Vue.js (pronounced /vjuː/, similar to view) is a set of progressive frameworks for building user interfaces. The main purpose is to quickly build front-end interfaces. Unlike other large front-end frameworks, Vue is designed to be applied from the bottom up, layer by layer.

Compared to Angular.js, Vue’s core library focuses only on the view layer. It is not only easy to get started, but also easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects, making it the preferred front-end framework for startups. On the other hand, when combined with a modern toolchain and a variety of supporting libraries, Vue is perfectly capable of driving complex, single-page applications.

Vue.js is one of the three most popular JavaScript frameworks because of its ease of use, flexibility, high performance, and gradualness.

He that would do a good job must sharpen his tools. The rapid development and rise of Vue also benefit from its rapidly developing community environment. In order to achieve rapid iterations, a large number of open source projects have sprung up in the Vue community, with which we can achieve rapid iterations.

UI components

Element ★34,784 – Vue2 based Storybook ★33,503 – Responsive UI development and testing environment Vux ★15,061 – Vue and WeUI based component library Mint-UI ★13,381 – Vue 2 mobile UI elements iView ★19,629 – VuEJs-based open source UI component library keen-UI ★3,615 – lightweight UI component collection Vue-Material ★7,542 -UI library to achieve material effects Muse – UI ★7,077 – Three end style responsive UI library vuetify ★16,345 – Vue JS 2 component framework for mobile Vonic ★3,009 – Quick build mobile single page application EME ★1,772 – Elegant Markdown editor Vue-MultiSelect ★ 3,877-Vue.js Select box Solution Vue-Table ★1,691 – simplified data table VueCircleMenu ★1,075 – beautiful Vue circle menu Vue-chat ★1, 255-Vuejs and Vuex and WebPack chat example Radon-UI ★885 – Fast development products of the VUE component library Vue-waterfall ★1, 447-Vue.js of the Waterfall layout component Vue-Carbon ★909 – VUE developed MD style mobile component library Vue-Beauty ★1,871 – Beautiful UI components created by Vue and Ant Design Vue-Blu ★1,449 – help you easily create web application vueAdmin ★4,836 – Vuejs2 and Element based simple administrator template vue-syntagm-highlight ★ 1,202-sublime Text syntax highlighting vue-infinite-scroll ★ 1,886-vuejs infinite scroll instruction Vue.Draggable ★6,459 – drag-awesome -swiper ★5,817 – Vue. Js touch slide component Vue -calendar ★1,081 – date selection plug-in bootstrap-vue ★7,757 – Vue-Swipe ★ 866-VUejs touch slider vue-amap ★1,869 – Map component vue-ChartJS based on VUE 2 and Amap ★681 – Calendar and date selection component vue-Google-Maps ★493 – Google Maps component with two-way data binding Vue-Progressbar ★936 Vue lightweight progress bar Vue – Picture -input ★717 – mobile friendly picture file input component Vue -infinite-loading ★1,524 – VueJS unlimited scroll plug-in Vue -upload- Component ★ 1,395-VUejs file upload component Vue-datetime -picker ★316 – Date and time selection control Vue-scroller ★1,453 – Vonic UI functional component vuE2-Calendar ★403 – Support for lunar and date events date selector vue-video-player ★1,734 – VueJS video and live player vue-fullcalendar ★963 – based on vue.js fullcalendar component rubik ★276 – Based on Vuejs2 open source UI component library VueStar ★637 – with star animation vUE like button vue-mugen-scroll ★ 457-infinite scroll component Mint-loadmore ★ 316-vuEJs two-way pull-down refresh component Vue-tables -2 ★1,064 – bootstrap style grid vue-virtual-scroller ★1,672 – smooth DataVisualization ★985 – DataVisualization Vue-quill-editor ★3,533 – Quill based rich text editor for Vue2 Vueditor ★506 – What you see is what you get Editor Vue-HTML5-editor ★ 761-HTML5 What you see is what you get editor Vue-msgbox ★ 231-vuejs message box vue-slider ★ 646-vue slide component vue-core-image-upload ★1,128 – lightweight vue upload plug-in vue-slide ★212 – Vue lightweight slide component vue-lazyload-img ★229 – mobile optimized vue image lazyload plug-in vue-drag-and-drop-list ★305 – create sort list vue directive vue-progressive-image ★510 Vuwe ★215 – Vue component library vue-Dropzone ★1,159 – Vue component for file upload vuue – Charts ★357 – easy rendering of a chart Vue-swiper ★269 – Easy to use slider component Vue-images ★195 – Lightbox component for displaying a set of images Vue-Carousel – 3D ★449 – VueJS 3D carousel component Vue-Typer ★428 – Simulate user input to select and delete text from the Vue component vuE-impression ★199 – mobile Vuejs2 UI element Vue-Datatable ★120 – DataTableView vue-instant ★313 – Easily create auto-prompted custom search control VUe-dragging ★455 – so that elements can drag vue-slider-component ★1,176 – use the slider VUe2-loading-bar ★225 – in VUE1 and VUe2 Vue-video ★ 244-vue.js 图 片 player vue-image-crop-upload ★1,124 – Vue Picture clipping upload component Vue-Tooltip ★867 – Tooltip tool with binding information hint Vue-highcharts ★ 339-Highcharts component Vue-touch ripple ★320 – Vuejs Touch Ripple component Vue-datasource ★389 – create VueJS dynamic table vue2-timepicker ★246 – drop down timepicker vue-date-picker ★86 – VueJS date picker component vue-scrollbar ★104 – The simplest scrolling area component vue-Quill ★99 – Vue component Build Quill editor Vue-Google-signin-button ★180 – import Google login button vue-svgicon ★517 – tool to create SVG icon components Vue-baidu-map ★1,090 – vue2 based baidu map component library vue-social-sharing ★571 -social sharing component vue2-editor ★1,304 – HTML editor vue-easy-slider ★230 – Vue 2.x slider component Datepicker ★111 – Flatpickr based time selection component Vue-chart ★47 – powerful high-speed Vue chart parser Vue-music -master ★65 – VueJS Markdown editor component Vue-Popup -mixin ★70 – for managing popup masking layer Cubeex ★85 – Contains a complete set of mobile UI Vue-FullCalendar ★405 – Vue FullCalendar package Vue-Morris ★148 – Vuejs component package Morrisjs library We-Vue ★356 – Vue2 and WEUI1 developed components vuE-radial -progress ★ 206-Vue. js Radioactive progress bar components Vue-slick ★349 – achieve smooth rowhouse frame vUE components Vue-pull-to-refresh ★106 – Vue2 dropdown vuE-side-nav ★50 – responsive side navigation mint-Indicator ★71 – VueJS Vue-touch – Keyboard ★153 – VueJS Virtual keyboard component Vue-chartkick ★ 444-VUejs a line of code to achieve beautiful diagram Vue-Ztree ★127- with vUE write tree hierarchy components Vue-M-Carousel ★50 – vUE mobile end wheel play components Vue-datepicker – Simple ★59 – VUE based date selector Vue-Tabs ★123 – multi-tab page lightweight frame Vue-City ★98- City selector

