I have to admire the strong ecology of Spring Boot. Today, I would like to recommend an excellent open source mall management system on Gitee, which is a sharp tool to earn money without having to do a project from beginning to end.

Project introduction

SpringBoot2+MybatisPlus+SpringSecurity+ JWT + Redis +Vue front and back end separate mall system, including mall, group, haggling, merchant management, second killing, coupons, points, distribution, membership, recharge, multi-store and other functions, More suitable for enterprises or individuals secondary development.

Mall function

  • Commodity module: commodity addition, specification setting, commodity off and off shelves, etc
  • Order module: order, shopping cart, payment, delivery, receipt, evaluation, refund, etc
  • Marketing module: points, coupons, distribution, bargaining, group, SEC kill, multiple stores, etc
  • Wechat module: custom menu, automatic reply, wechat authorization, image and text management, template message push
  • Configuration modules: various configurations
  • User module: login, registration, membership card, recharge, etc
  • Other etc.

The project structure

The project adopts module development mode

  • Yshop-weixin Related module of wechat
  • Yshop-common public module
  • Yshop-admin Background module
  • Yshop-logging Logging module
  • Yshop-tools Third-party tool module
  • Yshop-generator code generation module
  • Yshop – Shop mall module
  • yshop-mproot mybatisPlus

Preview system

! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p3-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/ee355e23-536e-4410-816b-d4e5386d21ad?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p6-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/14891c61-da0f-42c1-af11-c5f3df00034b?from=pc)
! [recommend this, SpringBoot open source mall system, making money too easily] (https://p3-tt.byteimg.com/origin/pgc-image/16bb14b53c53419d87b7b9db31220a01?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p6-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/b54e7f3d-f94b-4bb3-b30d-59e73f0a21a8?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p1-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/eb087468-2045-4ae1-a6e4-478f0b6828da?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p3-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/f0292b9a-723d-41f6-b4ed-f05432450247?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p3-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/e6110baf-583a-43e2-871d-23923fb6693e?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p6-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/8d6fa750-6c66-429d-82b0-3bbc086ed27f?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p6-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/d95dd226-56d9-4ece-bca9-5f44e545c3ab?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p1-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/a60849ca-968e-4510-8f66-5477b7863e78?from=pc)
! SpringBoot Open Source shopping mall system Earn money too easily] (https://p1-tt.byteimg.com/origin/dfic-imagehandler/9401b761-d485-40ab-befc-52260c92533d?from=pc)

Technology selection

Backend usage technology

  • 1.1 SpringBoot2

  • 1.2 mybatis, mybatis – Plus

  • 1.3 SpringSecurity

  • 1.5 Druid

  • 1.6 Slf4j

  • 1.7 Fastjson

  • 1.8 JWT

  • 1.9 Redis

  • 1.10 Quartz

  • Mysql 1.11

  • 1.12 swagger

  • 1.13 WxJava

  • 1.14 Lombok

  • 1.15 Hutool

  • 1.16 Mapstruct

  • 1.17 Redisson

  • 1.18 Rocketmq

  • Open source address

  • gitee.com/guchengwuyue/yshopmall

Front-end usage technology

  • 2.1 Vue family barrel
  • 2.2 Element
  • 2.3 mpvue
  • 2.3 uniapp


Finally, thank xiaobian for contributing such an excellent open source project, you can visit the project support

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