“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

I was sure I’d change careers.

In 2017, I entered the workplace as a Java

When the interview boss slightly a frown, see me a little girl: “we do not lack Java ah, but lack of front-end, you can top two days?” .

Young I looked at his pocket than their own face are clean, have just graduated to have a job to be good, tube him what front end back end, ring fat yan thin I come all refuse.

So I in a fart big point of the place to draw two years of static page, occasionally write a public static page, static small program, response type static page, has been eating the boss to draw me the big pie.

“No design, you learn multiple skills, multiple paths.”

“New people were recruited very quickly and interviewed.”

I said boss I want to quit, I want to go to Shanghai

The boss say: “you again top for a while, Shanghai there I know a friend, then introduce you to go.”

Another half year.

So I finally got my first front-end colleague in nineteen nineteen, someone who changed my front-end career.

The big man’s resume is headstrong and dense.

For so many years, the boss finally did a personal thing, I lead the boss in front of the earnest said: “you are free to take her, we progress together.”

I thought after drawing static pages for two years, I was a hammer.

The boss was disgusted with me at that time, and told the boss that I might not have so much time to take others, and the boss threw me in front of him: “Nothing is nothing, try to take.”

Say that finish head also don’t return of slip away, fear big guy find opportunity to refuse.

I looked at each other with the big guy, I felt I was a hot potato, depressed for two years, shame made me suddenly want to go up.

Big guy is actually very particular about one person, in my 35 from time to time, sweet talk, point milk tea please snacks finally moved. I wrote a little program hand in hand. Well, it started with the data request.

Just when I thought I had opened the front door and was wandering in the sea of knowledge.

Love came, and when I looked back, I was already married and pregnant.

My mother waved a big hand: “resign, after all, the first child, always computer radiation can not.”

My heart says to have reason simply nimble home squat, at that time young five danger all didn’t give me hand in, now recall really angry dead individual.

Then there’s pregnancy, birth, breast-feeding, diapers, day and night changes, postpartum depression, baby cries. I thought it was impossible to read quietly at home.

She was like an angel and a devil incarnate, an angel asleep, a devil awake. All the front-end and back-end server databases are in the trash with the diapers.

When my baby was 11 months old, I called her bluff and said, “Mom, I’m going to work.”

My mother-in-law is very helpful: “Yes, you go, you go to work I will quit immediately.”

I was just testing, but I didn’t expect my mother-in-law to be so quick. As soon as I finished talking to her, she immediately called her supervisor and said that she would stay at home and not cook any more.

I was stupid, and then I found out that she didn’t want to go because of her low salary. Just waiting for an excuse. Now I have to go to work. I don’t remember any codes.

I opened Boss Zhipin and started searching for jobs, searching for UI designers

Ding, there is a message in, it is a panda head “I see you used to make a mui mixed development app, now have you resigned, test do not consider a new job?”

Me:?? “Hello, I have done muiapp, but I haven’t touched the code for a long time.”

The opposite message soon came again, looking very excited: “Ah, nothing is nothing, do you think about coming to our company for a try?”

I thought this is not a liar, haven’t touched the code for a long time also want? But face has to be given. I said, “I’ve been home for over a year, is that okay?”

Opposite: “Wait till you come”

In fact, I like the front end of this work, although dishes will only draw static pages, but do not like who will choose this line of work.

I still went, with the work is my first two years spent UI design, source code early do not know where to throw. I was interviewed upstairs by two fat men with eager eyes. I wanted to show them the source code, and they said there was no rush.

I asked some process questions, and some experience questions about the project. Asked me how much salary, I think it is unlikely anyway on the interview, casually reported a not low number, refused me good then look for UI ah.

Two fat supervisor sent me back to wait for notice, I actually did not report much hope, this just look for a job interview, or expect salary, it is not ridiculous.

One week, the tech manager sent me a message, a meme: “Interview?” Tech manager: “I’m sorry you didn’t pass” I… Just want to delete people, and came to a “ha ha ha ha, coax you, come to work next week” I: %&…… * @ #

Ha ha ha ha, I still went, the cub is very conscious to break their own breast milk, and then do not get up at night, the old mother’s work expressed strong support. I was pleased to get her a new bottle and a more expensive diaper. Good for everyone or really good.

I joined a new company, a small company with about three Javas, a front-end (not including me), and an artist. Small as a sparrow is, it has all the organs.

In fact, MY heart is very bumpy, always do by the technical manager is a rookie, and then kick out of the preparation. Interview my manager called Zhu Ge, I asked Zhu Ge, WHAT do I do?

Zhu Elder brother is thoughtful, see Vue and uniapp document.

In this way, I looked at the documents for half a month. To be honest, I really did not use VUE. As I said before, it was all brought by big men.

Better leave one behind than leave a thousand. Yes I have some of the problem that can’t, looked for big guy again, big guy hasn’t jumped ship at this time.

I used to get along well, and now I give a hand to my problems. At this time I learned that our company is a power company software department, but special points out. (Later, the company moved and moved again)

After reading the document for half a month, I doubted the authenticity every day, someone paid me to learn?? Really could not help but ask Zhu Ge: “Zhu Ge, what can I do?”

Zhu Ge said you read almost, then write. Use uniAPP to write a power system app against the picture on blue Lake

I??? Boy, it never rains but it pours.

I spent the next six months studying every day, cramming, looking for bosses. Big guy job-hopping is too busy to deal with me, but jilted to me a lot of information, I will turn over the document to find their own source code.

I went to moOCs to buy classes and bought more than 1000 yuan of them (don’t follow me, buy what you can, I haven’t finished watching the video yet).

When I first started my job five years ago, I played a front end of Soul. He told me a little program and I didn’t understand it. The big guy got so angry that I didn’t call him.

This big guy silently lay in my friend list for five years, also did not post moments, I once wondered if it was obsolete.

Five years later, when I really couldn’t write, this big guy contacted me. I just said it’s still on the front end.

Ah ha ha ha ha, this is not sleepy someone to send pillows, this time I have thick skin, the moment to consult the big guy. Big guy is also very force three five divide two speak a clear and thorough.

From then on, I completely hugged the big guy’s thigh (thanks to my understanding, not jealous husband).

After learning ES6+Vue+Uniapp a lot of things, I was finally able to stand on my own (not).

At this time, I lost myself in writing novels, yes, not to see, is to write.

Five hundred dollars in three months. To send a xuzhou specialty to the big guy, the northeast big guy said: “pull that calf to do what, hurry to learn.”

Originally thought this was the end of the result, the big guy fell in love with king of Glory, but he dishes a batch of ah, but king of Glory veteran five years of players I ah, through the baptism of three hundred, MY friendship with the big guy sublimated.

Original: I: big guy, ask you once, this problem how how big guy: you see the document how how how


Unconsciously a year passed, I really did not think I have to do the front end of the day again.

Although still a beginner, I learned to record my problems on CSDN, which helped some newcomers.

Learned Vue, did not expect 3 to come so fast..

It’s been a different year, since I’m no longer writing static folly for a pitfall.

Next year, I plan to learn react and Ts and learn other technologies.

Thanks to my zhu Ge’s foresight, he pulled me out of depression at home and gave me a new opportunity. (Agreed to lose weight together, he lost 60 jin, I still)

Thank my mother-in-law carefully take my daughter, to the mother-in-law than heart

Thanks to my two bosses and countless wild ones.

Thanks to my not jealous husband, love him ha ha ha ha