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Wang Xiao: Pattern determines a person’s dream, and dream in turn determines behavior.

So what’s the pattern?

Pattern is the depth, breadth and density of what you can see.

Wang Xiao believes that a book created the landscape. As she says, “Reading made me realize how big the world is, and then I opened the door to see the world.”

In a previous article I wrote about almost the entire career of a tech person going from zero to one, and it turns out that there is no end.

10 Years of Programming – From college to Technologist What did I do?

In fact, our whole life is basically learning, that mentioned learning, I think of the first time is reading.

I remember that in the summer when Shuaibing was 21 years old, he got his first internship salary of 1400 yuan, because it was 110 yuan a day, and the first month on the job was not full, but he was still very happy. In the first month, his master gave him a suggestion: buy a book.

In this way, I bought the first technical book after the society “Java Core Volume 1”, also recommended by the master, like a treasure.

Up to now, my bookshelf is vast, but this book has always been with me, and it is also the most impressive technical book, because it feels like the taste of first love, sweet.

Why do I recommend you to read books? The authors of books are years or even decades of experience, and finally summed up into a book. Even if there are mistakes in it, I think you can spend dozens of dollars, just a few weeks or even a few days to read the experience of more than ten years of others.

The body of the

Well pulled so much just want to lead out the theme of today, I will according to different types of some books I know, including the books recommended by friends around, are listed here to everyone, you need to take.

I also recommend a lot of non-technical books that deal with human geography suspense, but I really like a lot of them anyway.

My friend ali, a technical expert who is also my teacher and friend, is very fond of reading. To be honest, his school background is not good, and he was also a outsourcing worker when he first came out, but he has a habit of reading books. Basically, he can be seen reading in his spare time.

I mean, his feed is all about sharing books and smelling sweet, and if I were a woman, he wouldn’t run away.

Anyway, people who often read, you talk to him, see him talk, naturally know, I often say that sentence: belly poem book gas from China hope you can understand, don’t really like online jokes like that, see beautiful scenery can only: lie *

Here are a few of his tweets I took screenshots of, and I love that kind of talk ❤


Java Core technology, Volume I (the original book edition 10) | Core Java Volume

It is very comprehensive, and the code examples in the book are very good for getting started with Java.

However, the author is not so kind as to put the GUI programming that no one uses today in volume 1, so basically chapters 10~13 can be left unread.

Java Performance authoritative Guide | Java Performance: The Definitive Guide

There are a lot of books on Java, but not many on Java performance, and very few on Java performance optimization that show how difficult it can be.

Using the JVM and the Java platform, as well as the Java language and application programming interfaces, this book provides a detailed introduction to Java performance tuning to help you understand all aspects of the Java platform’s performance and ultimately make your applications more powerful.

High practical Java concurrency design | GeYiMing

According to the text of some paragraphs, the official document has been moved.

There are also some first-person narration and thinking, and it can be seen that the author also spent a little thought. Although it is relatively basic and involves comprehensive knowledge points (including pipelining calculation and concurrency model), the book is not unified and in-depth as a whole, so it is suitable for learning high concurrency as the first reference book.

Java 8 of actual combat

The new features of Java8 are well covered, especially the manipulation of lamdba expressions and flows.

Furthermore, I have unique insights into Java8 concurrency. Parallel data processing and combinatorial asynchronous programming also need deeper thinking to better grasp.

It is recommended for people who use java8 again but don’t really understand it. There are a lot of details, principles and library designers that you don’t know. The content is not too difficult and can be read in a few hours.

Java concurrent programming practice

Regardless of the content of the book, the title alone is enough to attract a lot of attention. The word “concurrency” in the Java world is often associated with the words “advanced, core” and so on. Both of these words will bring up the deep desire of software engineers to explore the technology and control the high-level API.

Programmers are more or less occupational. In fact, Concurrency optimization in Java has never stopped. From 5.0 to 7.0, almost every new feature in Java has improved concurrency from the previous release. These improvements include richer apis, underlying JVM performance optimizations, and more.

Thinking in Java

A delicious book, not only icecreamm, Sundae, Sandwich, but also Burrito! The more I see, the hungrier I get

The Effective Java version (version 3) | Effective Java Third Edition

Java advanced books, xiao Bai advised retreat. Introduces 90 tips and tricks for Java programming.

