“Live up to the time, creation, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest” this is my first time in nuggets to write summary article, how much or a little nervous, estimated that we do not love too much text, so posted a lot of pictures; For me this year, there was no surprise. I just silently made some flags that I had set.

1. Student life

2020 graduation from an unknown school, computer major. I was not a good student at school. There were 40 people in my class, and I ranked last in every exam. But also not the kind of idle college students, during the university to participate in a variety of games, now recall the university life is still relatively rich and wonderful;

1.1 the game

During my college years, I participated in a series of competitions such as Dachuang, Chuang Youth, E-commerce Challenge, Mecha Masters, and Computer Design Competition. Maybe because of my personality, I was always invited to play in many competitions in university. The most impressive competition was the computer design competition, which was also the highest award I got.

Race records:

1.2 Campus Life

I remember when I just went to college, I really can’t drink at all. I was trained by my roommate in college, and now I can’t fall back on the bottom 10 bottles.

Corner of campus:

1.3 convention

2. Work preparation

2.1 Entering the workplace

I recalled the dribs and drabs of my college life. Generally speaking, I was quite happy. But out of work can not be plain sailing;

My first job was as an intern looking for PHP, and I really didn’t know how to front-end at that time. Because the PHP market is not very good, plus the epidemic, so it is difficult to find, and finally came to a small company;

I have been working in this company for less than 2 months, and I am curd every day. Besides, the environment of PHP is getting worse day by day, so I decided to change my profession to learn front-end.

2.2 First job after graduation

Although I majored in computer science in university, the front end was relatively unfamiliar to me, and I did not want to go to training, so I tried to learn by myself.

I found the front-end learning video on B website, learned HTML, CSS, JS and VUE, and went out to look for a job. It happened to be the graduation season, and the job search was relatively smooth. I found a satisfactory job in the first interview.

React is used in the company’s technology stack. Fortunately, the company implements the mentor system, so I can follow the steps of the mentor step by step to keep up with the pace of the business.

The first late overtime:

The road to breaking the game

3.1 take notes

Time comes to 2021, I have been a front end for half a year, but I feel that my daily work is still dull and boring. I have no goals this year, so I just set a flag, to do a good job in learning.

At the beginning, I also brushed the video again and again, without generating notes. After a short period of time, I forgot what I had learned, so I began to take notes. Referring to the nuggets each big man’s learning recommendation, designated their own learning plan. In one year, I produced a total of 193 notes, and recorded what I learned in my notes.

3.2 Join source code co-reading

In the second half of the year a chance to join the elder brother held the source code to read, source code white I, at first is very afraid, I learned two periods feel not so difficult, now also become a group leader, selected an excellent note. This is definitely a great confidence to give yourself. So I try to read some challenging source code myself;

Source code read address: www.yuque.com/ruochuan12

When I read the React source code for the first time, everyone recommended the React source course, but I was confused at first. Later, I learned the principle of React and the Mini version of React, and finally got some understanding of React. When I look back at The writings of Big Brother Karshon, I feel like a duck in water. However, if you want to understand a knowledge point thoroughly, you can not succeed at one time. You need to sink down and look at it and think about it several times.

Kasong source code article address: react.iamkasong.com/

For the principle part, I suggest reading this one written by the Guru of Practice:

Mini React address:Pomb. Us/build – your -…

Make notes of your learning:

React: Write a mini version of React by hand to grasp the basic design ideas of React

3.3 Time Management

Will own study time roughly recorded once, feel oneself also do not calculate hard. Because later software charges, so can not add a new classification;

3.4 column

I read two columns that impressed me most:

3.5 the blog

Hu’s blog is really worth checking out at github.com/mqyqingfeng…

3.6 harvest

Efforts must be fruitful, in the second half of the year completed a promotion of the company;

4. Business trip life

4.1 in a plane

The occasional business trip life is still very good, due to their own airsickness, has been afraid to look out of the window, the first time summoned the courage to look:

The clouds are really beautiful:

The night lights are blazing:

4.2 Visit Mingyue Mountain

During the rest of the business trip, I also enjoyed the local scenery. The worst thing was that I went there for a month, and it rained for 25 days:

4.3 Lower Yangtze River

5, ordinary life

He is a person who loves life, so take notes;

5.1 Write down your New Year’s resolutions

5.2 Fonte one day tour

Went to fonte to experience the pendulum and jump machine;

5.3 Visit a theme park

Visit the military theme park to feel the shock brought by DF;

5.4 Search for treasure in the mountains

I have to say, the air in the mountains is really fresh;

And finally this one:

5.5 matchmaking corner

Take a boat ride:

Stroll a circle, just know what call unworthy:

5.6 Visiting the exhibition Hall

Saw what the first Generation of Mercedes looked like:

5.7 Challenge 5km

Still slow, but a little bit better;

5.8 Take children to play in the water

This baby is not mine. I’m not married.

5.9 the game

How can life without games, LOL mobile games on the diamond;

5.10 the manual

In the Christmas approaching, do a manual comfort yourself;

6, read a book

Pick one of the most memorable books you read this year:

The most ordinary people, also have to fight for the existence of his world.

A turbulent inner world of ordinary people, to see people from the bottom of the indomitable resistance to fate, thinking about a person in the ordinary world to get ahead.

In fact, from another point of view, accept the reality, but unchanged reality, can not change the world, but at least not be changed by the world. Do this and you are already extraordinary.

7, a brief summary

Originally wanted to write simply, did not expect to write so much, so do anything as long as the courage to take the first step, will be more and more smooth;

The ideal of life is for ideal life. Come on!