The scaffold

Vuex ★18,763 – status management mode developed specifically for vuelidate ★3,336 – simple and lightweight module-based vue. js validation qingcheng ★ 864-Qingcheng theme Vue-Desktop ★542 – create UI library for management panel website vue-meta ★2,215 – manage meta information of app vue-axios ★1,350 – integrate axios into VueJS package vue-svg-icon ★473 – Vue2 variable color SVG icon scheme Avoriaz ★ 776-VUEJs test utility library Vue-Bootstrap-modal ★149 – Vue bootstrap style component vuep ★557 – render vue components with real-time edit and preview Vue-online ★ 115-reactive online and offline components Vue-lazy-render ★201 – Delayed rendering of vUE components vue-password-strength-meter ★299 – interactive password strength meter Element-admin ★294 – Background template for Vuecli’s Element UI vue-electron ★186 – plug-in cleave ★95 – encapsulates the selected API into the Vue object Vue- Shortkey ★440 – Vue- Cordova ★276 – for VueJS VueJS for Cordova – Vue-router-transition ★105 – Gesture ★134 – VueJS for HTTP – Vue-Loader ★456 – Load vUE file vue-qart ★259 – for qartJS Vue2 directive vue-websocket ★ 391-vuejs websocket plug-in Vue-local-storage ★416 – from HTML and JS environment Vuejs supports local storage of Vuejs events. Vuejs supports reactive bus of Vuejs events. Vuejs supports reactive bus of Vuejs events Vue-lazy-component ★32 – Lazily loads a component or element’s VUE directive vue-observe-visibility ★442 – Detects when an element is visible or hidden on the page vuex-i18n ★557 – locates the plugin vue.resize Vue directive vuex shared-mutations ★311 – Share some VUex mutations

