First of all, IT is true that the work intensity of programmer position is relatively high, and programmers in IT and Internet industry have more experience. I believe that with the application of artificial intelligence technology, the work intensity of programmer position will decrease in the future, which will also prolong the career life cycle of programmer.

There are three main reasons why the programmer job is hard:

First, the iteration speed of Internet products is relatively fast. Many products are still in the process of development, and the design of iterative products has already started. Almost all product managers are very concerned about their product schedule, which leads to great work pressure on programmers, and it is almost impossible to have a gap period for development.

Secondly, the technology iteration speed in the IT and Internet industry is relatively fast. In addition to dealing with product development tasks, programmers also need to learn new technologies at the same time, and the learning time usually needs to be found by themselves, which will obviously reduce their rest time. In fact, one of the main reasons why many programmers have short career life cycles is that they don’t have time to upgrade their skills and become obsolete in the industry.

Third is the position competition pressure is large, nearly two years many Internet companies, including many companies have a salary of upside down, this is also a great pressure for many programmers, in order to avoid being upside down wages, must actively raise their added value in a more effective way is to do a lot more the value of output, Many programmers also work overtime to make more money.

In view of the general development trend, the working environment of programmers will be gradually improved in the future. Especially after the implementation of cloud computing platform, many development tasks can be completed through integration, which also reduces the working pressure of programmers. I believe that programmers will be more and more relaxed in the future.

In addition, as a programmer, if you want to improve your programming ability, learn C/C++ programming knowledge, and strive to become a high-paying software development engineer in the future!

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