Time is not wasted, creation is not stopped, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest”

A solid front specialized subject living 20 years attends a job in January also fast two years now

Climb the history of the pit

I spent a whole day playing games and wasted a year in college. I started to take a part-time job in my sophomore year. At that time, I worked as a salesman in Xiaomi selling mobile phones while earning money and learning Remember to have a company interview when I said I was more suitable for sales 😂

I vaguely remember the first offer of 7 or 8 people in a small company with a monthly salary of 2K for half a year as a front-end intern and artist. Maybe the reason why the company chose me at that time was that I applied for PS😂, so I became an artist with a monthly salary of 5K for a year until now, 8-9K

Stumbling along the way from writing micro channel small program to PC ERP, TB small program, micro channel H5, JD small program, from the traditional HTML to vue what Taro, UNI have played exposed foreign package 😂

From JS to TS Express, KOA, Egg, nest (🐮) mysql, Mongo, Redis, Pagoda (YYDS), centos, PM2 (pM2) seem so many One by one with the project, but the wages did not rise is still a dish chicken was afraid of being rolled every day, although how low education but how also tried.

I also tried to do some commercial things in the past, take a small program is also TX 800 advertising fees.

Also helped big Brother fix the bug, of course, big brother is also more sincere, fix the bug is red envelope.

Looking back on the past two years of work, I have stepped on all kinds of skills. There are still too many things to learn. I don’t know if I have the chance to go to Dachang to screw.

Also just bought a house monthly mortgage 7K instant to make the poor life worse, but young people can still struggle.

Goals for 2022

  • Refactor your project
  • From vue2. X on the management terminal to 3.2ts
  • The background service koa2 Mongo was rewritten to Nest mysql
  • Pay the 7K monthly mortgage (although the salary is only 8K now)
  • Decorating the house (again big W’s)

Life is so hard or have to bite the bullet and move on

Life is not easy friends and line and cherish