Development framework

Electron – painted vue 8534 – electron and VueJS quick launch vue example – 2.0 – painted boilerplate 771 – Vue2 one-page application example vue – spa – painted the template before and after the 623 – side after separation of single page application development Framework7-Vue ★ 646-VUejs with Framework7 combined with Vue-Bulma ★373 – Lightweight high performance MVVM Admin UI framework Vue-webgulp ★140 – Example of Vue Loader

Server plug-in

Vue. Js vuue – SSR ★151 – very simple VueJS server side rendering template Vue-easy-renderer ★ 56-nodeJS server rendering

Auxiliary tool

DejaVue ★764 – Vuejs visualization and stress test Vue-Play ★932 – show vUE components of the minimum framework vscode-VueHelper ★330 – currently the best VUE code hint plug-in VScode Vue -generate-component ★149 – Easily generate vue JS component CLI tool vue-multipage- CLI ★77 – simple multi-page CLI

The sample

Koel ★9,902 – personal audio streaming media service based on the network vue2-happyfri ★6,351 – vue2 + vuex integration project pagekit ★5,035 – lightweight CMS website system vuedo ★1,925 – blog platform Jackblog – Vue ★1,689 – Personal Blog system Vue-Cnode ★1,094 – Rewrite vue cnode community CMS-of-blog ★670 -Blog Content Manager RSS-Reader ★883 – Simple RSS reader Vue-ghpages -blog ★401 – Rely on GitHub Pages without having to locally generate static blog vue-blog ★768 – use Vue2.0 and Vuex’s vue-blog vue-cnodejs ★3,035 – Based on vue rewrite webapp NeteaseCloudWebApp ★2,117 – high copy netease cloud music webapp vue-zhihu-daily ★1,246 -zhihu daily with Vuejs vue-wechat ★1,650 – build vue2 + vue-router + vuex development environment eleme ★1,532 – high copy ele. me app business detail vue-demo ★1,099 – Vue simple message board bilibili-vue ★1,436 – Full stack development Bilibili home Spa-starter – Kit ★916 – single page application starter kit VueDemo_Sell_Eleme ★1,235 – Vue douban ★1,989 – vue family bucket based on the fine douban DEMO vue-Meizi ★1,193 – vue latest actual combat project maizuo ★759 – Vue /vuex/redux 标 签 : Vue /vuex/redux 标 签 : Vue /vuex/redux 标 签 : Vue /vuex/redux 标 签 : Vue /vuex/redux 标 签 : Vue /vuex/redux Background management system based on vue + eled-ui zhihudaily-vue ★629 – zhihudaily web edition vue-163-music ★ 747-vue copy netease cloud music client edition vue-axios-github ★1,954 – Vue-shopping ★550 – Mogujie mobile terminal Vue2.0 – Taopiaopiao ★912 – Vue2.0 and Express to build Amoy ticket page xyy-vue ★1,187 – college students communication platform