The author is so powerful that the book sometimes has a wide range of knowledge. In short, it is very suitable for people who have some Java development experience to read and improve.

Deep understanding of the Java virtual machine (3rd edition) | zhi-ming zhou

Easy to understand. The most important thing is to open the door to understanding virtual machines.

The three chapters on memory management mechanisms and the Java Memory Model and Efficient concurrency are particularly useful.

The Java virtual machine specification (Java SE 8) | love flying, zhi-ming zhou

The whole book feels like the method bytecode execution flow of Chapter 2, the first 8 sections of Chapter 4 and chapter 5 can be understood somewhat. The others are too detailed and trivial.

To make Java bytecode very clear, Java virtual machine is essentially a set of systems built by bytecode. So bytecode is very detailed.

Data & Big data

The Data structure and Algorithm Analysis | Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java

Data structure is the core of the computer, this book based on the Java language, detailed introduction to the basic data structure, graph, and related sorting, shortest path, minimum spanning tree and other issues.

However, there are some advanced data structures are not introduced, you can increase the understanding of this aspect through “Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis — C Language Description”.

MySQL will know and will know

MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems in the world.

It starts with simple data retrieval and moves into more complex topics, including the use of joins, subqueries, regular expressions and full-text based searches, stored procedures, cursors, triggers, table constraints, and more. The reader is instantly enhanced by a clear, systematic and succinct presentation of what he or she needs to know through focused chapters.

Database System Concepts | Datebase System Concepts (Fifth Edition)

Read from the university to now, every time picked up a new harvest. And the book is an overview of every data-related area, not just the database itself.

High performance MySQL

This is a great book for anyone who wants to learn about MySQL performance improvements.

Instead of getting into the nitty-gritty of how to improve performance, the book goes to the heart of the matter and explains how to improve performance in detail so that you can make a difference. Teach a fish better than a fish, and this book does it.

The high availability of MySQL

It’s a very useful book, but the company doesn’t have enough business and data to put it into practice.

Use Python for data analysis | Tang Xuetao

Content is still unable to keep pace with the development of the library, it is suggested to combine the library documents.

Pandas is written by the author of pandas, so I can explain the pandas and design ideas clearly. In addition, the author is also engaged in financial data analysis, so the following is dedicated to time series and financial data analysis.



After reading the photocopy for the first time, I thought it would be a lot of TALK about API. In fact, except for the HBase source code, I did talk about all the talk, and I left CH8 and 9 chapters for the last reading. I really had an Epiphany feeling.

Programming Hive

Hive Tools, advanced Hive features.

Hadoop in Practice| Alex Holmes

It feels a lot more cookbook-like than the Action one, and after the whole hadoop ecosystem gets its hands on it, it’s a great reference book.

Hadoop technology insider | Dong Xi into

Actually people can write such a book, feel is good, but feel a lot of things not too deep, before feeling deeply, and to have overall, with the overall it’s better do in-depth, jobclient, jobtracer, the relationship between the tasktracer best can systematically

Learning Spark

It’s nice to see that the principles of Core and the purpose of the API are clearly explained, making it clear where the documentation and code didn’t make sense before.

The downside is that the later chapters are weak, and the MLlib aspect doesn’t go into much detail about implementation principles. Graphx doesn’t either

The definitive guide to ODPS

Basically a good entry, although the details are not much, the bottom is not deep enough, but after all, it is a rare ODPS book, and the coverage is very complete, examples are also ok.

Data on the top of the | Xu Zipei

The history of the United States is written from a new perspective (data), with statistical developments running through it.

Message queue &Redis

The RabbitMQ of actual combat

Many years ago the book, the example in the book is not applicable now, recommend the official tutorial.

Some of the basics are still applicable, there are not many books on RAB on the Internet, but I can read them, I haven’t used them so… .

Apache Kafka source analysis | Xu Jun Ming

I haven’t seen it yet, but I know it’s not bad. I am to see the author of mybatis source analysis, and then look at this, I believe the author.

How can the author have so much time to study the framework so thoroughly, I admire, ADMIRE.

Understanding Kafka: the core principle of design and practice of | zhong-hua zhu

Easy to understand, illustrated, with a lot of diagrams and examples to explain kafka architecture, starting from the macro, and then to the details, better, worth recommending.

