The Tao of Programming was written by Geoffrey James, a veteran American programmer.

This article is for the paper, ha ha ha, a little unscrupulous.


Programmer Zen Master: I learned Hello World and daffodil count, want to develop an operating system, I hope the master to give advice.

The Zen master smiled without a word, caught a chicken, wrapped a thread on the chicken leg, he pulled the thread, the chicken fell immediately, the chicken struggled to continue to walk, the Zen master pulled again, the chicken fell again, so many times eight times.

Programmer if have insight: “master you are let indomitable, persistent efforts?”

Zen master a smile: “young man, I let you pull chicken eight pour.”


The programmer asked the Zen master, “I don’t always get along with my colleagues. They use Java and I use PHP.

The Zen master smiled without a word and took out a chopstick and handed it to the young man: Come and break it.

The young man took the chopsticks and broke them easily.

The zen master took out forty-seven chopsticks. The youth grabbed them and cut them off with an axe.

The Zen master pondered for a moment, posing, hands clasped together: You should use Python.


The programmer said to the Zen master, “Zen master, I can’t let go of something.”

“There’s nothing you can’t put down,” Jackson said.

The programmer shook his head and turned on the computer.

The zen master said: “or buy a bigger hard disk.”


A programmer asked a Zen master: I like Java language best, but others always say that Java is not good, Java will die, how should I?

The zen master picked up an axe and threw it into the sky. Then he asked: Did you hear the sound of pain from the sky?

The programmer shook his head: the axe did not hurt the sky, the sky how can shout pain?

Zen master nodded: the sky is so high and vast, what can not tolerate. To be a qualified programmer, be like the sky. Throw the axe again… Oh my god…


Programmer to visit zen master: every time encounter program bug, I am anxious, especially to the master for peace of mind.

Without saying a word, the Zen master went to chop wood first, then draw water, put the wood into the stove and light it, boil water in a big pot, and carefully wipe the cups one by one.

Programmer suddenly realize: “your meaning is, want to be good at experiencing life from the fine place of life!”

The zen master put down his work and calmly said, “I just went to work and I’m busy. Don’t bother me!!”


The programmer asked the zen master: “I want to develop a website, which contains all the features of Renren, QQ, Facebook and Taobao. What does the master think?”

Without saying a word, the zen master led him into the yard where several plum trees were silently giving out their fragrance.

“The fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold…”

The programmer was moved: “Master! Are you trying to tell me that I can get what I want if I keep trying?”

The zen master shook his head: “Mei before you say a fart.”


The programmer asked the Zen master:

“Master, what should I do when I meet a bottleneck? I feel like I still have room to improve but I don’t know how to do it.”

The master walked silently to the zen room, turned on the computer and boarded QQ without saying a word

The programmer suddenly realized:

“Does the master want me to make more friends?”

Master Xu Xu said: “labor is to give you find promotion channels you say you find labor effect is not big ah my professional direction with you different you quickly add this Q group: 230419550 this inside to your promotion has help there are big cattle guidance but if you just basic or no work experience do not enter