After submitting my resume on the official website, I received interview invitations from major Internet companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, JINGdong, Bytedance and Kuaishou, but I did not encounter any rejection of my resume. During the interview, many interviewers praised my resume for its beauty. After more than a month of interview process, I finally chose the offer of Ali.

A CV is the first impression a candidate gives to an interviewer, and the better the CV, the better the impression the interviewer will have of the candidate. Before I sent out my resume, I was worried that my resume was so bad that if I sent in too many copies, it would turn out to be useless. In order to write a professional technical resume, I read online resume writing tips and sent my resume to seniors for advice. I went through nine different versions of my resume before FINALLY settling on it and sending it out.

Resume writing is a skill, especially writing a good resume is very skilled. This article is suitable for those who are not familiar with writing resumes and fresh graduates. I hope this article can help those who are not familiar with writing resumes to master the methods of writing resumes.

If you want to check out my interview experience, you can read my column, The Internship, which documents my experience interviewing various major companies.

Purpose of the resume

Job hunting is a long process, involving job selection, resume delivery, resume evaluation, technical interviews, HR interviews and so on. A CV is the first impression a candidate gives an interviewer, and the better it is, the better impression the interviewer will have of the candidate. The main purpose of a resume is to get an interview invitation from a company. If your resume doesn’t shine, you may lose an interview.

Resume preparation

Before writing a resume, we still need to do some preparation, prepare to analyze the JD.

For example, in the picture below, the text in the red box is the requirement of this position, so we should reflect the information in the red box when we write the resume, and write around the information of JD.

Resume content

Personal information

Personal information includes name, sex, date of birth, native place, contact information, email address, etc.

Education information

Education information here mainly explains your education time, college, major, degree (no degree can not write). Such as:

XX bachelor of XX major in XX UniversityCopy the code

If you have a good academic record, you can fill in the grades. If a major course is particularly good, with a near perfect score, and is relevant to the job, you can mention it separately. If a major course is not related to the position, such as a course on etiquette, there is no need to include it.

Such as:

GPA:3.75/4Introduction to Computer Thinking98pointsCopy the code

My grades were average, so I didn’t include them on my resume, but during the interview process, interviewers often ask about grades and rankings as well.

Internship/project experience

This is very important for the rest of the interview process!! Project experience is one of the most important questions to ask in an interview, especially for a supervisor. If there are many projects, it is recommended to pick two or three projects with highlights. But the resume is not sure to speak clearly master principle and specific implementation of the project had better not write in, or to the interview will pit their own.

The description of the project can be structured around the following questions:

What are the core problems to solve? 2. How do the industry do it? What is my growth? (This part can be optional)

Take my proxy server project for example:

IT skills

Writing skills, like writing project experience, need to be in line with the recruitment requirements. The following is a description of my skills on my resume. I am looking for a position as A Java r&d engineer, so the skills I have chosen are centered around Java R&D engineer.

Award situation

Especially for candidates who don’t have much internship/project experience, award status is important information that demonstrates value and competence.

Choose high gold content awards, and it is best to post related awards, and to note the gold content and level of honor, such as: national XX honor, provincial XX honor. No matter how excellent your achievements are, not all HR can Get the honorary certificate. It is necessary to note the value and level of the honor.

To introduce myself

It needs to be related to the job Posting and show what kind of person you are, with facts. Introducing yourself is not only about what you did, but also about how you did it and what you achieved in the end.

A lot of people write self-introduction, will write very very subjective, this is the majority of people will make the mistake. Avoid bragging and use objective facts to prove your ability.

Take a subjective self-introduction example: “I love learning and can bear hardships and stand hard work”. Add objective facts:

I was admitted to XX University with XX scores in the college entrance examination. I performed well in school and won XX scholarship for consecutive X years. I got the graduation certificate with XX scores and won the title of Outstanding Graduate.

“I earned my living expenses through extracurricular part-time jobs at school and gained XX yuan accumulatively, and my academic performance steadily ranked top 5 in the class.”

The resume template


There’s nothing you can’t find on Github, only what you can’t think of.

Super resume (

Super Resume is a great resume site. There is a wide variety of resume templates, and there are templates for different positions.


Share an experience: Recently, one of my classmates said that he also applied to Ali, and his written test score was much higher than mine. However, he was very strange that he did not receive the interview notice, so he gave up his plan to apply to Ali and applied to another company. When I said I wanted to look at his resume, I found that there was almost no overlap between his resume and Ali’s job requirements, so I didn’t receive the interview notice.

If you have a good resume, it is the icing on the cake. Otherwise, you may lose an interview. After all, a resume is the first impression a candidate gives an interviewer. Zhong Kui of the Tang Dynasty was a talented man who visited high school, but his ugliness left a bad impression on his interviewer, the emperor, and he was dismissed. Whether in history or in reality, the truth is so thin. You said you didn’t finish your resume?

Finally, I will contribute my resume template for job hunting: By the way, you can get it by replying to “RESUME” on my original wechat public account “The Progress of the Program Ape”