In-depth understanding of Kafka is the most thorough explanation of the core principles of Kafka on the market, the book is selected Kafka the most core details in the talk such as partition copy election, partition from the allocation, Kafka data storage structure, time wheel, I think is currently Kafka related books in the best one.


Read the Kafka Internal chapter and read the talk.

System design is a real art.

RocketMQ actual combat and the principle of analytical | Yang Kaiyuan

The RocketMQ context is outlined, but you need to look at the code for details

Redis design and implementation of | Huang Jianhong

Some of the content is rather wordy, of course, at best is novice friendly, takes the trouble to analyze details, but also makes the whole book thicker 😂, I think the concise language can reduce the content by 20%.

For those interested in getting a glimpse of how Redis works, the book is rich in content and detail without scaring them off with the long implementation code — that’s the point of pseudo-code. The next step is to actually read the source code.

Depth of Redis adventure: the core principle and application practice | Qian Wenpin

Really good, data structure principle + practical application + single-threaded model + cluster (Sentinel, CODIS, Redis Cluster), distributed lock and so on are very thorough.

The role of a book is not to systematically comb through, to open a window for readers to learn more, they can go to Google through this window. One flaw in the book is that the final chapter was written in haste. But the flaws outweigh the flaws.


TCP/IP Volume 1: protocol

Reading professional books is a very boring thing, my suggestion is to take it as a manual, first read through, and then go to the details of the problem, efficient.

Netty in Action

There are a lot of technical terms involved in the new concept look at the English original much smoother, chapter 15 Choosing the right thread model is really well written. JAVA NIO by Ron Hitchens is a useful book for understanding JAVA NIO and Netty


It is worth reading for those who use ZooKeeper. The internal mechanism and API of ZooKeeper are explained in detail. The latter part deeply explains the process of ensemble collaboration in ZooKeeper and advanced configuration such as group. It can be used for reference for the advanced application of ZooKeeper and other similar system design.

From the Paxos to Zookeeper | NiChao

All distributed frameworks are balanced and trade-offs around this theory. In the middle, the principle, characteristics and actual practice of ZK are also very clear. At the same time, how cap theory is reflected in ZK is discussed to deepen your understanding of CAP.

Deep understanding of Nginx (version 2) | tao-fai

Cloud in the fog in the fast read again, mainly do not understand, after reading the feeling is good design.

Originally is holding the idea of understanding the principle and optimize performance to read, but found that the content of the book is about the source code, the author of the source code notes super detailed, very suitable for developers, but not suitable for users, give a five-star praise because I don’t want to bury the high quality content because of this kind of vegetable chicken.

Besides, other people’s code is so good that even procedural language programs beat my object-oriented language programs.

The author is an active contributor to ZooKeeper and a senior researcher. The content is rigorous and captures the essence of ZK. The book is thin, but there is no nonsense and the topic is well thought out.

An in-depth look at Tomcat

This book takes an in-depth look at each of the components in Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5 and reveals their inner workings. Through this book, you will be able to develop your own Tomcat components or extend existing ones. Tomcat is one of the more popular Web servers. As an open source and small lightweight application server, Tomcat is easy to use and deploy, but Tomcat itself is a very complex system with many functional modules. These functional modules constitute the core structure of Tomcat. Starting with the most basic HTTP requests and going all the way to managing applications in Tomcat using JMX technology, the book takes a step-by-step look at the basic functional modules of Tomcat, along with sample code, to enable readers to implement their own Web servers.


Deep understanding of the computer system | Bryant

Full marks for both content and paper printing. A masterpiece of computer science. Guide you how to practice internal skills, is a high version of the introduction to computer, the purpose is to draw out the operating system, composition principles of these professional core courses. Help us follow the roadmap and light up the skill tree one by one.

Distributed service architecture expedition framework | Li Ye soldiers

When I first read the first few chapters, ALL I could think of was that this guy posted a whole page of POM file code to do nothing, and cheated me of royalties, and then came to the chapter of serialization, eh? It’s kind of interesting.

To the service registry and service newsletter, the $60 book money has been earned.

Knowledge is priceless, if you can spend dozens of dollars to help you sweep a few blind spots, that is to earn.

In-depth analysis JavaWeb technology insider | xu to make waves

I got to know this book about four years ago in my hometown in the North Book City. At that time, I was really amazed when I saw the catalog. For me, just starting out at that time, this book is just a collection of literacy science popularization tailored for me.

