Java development as all programming language since the popular, it can be said that it is everywhere, there are billions of devices around the world are running Java, many server programs are written in Java, to process more than tens of millions of data every day. Java is hot, want to learn Java development more and more people, know that the Internet industry programmers must understand the programming language is Java.

First of all, to get started, to like Java to learn Java. But Java learning early usually encounter a lot of problems, the following xiaobian for you to explain the first few problems encountered in Java.

At the same time, I also hope everyone to interact with me, a lot of comments and forwarding, write their own in the beginning of learning Java, encountered pits, are how to solve. Communicate more.

Now let’s get down to business!

Pit 1: Can read, but can’t write

This is probably a problem many Java beginners encounter. When you watch a video or listen to a class, you can understand it, but you can’t write it. At this time maybe we need to change a suitable learning method. Preview before class review after class, often practice, constantly knocking code, so you can deepen the code aunt.

Pit 2: Learn to forget (the next day will forget)

If we overcome the first problem, we will immediately come to the second problem, such as our HTML tag and some CSS properties, float to implement an effect, a few days later, I don’t know how to use this, just in my mind, I can’t remember.

How to solve this problem? We learn each knowledge point, must keep up with more than three cases, only to apply to the actual, practical operation, in order to better memory, after you learn the knowledge point to constantly review the things in front of, otherwise will forget.

Pit 3: Should I read a book

Seen many novice said, buy a book from entry to the proficient in Java, if you think you read a book can learn Java to find a job, this job seems like anyone can do it, beginners in learning Java Suggestions don’t look at books, so may the effect will be very good, in front of you learn something not understand, the leak fill a vacancy.

Pit 4: Worry about getting a job

(PS: There is a detailed introduction of this issue in previous articles. You can read the review in future.)

Most people study Java primarily to find a job, and most people have a serious concern about finding a job. According to the data of Jobfriends, the demand for Java recruitment in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou is over 10,000, among which Beijing has reached 48,021 positions and Shanghai 30,332 positions. The demand for talents is very large. And the national average salary of Java: 12330/ month, with the increase of working years, the salary also goes up and up.

Pit 5: Whether to go to training

If you have strong self-control and ability to learn, you can choose to teach yourself. But if you do not have these and want to quickly employment, then suggest you choose a reliable can learn real skills of Java training institutions. Now the Internet is so convenient, online learning is very convenient, affordable, not limited by region and space, as long as you have the Internet at home, you can follow the teacher face-to-face one-on-one learning.

Xiao Le recommend our online music byte education oh, welcome to consult.

I believe the above five questions are the most important questions for all beginners to learn Java. With the continuous development of the Internet and the continuous progress of Java technology, Java applications will be more and more widely, and the demand for talents will certainly not stop there. Therefore, excellent Java engineers will become the resources of the market debate now and in the future, so hurry up and learn Java well.

If you really want to learn one-on-one, you can find Xiao Le, xiao Le has a large number of Java learning videos and materials to share oh.

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