“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Set sail

Difficulties have been, but the heart has warm sun

The outbreak that began in late 2019, now two years old, might have been expected to pass, but it hasn’t. Nineteen was also the year when I left school and entered the society. Suddenly, I had been in the front office for nearly three years. It seemed that I had not been able to live up to my original expectations, but I had grown up.

From 19 years of lack of capacity to 20 years of lack of time, now we are facing limited resources, each year is different, growth. Each period of time only lack of this lack of that, when you go to fill those deficiencies, there is the witness of growth, the joy of the heart.

  • “Yeah, I solved another front-end problem.”
  • “From the UI, I saw the magic of color collocation and typography, and the beauty is reflected in this way.”
  • “Back-end distribution, Docker, clustering, load balancing and other concepts gradually came into my mind”
  • “Fewer bugs to write, no worries for testing”
  • “Can give product manager advice, I have ideas for interaction”

Such experience, just because met a good atmosphere of the company, some interesting partners, very lucky. The difficulties encountered in the process, like the epidemic, come from time to time, but also engage in mutation upgrade, then have to upgrade their weapons, practice their own technology, to fight with it, will not fall, fight not to stop.

Change more than

In the front-end field, certain changes have taken place. I still remember that I used jquery and Bootstrap to write pages when I was in school, and I was confused about scaffolding and webpack. With the popularity of Vue and React, many ideas and modes have become familiar and no longer strange. No knowledge is permanent. It requires flexibility and innovation. On this road, the same is change, the same is to adhere to learning. It’s been more than a year since VUe3.0 came out, and a lot of new things are coming in, as if the uptake of them is stagnating and slowing down. Maybe you’re in your comfort zone and your energy is limited by thinking about the past. The breakthrough is always between a thought, the heart to the front, out of that bottleneck is to see the light of the place, “only constantly running, to stay in place”.

Wandering outside, the original good friends are not very contact, occasionally chat, eat a meal. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but in this regard, distance and time have given me strangeness. Every day after work, the most wanted thing to do may be to lie down, do nothing is the most comfortable, but because others are learning progress, they also have to read, code to improve, afraid of which day they will be eliminated, continue to insist.

Familiar stranger informed

The two things I fear most are time. It comes and goes quietly. I can’t touch its track. The other is distance, in every corner of the world, one day we meet, maybe you will be my most unfamiliar familiar person.

In the present, we always recall the past, but not too sensitive to the future. Time is passing, we have no childhood playfulness, no serious efforts in high school, this is the past. But now, as the minutes tick by, its sound is like water dripping on a stone, so small, but over time the result is water dripping through a stone.

“The furthest distance in the world is when I am in front of you while you are playing with your mobile phone with your head down”, there is a saying. Among the students, often on the same desk memory will be profound, he and you the closest distance. In the same city, you often communicate more than people from different cities, which is the familiarity and strangeness brought by distance. But there is one thing that is hard to change, that is, the distance between people’s hearts, transcends space and time.

Time and distance are unavoidable for us. To make ourselves and others no longer embarrassed, what you can do is to find the sense of familiarity once, and gradually turn the strangeness brought by time and distance into familiarity.

Afraid of the two, is not the same two!


Inadequate Capacity (2019)

During the internship year, I was always in a state of anxiety, because my actual combat ability was relatively weak. Although I had learned a lot of basic knowledge, I was a little flustered and lacked logic ability when I encountered practical problems. But fortunately, it is my front-end master, hand in hand to teach me, thank her very much. What I remember most is that there were several times when everyone in the company left and I was faced with a problem, she stayed to help me with the problem, and then she left late at night. At that time, she thought that she could not do well and then she stayed to work overtime, feeling a little self-reproach. During that time, we were the only two front-end, I would ask her when I met problems, and then I made some improvement in actual combat, although it was far from enough. There may be problems in the workplace where you don’t bother people and ask them questions. In fact, this idea should be avoided. Most people are willing to help you solve the problem, rather than asking and communicating without understanding, and finally exposing the problem when it is too late. You spend some time has not worked out the problem, early communication with others to solve, not only limited to technical problems. At this time, the importance of communication skills is reflected, and it is also a skill we need to improve. Good communication skills can avoid many unnecessary problems and save a lot of costs, which is worth learning and improving. I recommend a book “Communication Methods”.

Limited time (2020)

This year, I was a little emotional. I became the main output of the company, and basically all the projects were in my company, multi-threaded development. In one period of time, several projects may be carried out together, and the previous projects have been maintained, which was also recognized by the company in this year. Several projects start from 0 to 1. I prefer c-side product development, because there are more interaction and design can be integrated.

The most fulfilling is to do small program, before we have a small program version, but that small program is using mpVue framework, The United States also does not maintain. However, for future development, I searched the framework of vUE syntax for current applets and found this UNI-app. In the first step, MPvue was migrated to Uni-app. Later, the small program was revised. I abandoned all the previous code and rewrote it by myself, which was a brand new project. From 2.0-5.0, I have iterated through several editions now, and it has helped me justify the detail I present on my writing pages. We do not have an interaction designer at present. For some interaction or user experience, I will try to optimize it by using small programs or some uncomfortable points in the development process. After all, the design draft given by UI is static and some situations are not involved. Here is a point to mention, do not just think about the completion of functions and tasks, some of the prototype or design draft can not provide optimization points can also be tried, and then some of the functions behind the logic of their own to have a certain understanding. In this year, I really didn’t have enough time. I was in a state of flow when I was writing code for a period of time. I was really knocking on code all the time, but the only pity was that I didn’t spend enough money on improving my technical ability.

Insufficient Resources (2021)

In 2021, it’s going to be a little bit more management, the whole front end team is lacking in everything, to control the whole front end. I did a lot of complicated things from the interview to recruitment, internship, and the whole development. I made a lot of documents and PPT. I thought that each link would be documented, and then other people would do things in a certain link, so they could operate by themselves according to the documents, which was more streamlined. I also conducted regular training, but I did not do well in this matter. If you are confused about front-end planning, you can read this article, front-end career development Planning.

First of all, everyone’s situation is different. You need to analyze the specific situation and communicate with interns regularly.

  • Some projects have some old code or bad code like refactoring, and the interns will imitate it. In this case, the code has to be checked in real time, and the code has to be checked regularly. In fact, the source has to refactor some of the original projects.
  • If you have a problem and can’t find the answer you want according to the search engine, you can ask the intern to record the questions searched every day, and then talk with him to provide some search skills and standardize his search logic. After all, if you can handle the problem independently, you don’t need to bother his tutor. Independent thinking ability is very important.
  • Some people may not be logical, some people may not be able to write a page with enough clarity and detail, etc., so pay attention to these problems, and then do a little communication before every feature.
  • In addition to some technical matters, I also communicated more during the internship, asking about the atmosphere of the team, the situation of his integration, and some aspects of life, which can be regarded as a certain concern and care. It is necessary to have a meal together regularly to talk about it.
  • When the intern got the job, I wrote a little card with a message inside, which was a little gesture
  • .

In the future

“If those two words don’t tremble” — learn, technical or otherwise, read books, learn from others. Thank those who help me, and I helped the people, together through thick and thin, forward together.

Thank you to see the end of the nuggets, hope everyone better and better, more and more strong technology, higher and higher salary, do not stop the sun shine, blunt duck!