Unfortunately, the book was never read. And after four years of fighting monsters and upgrading, the reading experience is still good.

Among them, the principles of Java compilation, working principle of Servlet, Tomcat, Spring and iBatis chapters have gained a lot.

The front end

JQuery technology insider | high clouds

A great book that makes the source code of jquery much easier to read (though still very difficult).

Head First HTML and CSS (Version 2)

It took a very long time to turn over intermittently, but it was not difficult to turn over from beginning to end.

But I was dragged down by my own laziness and fear of difficulties simply put, I became a burden on myself to move forward. The basic grammar of the web page is basically covered by the limited text form knowledge points can not be used and reviewed repeatedly like doing problems. How high is that rating?

That’s a pretty good way to get started. If you’re more patient and you’re looking at the HTML and you’re looking at the CSS, it’s probably a good idea to go through it quickly.

JavaScript Advanced Programming (version 3)

JavaScript most basic books, to read carefully, slowly read, accumulated close to 1000 hours. Also, objects and inheritance, performance optimization, and HTML5 apis are confusing to read due to lack of practice or code reading, but you can come across them later, or read more professional books.

Understand ES6 in depth

Zakas is another great work. His work is at its best expounded with little comment, which is very useful in helping us to lay a solid foundation, and I like that style.

I read the translation with Reference to Both Chinese and English. There are some errors in the latter part of the translation, but it is generally faithful to the original version and the level is quite good. I hope these problems can be fixed in the second edition.

High-performance JavaScript

It’s pretty good. Especially for beginners. Summarizes a lot of good programming habits.

But for veterans, the common sense is ingrained.

A simple Node. Js | PiaoLing

This book is the most in-depth and comprehensive exposition of the principle and application practice of Node.js technology that I have seen so far. Given that the author is also an engineer at Taobao, there is no reason not to give this book five stars in an environment where technology is always good abroad.

In the spirit of teaching people to fish rather than teach people to fish, the author explains how Node.js works from the basic perspective of V8 virtual machine, memory management, string and Buffer applications, and asynchronous programming ideas and principles. Compared with the numerous instructions on how to install Node in the market, some examples are written with several packages. This book is absolutely rewarding.

After reading this book, you can almost go from being a Node outsider to an expert. Wow!!!!

There are not many books on Vue and React stack, many of which are copied from official documents.


The missing child

The whole book is so energy dense, like a continuous eruption of a volcano, you feel lost after reading it. In the last few pages, Lenon looks back in time, the truth of her life has been mercilessly revealed, and even in this moment, she is once again inspired by her love and jealousy for Leila to begin her most important work, which is most likely to remain in time, with such courage, honesty and tenacity… I like her already.

And Leila is still a mystery. She’s the opposite of Lenon, who grabs everything and fills himself up to be, but Leela’s devotion to anything doesn’t nourish her, it burns a part of her.

Her passion, her transcendent understanding and vision with her emotionality, her fear, are all confusing. Leila was a mirror for everyone. No one had to face himself before her. At the same time, did no one, or Leila, allow anyone to get to know her? Because she did not really see herself in the confrontation with the outside world and with herself?

Life | lu yao

Thinking of the same tune with the ordinary world, all are the countryside, all are the tail of the Cultural Revolution, all are that point of domestic gossip absolutely true.

I always feel that it is a true portrayal of the author, everything is distilled from their own memories of the story.

But according to Gao Jialin, I always think whether the working people should have culture. After they have culture, they begin to suffer, start to cherish spring and lament autumn, start to force things, and start to complain about everything.

The intellectual vices were on display.

The silk road | Peter franco pan

The book’s appearance level is very high, thick open book, packaging and paper are worth their hundred dollars of ocean. Although the title of the silk Road is called “The Silk Road”, after reading it, I found that it is actually based on the Middle East as the needle, which strings together the story of various civilizations in Eurasia over two thousand years.

It discusses the development history of Central Asia and Europe in terms of historical facts, culture, religion, politics, power and money. The title of each chapter speaks directly to the core drivers of the current world in four words: The Way of Christ, the Way of iron Shoes, the Way of Western Europe, the Way of The Nazis, and the Way of Hegemony.

The view is vast, wide open, and the time span is a thousand years across the Middle East. The fly in the ointment is that China, the most important country on the eastern stretch of the Silk Road, is barely described.

