closing tag is automatically inserted.

Auto Rename Tag

Automatically renames paired HTML/XML tags


Beautify code for Visual Studio code

Select the code that you want to beautify and right-click Format Document


Enhanced Git functionality built into Visual Studio code – visualizing code authors at a glance with Git blame comments and code lenses, seamlessly navigating and browsing Git repositories, gaining valuable insights with powerful compare commands, and much more

JavaScript (ES6) code snippets

JavaScript code snippets in ES6 syntax

Path Autocomplete

Provide path completion for Visual Studio code.

Path Intellisense

Visual Studio code plug-in to automatically complete file names

React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7

Simple extensions to React, Redux, and Graphql using ES7 syntax in JS/TS

StandardJS – JavaScript Standard Style

Integrate JavaScript standard styles into Visual Studio code.

  1. Install the “JavaScript Standard Style “extension

    If you do not know how to install extensions in Visual Studio, check the documentation.

    You will need to reload Visual Studio to use the new extension.

  2. Install Standard or Semistandard

    This can be done globally or locally. We recommend that you install them locally (that is, save devDependencies in your project) to ensure that they are installed by other developers as you develop your project.

  3. Disable the built-in Visual Studio validator

    To do this, “javascript. Validate. Enable” : false in Visual Studio setup Settings. The json


Vue tools for VS code

vscode wxml

Wechat WXML support /vscode fragment


Insert a caption comment and automatically update the time.

In settings.json, set and change the name of the creator.

"fileheader.Author": "Jiang",
"fileheader.LastModifiedBy": "Jiang",
Copy the code


Copy the code


Visual Studio code icon


Wechat applet WXML formatting and highlighting components (highly customized)


Integrate ESLint JavaScript into Visual Studio code.

The following Settings enable automatic repair for all providers, including ESLint:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": true
Copy the code

Instead, this configuration only turns it on in ESLint:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
Copy the code

You can also optionally disable ESLint by:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": true,
    "source.fixAll.eslint": false
Copy the code

Import Cost

Display import/request package size in the editor

Beautify css/sass/scss/less

Beautify CSS, Sass, and Less code (Extensions to Visual Studio code)

Select the code that you want to beautify and right-click Format Document


TSLint support for Visual Studio code

Settings Sync

Use GitHub Gist to synchronize Settings, code snippets, themes, file ICONS, launches, key bindings, workspaces, and extensions across multiple computers.

CSS Peek

Allows viewing CSS IDS and class strings as definitions from HTML files to the corresponding CSS. Allows viewing and going to definitions.


Use the Stylelint to extend Visual Studio code to Lint CSS/SCSS/Less for formatting verification.


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