While the memorable year of 2020 has passed, it’s not hard to look back and see that low code development platforms are booming again in 2020 as companies adopt an online office model due to the pandemic. So why is low code so popular?

The following 4 content to everyone!

  • Why are low-code development platforms so popular?
  • What are the main features of a low code development platform?
  • Why a low-code development platform?
  • What do low code development platforms charge for?

Why are low-code development platforms so popular?

1. Many giant companies are engaged in the low-code field, such as Alibaba, Tencent and other domestic giants. Typical “star effect” brought fire to the domestic low code market.

2. Development of mobile Internet and cloud computing. Mobile working is available, plus the cloud costs are much lower than on-premise deployment.

3. Popularization of informatization and digitization. Lag will be beaten, more and more enterprises seek information, but also tasted the sweetness of information.

4. Low code development platform as an “out of the box” data visualization tool, it can make the visualization more impressive, many SaaS versions easier to operate. The enterprise system can be built by simple “drag and drop”, supporting the rapid production of data visualization applications in the cloud environment.

6. A low-code development platform is a great utility for non-technical people who can build applications based on their needs without having to understand code.

7, for technical personnel, low code development platform can be used as a development tool, IT can help IT team training, technology deployment to reduce the initial cost, but also can simplify the development process, shorten the development cycle, improve development efficiency, save development costs.

8, low code efficient collaboration ability, can help enterprise leaders to make decisions more quickly.

9. Low code build applications are highly flexible and cost effective for enterprises.

10, one-stop solution, multiple systems on one platform. Break traditional applications and modernize enterprise systems.

Ii. What are the main functions of the low code development platform?

1. Visually construct the business object data table, and support the establishment of association, and even need to support cross-application data table association.

2. Configure different types of views for different data scenarios, define data row and column filtering, and set different interface forms such as list, kanban and calendar.

3. You can define different user roles and grant different data access and rewriting permissions to these roles. The more finely defined the permissions, the better.

4. Able to set up summary tables and statistical charts for data.

5. Can create custom input forms and distribute them to different roles.

6, can establish a custom report for the output of various forms of forms, there are dozens of sets of internal graphic reports, covering the required various industries and services, supporting the function of the set.

7. Able to manage enterprise users, departments, and organizational structures and apply them to application logic, such as application distribution, role assignment, and flow information in workflow.

8. Can visually configure workflow, support operations such as data addition, rewriting and deletion under specific conditions, and integrate into manual process nodes such as data filling and approval. The workflow runs to monitor and save logs.

9, enterprise-oriented portal website and internal system interface, data kanban and other features, to achieve personalized use.

Why choose a low-code development platform?

1. Low code development platform

According to the model of low-code development platform, Weisin changes the original and tedious development mode, greatly shortens the iteration cycle and reduces the development cost, and can master the use of products in a short time without a large number of professional teams. Low code development is a new development mode in recent years, which has strong development efficiency and expansibility, and is widely praised by developers.

2. Simultaneous development of PC and APP

Wexin low-code development framework platform can easily build mobile applications of IOS and Android systems, realize one-station aggregation and multi-terminal access of PC and mobile terminals, and quickly obtain various data synchronization.

3, small program seamless docking

Currently the most popular small program is essential, weisin and wechat small program, Alipay small program, dingdingsmall program, toutiao small program, Baidu small program, QQ small program one key direct, and committed to professional design process, the whole industry development plan, to achieve interconnection and efficient collaboration office.

4. Flexible interface for everything interconnection

When many enterprises use management software, they will be very worried about the data difference between different systems, such as the problem of information island. However, Weexin connects all kinds of enterprise system data, realizes the joint management and management of mobile phone and PC, and realizes the interconnection of everything with highly adapted development platform and powerful interface engine.

5. Cross-platform engine platforms

Weisin integrates engine platform and lightweight integrated application, which is more suitable for the development of science and technology. The platform has a wider audience and lower requirements for developers.

To meet the needs of the enterprise, and change

The signature development mode of low code development platform is drag-and-drop visual configuration development, which can be freely configured and personalized development according to different business scenarios. Weave simplifies the development mode. Select the database, associate the database, configure the form, fill in the form information, and then generate the code. Weave code generator must be mentioned here, because it can develop forms so quickly.

Iv. How do low code development platforms charge?

Today, most low-code development platforms are SaaS based. That means businesses pay a subscription fee. Prices generally range from a few hundred to thousands per month. It depends on the number of users, the number of applications and the features we use. Of course, there are some low-code platforms that support private deployment, with buy-out prices ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

A low code development platform to address the needs of multiple enterprise application systems. This is why low code development platforms are so cost-effective.

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