The genius of my girlfriend | Elena, rand

Neapolitan is an Italian novel about the teenage years of Two heroines, Leila and Elena.

, father of July compared with the span bigger, the plot is rich a lot, but as a male Angle reading novels can’t seem to get as good evaluation point, the sense is very good, time has passed for a long time, now stay in my memory is as warm as Sicily’s beautiful legend in the Italian town, there are two little girls in insipid life.

Changan from Calvin | Ma Boyong

Open in the first single, reading experience is very good, is all about American individualism hero of datang version, but the hero Zhang Xiaojing have more perseverance and contradictions, there is a fragment, speak tan chess in the street parade follow Zhang Xiaojing, high candle lanterns together in myriad, bright shining, I, see Zhang Xiaojing figure seemed very lonely.

After reading, this scene is still fresh in the mind, by the support of the whole story, this scene really can fully realize the lonely word.

In the book, he carefully talked about the urban construction of Chang ‘an and the folk customs and regulations of The Tang Dynasty. It can be seen that the prince really put a lot of thought into writing this book. I admire him very much.

A novel that is very, very suitable for film adaptation (and is in fact being made) and deserves a recommendation.

Ps: The 2019 TV series of the same name is already online…

The cuckoo call | j. k. rowling

I bought it about three years ago. I found it when I was sorting out my new bookshelf this year and brought it back to Hangzhou.

The plot is not as good as Harry Potter, but the writing is really not to say, after all, it is the person who can write Harry Potter.

As a mystery, it might fail, but as a non-genre novel like a crime novel, it’s actually a fine reading experience.

Europe: since 1453, the supremacy of the road | brendan SIMS

Since the Renaissance, Europe has gradually moved into the center stage of global civilization.

When I read about the internal affairs of The German nation being affected by various interference from neighboring countries, I felt that Germany was just like our rabbit, a difficult nation. That is why there were so many thinkers after reunification. Germany during World War I and World War II, if we can sum it up in a rabbit sentence, we took some detours.

Room, first love paradise of | Lin Yi contain

Just as Li Yinhe said before, Lin Yi han belongs to the kind of person who is rewarded by god, a very talented and intelligent young writer. We should be grateful that we can see the back of the world without experiencing it ourselves. It is hard to imagine the pain that Lin felt every time he recalled it and then described it step by step.

In the end, patience is not a virtue. Patience is the way this hypocritical world maintains its twisted order. Anger is a virtue.


MAO * east | dick Wilson

The biography from the British can be used as a chronicle, and even if there are some subjective evaluations in it, as a foreigner, it is not credible, MAO Gong should call it the first person who saved the tide of our nation.

Half an hour to cartoon world history | Chen lei

As with the previous history of China, it is an easy read, and it is really recommended if you have no idea about the history. But if you want to have a certain amount of knowledge, then it’s not interesting, and you can’t expect to talk much more than half an hour.

Paris and Rome are really worth a visit.

Of modern European history, from the Renaissance to the present | John merriman

Yale history professors use a mixture of country and chronology in their lectures, which follow the historical context without losing its relevance, rather than simply talking about what happened in years and who died in months and days.

Over the five centuries, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Holland and France rose in turn, Russia westernized, Germany unified, England reformed, Austria, Poland and Turkey declined, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Age of Navigation, industrial Revolution, World War, Us-Soviet Cold War.

Queen Victoria, Napoleon I, Louis XIV, Peter the Great, Catherine Bismarck, Hitler, Churchill, when the human stars shone.

Edward Barnard depravity: 1 | maugham maugham’s short stories

This is the first time I’ve read maugham’s books.

The paper is interesting, more than 600 pages, but very light. The story reads like an old friend telling you a story, rambling from Hawaii to South America, from the West Coast to Southeast Asia, and the level of storytelling is very high, almost all in a few words, you are brought to the scene of the story. Two of my favorites are Edward Barnard’s Fall, Before dinner, and the final afterword.

A top ten thousand | liu zhen

The narrative structure of the winning works of the 8th MAO Dun Literature Prize is just like that of a lifetime of two, three, three, three, and all things spread out continuously. It is 300 pages thin and about 100 years long. At first glance, I thought it was Ordinary World, but at the end, I found it was One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Life artist | Bruce lee

From a collection of essays by Bruce Lee, yes, that Bruce Lee.