Vue2.x-douban ★714 – VUe2 achieve simple douban movie webApp vue2-miniQQ ★625 – based on vuE2 achieve imitation mobile phone QQ single page application mi-by-Vue ★ 387-vuejs imitation mi official website daily-zhihu ★500 – Vue2 based on the zhihu Daily single-page application node-vue-server-webpack ★285 – node.js + vue.js + Webpack rapid development framework beauty ★245 – Douban beauty Clone Vue-adminlte – Vue-router ★243 – VUE and adminLte integrated application Vue-fis3 ★217 – popular open source tool integrated Demo Notepad ★216 – Local storage notepad Vue-Demo-maizuo ★198 -a Vue micro blog user end netease_yanxuan ★ 386-vUE version netease Yanxuan TMDB-app ★ 194-TMDBVUEJs application Vue-express-mongodb ★189 – simple front and rear end separation case vue-zhihudaily ★187 -zhihudaily Web version Vdo ★179 – VueJS and MD reconstruct douban vue-blog ★171 – single user blog Wuji ★168 – Wuji web version Hello-vue-Django ★160 – Vuejs with Django template project Zhihu-daily-vue.js ★157 – Vuejs single page web application Tencent – Sports ★ 154-Vue gouyan-movie- Vue ★151 – Vue based online movie news website X-blog ★145 – open source personal blog project vue-musicApp ★132 – use Vue family bucket to make music player Vue-cnode ★ 131-vue single-page application demo webpack-vue-vuerouter ★ 130-webpack and vue developed simple project example Vue-koa-demo ★128 – use Vue2 and Koa1 full stack demo VueBlog ★127 – Front and back end separation webSocket_chat ★127 – VUE and WebSocket based multiplayer online chat room Houtai ★125 – Vue and Element based back end management system Vue-Toutiao ★121 Vuejs high imitation of Toutiao mobile terminal Vue-Cnode ★121 – open source Cnode community Vue-mini-shop ★121 – Vuejs online store photoShare ★120 – a social platform based on photo sharing Iview2-management-system ★119 – background management system solution simple example doubanMovie ★119 – doubanMovie show vue-zhihu-daily ★111 – based on vue family bucket development of zhihu daily vue-news ★107 – WaP end Generator -loopback- Vue ★104 – Typical front and rear end separation project template Vue-quasar-admin-example ★99 – Apply quasar and VueJS to SPA project Vue-zhihudaily -2.0 ★97 – Zhihudaily created using Vue2.0+ Vue-router +vuex Vue-todos ★ 95-vue latest actual combat project tutorial vue-todos ★ 91-vue cloud music Demo vue-qqmusic ★ 90-vue family bucket + mint-UI build high copy qqmusic vue2.x-cnode ★88 – Based on vue family bucket Cnode community vue-ruby- China ★86 – VueJS framework built on rubychina platform doubanMovie-SSR ★85 – vue doubanMovie server rendered vue-jd ★76 -jd mobile web mall Vue-nreader ★73 – use vue2.0 + Vue-router + vuex to read a multi-page novel webapp VueBlog ★73 – personal blog Zhihu_Daily ★73 – before and after the end separation Vue and Nodejs based Web single page application Vue-KOA2-login ★67 – using VueJS & Nodejs to achieve the login registration webApp ★64 – Vue2 mobile webApp music player Vue-trip ★64 – Vue2 do Travel Webapp seeMusic ★63 – Cross-platform cloud music player github- Explorer ★63 – Find the most interesting Github library Vue-CLI-MultiPage – Bootstrap ★60 – Integrate vue official online example into the component vue-xiaomi -Shop ★59 – high imitation of XiaoMi mall project vue-neteasecloudmusic ★59 – imitation of IOS version of NetEaseCloudMusic mobile website life-app-vue ★59 – Use vue2 to complete multi-function collection to small webapp doubanApp ★55 – use vue2 to achieve imitation doubanApp ios7-vue ★52 – use vue2.0 vuue -router vuex to simulate ios7 canvas-vue ★50 – A Vue+Cnavas cool background management vue-bushishiren ★49 – not poet application Vue-SSR-Boilerplate ★48 – lite version of Ofvue-hackernews -2 vuecommUnity ★47 – Vue. Js Chinese community vue-music163 ★47 -music VueJS project vue2-mv ★45 – copy netease cloud music musiccloudWebapp ★44 – use VueJS copy netease cloud music cnode-vue ★40 – SPA Framework7-VueJS ★38 – Example using mobile frame M-Eleme ★37 – Emulates Ele. me mobile WebApp based on Vue SLS – VUex2 – Demo ★37 – Vuex2 shopping cart Demo Eagles ★36 – Various components package Todos_Vuejs ★35 – VuEJs2 built minimalist Todolist Vuue – Cnode ★35 – made with vue CNode official website HyaReader ★35 – mobile friendly reader Vue-admin ★33 -Admin system based on Vue2 Vue2 – HybridApp -haoshiqi ★32 – single-page WebApp and HybridApp Zhihu-daily ★32 – easily view zhihu daily content gank ★ 32-gankio resource reading application Vue-H5plus ★31 – avgarde vUE and HTML5Plus cross-platform demo Vue-cnode-mobile ★29 – Vue-weather ★26 – Baidu weather application vue-user-Center ★26 – Vuejs live streaming class application web end personal center zhihu-daily-vue ★22 – Zhihu Daily Vue-cnode ★22 – Use the interface of the CNode community vue-starter ★22 – Simple start page of the VueJs project node-Vue-fabaocn ★21 – Mobile official website vue-memo ★20 based on node and VUE implementation Vue write notepad application V-Notes ★20 – simple beautiful notepad Vuue -flexible-app ★19 -vue developed a simple app simply-calculator- vuEJs ★19 – with vuEJs to achieve simple calculator Vue -dropload ★19 – For testing dropdown loading and simple route Vuejs-SalePlatform ★19 – Vuejs built sales platform demo vue-shopping-mall ★16 – based on vue.js 2. X series + Vue2-router + axios + iView qqmusic ★ 13-QQ music vue vue-weather ★ 12-vuejs weather demo