“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


  • Life is already bad, but it’s not getting any worse. Why not make an effort?

  • Do you remember your original dream?

  • What is the meaning of living?

  • Are you satisfied with your life now?

  • The above answers let me this work more than a year of small meng new take you to explore together

The road to drop out

Fifteen or sixteen is the age at which most people are supposed to be at school. As the score was not enough for high school, my parents gave me two choices: 1. To pay the local key high school to make up the score; 2. Go out to work. After much thought, I chose the latter. So my parents helped me find an electrical repairman and paid 8,000 yuan for my study. So far, I will take the bus every day to master shop when the assistant.

Learn the way of electrical maintenance

Multimeter, diode, audion, AC, DC, capacitor, resistance and other components began to learn. I bought several TV maintenance books and mastered multimeter knowledge as well as drawing air-conditioning circuit diagrams. I had been working in my master’s shop for about one and a half years, but I felt that I could not learn anything. I told my master that I had to go out and make money by myself. It was not good to spend my parents’ money. That day, I sold my part-time computer and invited my master to eat a goat scorpion. From then on, I began to work alone.

First shop opening

I rented a shop in my hometown vegetable farm and started the road of maintenance. Novice a lot of things can not be repaired, or to carry their own, really can not make a phone call to the master, maintenance costs all to pour good, but also have to take a meal, technology has not learned. Later, I gradually became familiar with common faults. After working for a year, I found that it was enough to pay the rent, so I began to sell electrical appliances

Opening shop for the second time

Rented a storefront in the old home street began to take repair with selling lampblack machine gas stove, at that time there was no channel purchase, a friend said before someone to sell him, I took the phone into some goods. The first batch of goods was soon bought by relatives, and into the second batch, soon found that the range hood machine has quality problems, I returned part of the relatives for a batch of brands, and some are still in use, heart is very guilty, the range hood wholesalers have long run out of sight

Light does lampblack machine to have a bit onefold, clerk of division force brand found me one day, say to let me do division force air conditioning agency. It took me a week to convince my parents and they invested 100,000 yuan in me. In the first year of gree, the sales volume was 210,000 yuan, and there was almost no profit excluding labor. Local dealers sell more than 800,000 units, and I don’t make any money on my sales.

The dawn of smart home

I thought I’d be stuck in a small town for the rest of my life, until the smart home came along. I came into contact with some rice workers, and I began to be infected by their blood. The design that also begins self-study intelligence lives in, the likelihood consciousness is too ahead of time, downtown basically no person wants to do, store of a few intelligence that opens new also can rely on sell sell acoustics to beg survival only

A real career change

My interest in smart home started to make me curious about its principles, and I began to understand programming. I bought an introductory book and used it to knock codes in the store whenever I was free. After knocking about half a book, I began to apply for formal study in training institutions. I usually watch live at the store at 8:00 p.m., then I go for a night run, and then I do my homework when I get back. I began to think about changing careers. I took the adult college entrance examination and passed the entrance examination.

More than half a year into the timeline, I helped students in the training class to do several final projects and develop the studio opened by them. Let me harvest the first bucket of gold, I began to apply for a job, in the morning by high-speed train to interview, home again in the evening. My parents said that I did not go to the store all day long and did nothing every day. I think I should put my idea into action.

More than a year of career change

After the interview, with excited mood and parents said I want to go to work, parents leng say ah, anyway, you now open a shop also can not earn any money. They were about to have me introduced to the assembly line. I took out the offer I got, had a farewell dinner with my family, and left my hometown for the first time.

Two or three months after entering the job, I signed up for the self-examination undergraduate course and carried out a special set of reading. Working on boring Python in a small company, I felt like I wasn’t making any progress in technology, and I was confused about the future, where Java and AI were the mainstream. I began to teach myself front-end and wanted to transfer to front-end development.

Transfer the front-end

This column is not much for the time being, after all, it has not been converted, and it is still working in that company. I am still learning to find the opportunity to transfer to the front of the post, the chapter of life is still waiting for me to continue to write…


  • A lot of people told me I wasn’t good at everything, but what you saw was that I wasn’t tall enough. It’s just a beautiful view from above
  • A lot of things can not be described with words. I have thought about giving up many times on the way to learning programming. Chinese identifiers and indentation are not standardized. I have only one book, and I’m going to knock it down!
  • Training class teachers feel that I can not successfully change careers, and finally successfully changed careers also on the list of outstanding students in a training class
  • Opportunity is their own creation, we have no one behind us, can only carry it on their own
  • Chicken soup is not undesirable, and it is not a bad thing to read chicken soup when you are about to give up
  • One last quote I like, from a 100-year-old man: If I had learned to play the violin when I was 80, I would now have 20 years of violin experience

2021 good-bye! It’s never too late to start! For everyone on the road