It’s hard to think of that guy in the movie who said, “Ah-ha!” he majored in philosophy in college. Most of the articles in the book are reflections on life and philosophy. We can see that behind the five kicks in front of the big screen, Bruce Lee is a calm, rational, intelligent and intelligent man. “I cannot teach you anything, but help you to find yourself. There is no other way.”

Poor Richard bible | Charlie munger

Charlie Munger’s thought set and speechwriting is interdisciplinary in its knowledge and insight deep enough to include hard subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, history and economics to form a multidisciplinary frame of mind.

Becoming rich is not just about how much money you make, but about improving your moral character, reading ability and personal life. We should focus on what we are doing, read more, especially biographies, to make friends with “great people”, reduce our desire for material things, satisfy what we have and not envy others.

Hamilton | RON’s cutting

I can only say that Hamilton, the man on the dollar, had a wonderful life.

Hamilton was introduced in detail in the book in the war of independence, Philadelphia, approved the constitution, the first congress and the founding of the early play an important role in different historical stages, such as, especially at the beginning of the founding of the people at all without precedent, Hamilton to lay the federal political system, economic order and financial system made great contributions, establish the credit system, A federal bank, a federal tax system, a customs house, a coast Guard, and the promotion of manufacturing.

At the end of this epic autobiography, I expected to write a long final word on him, but I ended it with a letter he wrote to Alissa, perhaps because the author no longer needed to tell the people in front of the book what he should say. History has already given the answer.

“Alissa, you have healed the pain of love in my life.”

One hundred years of solitude | gabriel Garcia marquez

After reading a prestigious book, I can only say that such a book is worthy of the Nobel Prize.

Previously read “Love in the Time of Cholera”, the deepest impression is gorgeous magic writing and delicate psychological activity description, to this “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, shocked stunned, how can anyone write such a novel.

Suffice it to say, no matter how many must-read books are listed, there is no escaping this book.

The moon and sixpence

MAO’s most famous book, a very readable literary work.

Novels as a whole from the Angle of the first person “I”, has carried on the subjective description to strik the rand, from Mr Rand began to ran away from home, and began to get maugham writing in travel around the world, that the scene where the sense is very strong, takes the reader on the island of Tahiti, one by one and all in pubs talked about Mr Rand, “I” and the reader, In the comings and goings of the conversation, the last story of the genius was told. He lived in poverty for the rest of his life, and when he died, he would never know that a century after his death, he was called a genius, and his paintings were also collected in the museum as the treasure of the town, handed down for hundreds of years. But he is free and has no regrets.

I was ready for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if I could only have change in my life — change and the excitement of unforeseen.

Stock hand memoirs | Jesse livermore

Known as the first one hundred years of American stocks, Jesse Livermore’s autobiography, started with five dollars, to earn 100 million dollars a day of speculation road, you can see Livermore at a young age on the number has a very sensitive and memory of the wave line, more than ten years old alone to New York, see its decisive gas. The book is short on operational details, but it is worth studying the protagonist’s style: timing, independent thinking, judgment, resilience to mistakes, and crocodile patience.

Wanli fifteen years | ray huang

It is a masterpiece of politics, economy, social folk customs and contemporary thoughts, analyzing and criticizing the hidden rules under the undercurrent of many dynasties in Chinese history. The big pattern, high idea, it is rare.

After reading the book, we understand that the fall of the Ming Dynasty is inevitable, and then the Manchu Dynasty, but a change of dynasties, bones and the previous dynasty is the same, the demise is sooner or later.

Our bodies were locked with a strong shackles, thrown in the mud, are struggling, more and more rotten.

The fifth discipline | Peter senge

The first part is theory, and the second part is actual practice. On the dry side, the ability to think big and systemically, the self-transcendence of increasing limits and shifting burdens, the mental capacity of positive suggestion, the ability to expand cognitive boundaries and build interdisciplinary thinking structures.

The sea kafka | haruki murakami

Franz Kafka, Schubert, Eichmann, Joni Walker, Raven Boy, Talk of the Shorthair Cat, Bamboo 䇲 Fish Rain, Intestinal Maze, Natsume Natsume, Tale of the Rain Moon, Oedipus. In this world, things that are not boring soon get tired, and most things that are not boring are monotonous.

I have time for monotony in my life, but no room for boredom, and most people can’t tell the difference.

Loneliness is all about you.

