Nineteen is the age when many people go to college and are still asking their parents for money.

Santiago Lopez, an Argentine teenager born after the 2000s, became the world’s first white hat hacker millionaire after earning a $1 million Bug bounty.

Teenage hackers become millionaires

After watching the movie Hackers, teenager Santiago Lopez taught himself how to hack. He became a white hat at the age of 15 after studying online tutorials and reading tech blogs, and joined HackerOne to dig holes.

Founded in 2012, HackerOne is a security bug bounty platform where white hatters can report security vulnerabilities to companies and then pay them a bounty if they confirm the vulnerabilities.

When Lopez was 16, he earned his first Bug bounty — $50 — and was even more motivated to “work part-time” after school. Since joining HackerOne, he has found more than 1,670 security vulnerabilities for companies and government agencies such as Twitter and Verizon.

Lopez now works full-time as a hacker, earning almost 40 times more than the average software engineer in the capital of his country, Argentina.

Speaking about his success, Lopez said: “To me, these achievements show that businesses and their users are safer online than ever before, which is a very good thing and an inspiration to keep improving my hacking skills.”

Marten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne, says of Lopez: “The entire community is now in awe of Lopez, who is curious, innovative and self-taught and a role model for hundreds of thousands of hackers around the world.

The hacker community is the strongest defense against cybercrime. “This is a great milestone for Lopez, and because of his tireless efforts, many companies have become much better at security than before.”

HackerOne: A good platform for programmers to get rich?

According to HackerOne’s 2019 Hacker report, HackerOne has registered more than 300,000 hackers, submitted more than 100,000 valid vulnerabilities, and paid more than $42 million in rewards to hackers.

According to the report, the bounty paid to hackers far exceeds the average programmer’s salary. In Argentina, for example, hackers pay 40.6 times as much as software engineers, 24.5 times as much as in Thailand, 24.2 times as much as in Egypt, 17.6 times as much as in India, 6.7 times as much as in Hong Kong, 6.4 times as much as in the United States, 6.3 times as much as in Sweden, and 6.2 times as much as in China.

Interestingly, 81 percent of hackers were self-taught, and 90 percent were under the age of 35.

Why did you engage in hacking? Many of the hackers said they were just looking for bugs out of interest, either full-time or after school, and less than 40 percent of them were IT professionals themselves.

HackerOne is currently working with companies from around the world, including the US Department of Defense, General Motors, Google, Twitter, GitHub, Nintendo, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Starbucks, and Intel.

“As cyber attacks become more frequent, companies and government organizations are realizing that in order to protect against cyber security, they need an army of skilled hackers,” says Luke Tucker, Senior director of community and content at HackerOne. As more organizations embrace the hacker community, our users will be safer and safer.”

Hackers for good

Before talking about “hacker”, people may think of “high intelligence”, “illegal intrusion”, “crime”, “solitary” and other words, seems to be associated with “evil”.

For example, Kevin Mitnick, known as the “number one computer hacker”, broke into the North American Air Defense command system at the age of 15, ransacked the military’s secret data and then sneaked out, becoming the first hacker to appear on the FBI’s “reward for capture” poster.

“Cruise the Pentagon, log into the Kremlin, access every computer system in the world, destroy the global financial order and rebuild the world order, no one can stop our attack, we are the masters of the world,” he said.

And the famous hacker Robert Tappan Morris, he homemade a “worm” virus, and invaded the Internet, the largest computer network in the United States, these viruses constantly replicate and invade users’ computers, causing computers including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, important military bases, etc., to stop running. It caused a major accident for the government and society, which shocked the world.

In contrast to the black hat hackers who use technology to destroy the Internet, the growing number of white hat hackers like Lopez, who use their skills to maintain the security of the Internet, has changed the view of hackers among the general public. 64% of Americans believe that “hackers are good”.

Happily, as the Internet pervades every aspect of people’s lives, more and more companies are taking security breaches seriously. In the past year alone, HackerOne has handed out $19 million to hackers, nearly as much as in previous years combined, according to hacking reports. This shows that many organizations and companies are open and supportive of vulnerabilities submitted by white hat hackers.

In the future, we —

Don’t say, the za hurry to register an account to also want to get rich!

This is the end of today’s sharing, I hope everyone can see a happy.

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