White night line | tolo keigo

Writing the novel like this is definitely an opening. In addition to dozens of characters appearing in succession, the background of the great era carved everywhere is amazing. The excavation of human nature compared to Yoshida repair a weak, is pure good-looking, from the first sentence began to absorb you gradually tend to drop.

Suspect X dedication | tolo keigo

Every person in this society is a cog in the clock. For his own will, he should not sacrifice others, even if it is out of love. A mistake is still a mistake, and greater efforts and greater mistakes can not be reversed.

After all, this is not a mathematical negation that makes a right. Logic cannot solve the problem of evil because it avoids human nature in the first place.

Kite runner | khaled hu saini

Why did loyal and kind people suffer such a result instead? In the face of Amir’s slander, he and Ali chose to leave.

When the house needed him, he resolutely chose to stick to it. In order to get amir’s approval from his father, Hassan was insulted like that, but what he got was the cowardly Amir’s shunning. His status, class and ridiculous title meant that life and loyalty were nothing to mention in those nihilistic reputations.

Like a plant… .

The end of the affair | graham

There are not many novels left to read, and even fewer love novels, but fortunately this one, like the last one about love in the cholera period, is a rare masterpiece.

The plot of the novel is simply that she falls in love with a married man, elopes and fails, and then goes her separate ways until a chance encounter many years later leads to her death from illness.

But it’s really written so exquisitingly that I can’t believe it was written by a man, and it contains all the fervent emotions of love, the fervent love, the fervent hate, the fervent suspicion, the fervent jealousy, the fervent possession.

Dragon | I to IV jiangnan

When I was sixteen, I read The Book on the Illusory and remembered the boy with the fang-gun.

Now I’m 23 years old, watching Dragons, and I’m at a loss for a lot of jokes about the best of the worst.

Like a boy with a gun wearing a windbreaker, a hero who saves his beauty receives gold coins. I watch commercial writing erode and change a writer, and it makes me feel terrible.

Three body I – Ⅲ | liu

The Three-Body Problem is one of those books that makes you look up after three books and feel like the world has never been the same again.

Wandering the earth | liu

I feel that the writing style is better than the three-body problem, and I realize that it is the work before the three-body problem.

There are still questions about the ecology of the earth after its orbit change, which is a very expressive, very nice piece of earth rubbing shoulders with Jupiter.

The world history

Such a long time span, including “The Silk Road” and “A Brief History of Mankind”, is far better than these two books in terms of overall structure, breadth of vision and depth of analytical thinking, especially before the first World War.

Thanks to a large number of fragmentary knowledge points to do endorsement, and then the establishment of the overall system of the book, threading the needle, to experience the book before the preface of the “think of thousands of years, see thousands of miles” feeling.

The programmer’s self-improvement | yu jia/Shi Fan/pan aimin

Good, the hardware and the system, the machine layer and the implementation layer integrated together, there is a very clear perspective.

Cervical spondylosis rehabilitation guide | Wolf king

It’s not easy to get a job. Take care of yourself.

Alive | yu hua

Why amway? I hope you understand

We had nothing | Anthony mara

Art keeps us from dying because of reality, and the structure is quite special, like watching a movie.

From the Soviet Union to the new Russia nearly 80 years of history under the wheel of some moving small people micro dust.

The language is restrained and calm, but it is very painful to read, or the joke is like seeking pleasure in the bitter, very like.


In fact, I think in our impetuous society, people spend all their spare time surfing Douyin, shopping on Taobao, weibo… They’re eating up bits and pieces of your time, and if you try to use bits and pieces of time to read a book, I think you’ll see the benefits over time.

The Meituan technology team even rewards people who finish reading some books, and many companies have their own little libraries, which I think is great.

I also know a lot of authors now, such as programmer Xiao Hui, Lao Qian and other authors, they are very good, if I can meet the requirements of writing in the future, I also want to write haha.

As for why I dare not slack off… In front of me I really dare not have the slightest relax, every spare time I am ready to pick up the phone to play, to see him reading, I silently put down the phone, is such a person constantly whipping me.


Friends in my own technical group: I didn’t write in many books, mainly because the records were too many. I asked the big family to chat privately, but all the books were posted in the group, I didn’t bother to sort out, mainly because there were no reviews and I didn’t dare to write.

Many books I don’t have are reviewed by douban.

Ali technical team: The article has a lot of reviews from him.

Author: Ao Bing


Source: Nuggets

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