“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

The sun outside the window is cold and warm, I typed these words in a quiet and deserted noon.

Life is like a play in which people play only parts, whether they are workers, husbands, sons or fathers. Everyone painted or light or thick powder, wearing a mask full of holes, wearing battle-hardened armor, moving on the stage, reciting words and singing, sometimes smoothly, sometimes tottering.

When I know this, I know it’s not too late. I tell myself that to love life is to realize that life is not going well and still hope for it, so I can stumble even with the mountain on my shoulders.

Back in 2021

1. New Job — Be careful what you do

Let’s start with work. The biggest change was a new company in August. Jumping from one foreign company to another is probably a constant in change. Far away from the friends I used to play with, I now work at home, alone in front of the computer, typing the sunrise and dusk every day (Still remember to say goodbye from your mouth ~).

It takes a lot of self-control and planning to work from home. Otherwise, inefficiency and wasted time will be the norm. Because of the foreign enterprise, the atmosphere is quite relaxed and comfortable, the colleagues who do not see are so polite between the network, and the politeness reveals a modesty that does not disturb.

If I were single, I would travel and work at the same time. Mountains and rivers, ancient towns and villages, gobi desert, everywhere, noisy and uninhabited places, will leave my footprints and codes.

When it comes to the new job, the new company is generous and offers plenty of annual leave, regardless of the length of service. Food allowance, travel allowance, telecommuting allowance, certificate allowance, overseas holidays and abundant offline activities that I can’t participate in make me have great expectations for this new job.

We are now halfway through a six-month trial period. I participated in a new project and got good feedback from my colleagues. In the future, I will work harder for promotion.

Study 2.

This year’s learning process can be divided into three parts, the first is professional, the second is extracurricular, and the third is development.

2.1 Professional — still dragging

Professionally speaking, I’m ashamed to say that I probably haven’t made much progress compared to last year (No. Why do you say that every year?).

This year, I went over the Java foundation to fill in the gaps. However, in the process of re-learning, I constantly found that any knowledge should be combined with the actual application. It’s no use just reading a book and reading a tutorial.

Besides, I also learned Redis by myself. I tinkered with a server on Aliyun and tried to set up a Redis project myself. Of course, if you ask me now how much Redis remembers, I’ll probably just look up and smile.

I also learned a lot about Linux running and BAT scripting, just out of interest.

Here is to thank the Nuggets community for hosting various events, which bring together programmers and technology enthusiasts to learn from each other and communicate with each other. The rewarding and rich challenge makes me more motivated to study.

2.2 Extracurricular — Read a lot of leisure books

As for extra-curricular books, I should read a lot this year (Probably because extra-curricular books read much, professional books correspondingly less). Generally, I like to read books on Wechat Reading. Of course, I will buy books that I particularly like or need to read intensively again.

Here are a few of the books I’ve read this year that you won’t be disappointed with.

Xiong Zhaozheng’s “Zhang Juzheng”, let you know the Ming Dynasty zhongxing first minister’s machivat life.

Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, read the love and hate of small people and inner entanglements, enjoy the psychological description under the pen of literature.

Hesse’s “The Wolf in the Wasteland” and “Siddhartha”, how to find yourself, two people give two choices.

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Why is spring silent? Why do birds disappear? This book by Ye Wenjie reveals the struggle between humans and pests.

Liang Xiaosheng’s Floating City, a qualified disaster novel, is a qualified human tragedy.

As one of the four satirical novels of the late Qing Dynasty, Liu E’s Travel Diary of The Old and The Disabled shows us the turbulent situation of the poor people’s livelihood and rampant corruption in officialdom in the late Qing Dynasty.

MAO Dun’s Midnight shows the great ups and downs of the life of a national capitalist struggling for survival in the republic of China.

The Cambridge History of The Chinese Nation by Fairy-Ching, to feel the objective attitude of foreign authors towards Chinese history.

Xiao Hong’s Story of Hulan River depicts a bloody man-eating society in short and pithy length.

My wife asked me a question earlier, what’s the use of reading so many extra books? I told her very seriously that reading is for understanding.

This principle contains many things. It can be the basic principle of being a man, to be gentle, courteous and humble, to be humane, righteous, courteous, wise and trustworthy. It can also be the theory of heaven and earth, to appreciate the scenery of mountains and rivers, all forms of human life, access to empathy. In fact, man is also a speck of dust between heaven and earth. When you read all kinds of books, you will call back the awe of nature, the value of life and the insight into the world (someone: Stop, master, stop chanting sutras). .

The more I read, the more I find that history is in a cycle, we live in an era where everything except science and technology is going backwards. The more I read, the more I realized that human beings are nothing more than tiny bugs in an eternal universe, no matter what color they are. Therefore, the most important way for me is to live in the present, grasp the present, and apply the world.

2.3 Expansion — Photography and cooking have made progress

I didn’t learn any new skills this year. The only thing I can celebrate is that my photography and cooking skills have improved greatly.

As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. I clicked the shutter more times this year than last year, my composition is no longer limited to the rule of thirds and other photographic stereotypes, and the type of photography is also slowly transitioning from landscape to portrait photography. In my eyes, people are the most beautiful scenery. Each person’s natural expression contains a spirit, the eyes contain a miniature universe, mouth spit is the beard mustard seed, wrinkles in the wind and frost show, lift the hand charm still.

This year, I read a book called History of Photography borrowed by my friend. Compared with the works of the masters in the book, I still have a lot of room for improvement. I hope I can take more beautiful photos next year (the photos in this article are also taken by myself).

As for cooking, because I work at home, I do not want to order expensive and dirty takeout, so I choose to cook by myself. Having three meals a day on weekdays not only sharpens my patience, but also takes my cooking skills to a new level.

Mencius said, the gentleman is far beyond his cook. But as a new age male, why is it so hard to cook? If you don’t cook, how can you experience the hard work of cooking by others? If you don’t cook with your own hands, how can you eat more delicious? It’s easy to cook a meal. It’s really hard to cook a meal every day.

3. Life

3.1 Neither wind nor rain nor ruthless

When it comes to life, this should be a year of setbacks.

The Dragon Boat Festival, the father out of a car accident, quite tortured; A few months later, my grandmother died;

After my father was discharged from the hospital, I also changed my job. I was thinking of my father’s suffering in this month, and the family was tense with nerves. I couldn’t help but feel that it was time to calm down. And then it doesn’t, it doesn’t give you a break.

If you suddenly feel a relaxed overhead, please don’t get carried away and keep a flat heart, because the hammer is in storage. From these things I probably got a truth, a lot of things will not be transferred by your subjective idea, in times of peace, prepare for a rainy day, do not need to stir the grass, go to the supermarket to grab food and oil.

3.2 Practice in life — what heart learning brings to me

At first, I should know heart study is Wang Defeng’s teaching video, and then I went to understand it in detail.

Wang Yangming, I have already heard of him, as a person who brush the Ming Dynasty things three times, how can I not know this Ming dynasty’s only saint. Later I read the book “Chuanxilu”, feel a lot of benefit.

The core idea of mind science is that there is nothing outside the mind, which teaches me to work with the mind, not with the mind. From “the Doctrine of the Mean” in the book is also many times in “chuanxilu” was not mentioned in the passions and sorrows of hair call, hair and are in the section of the sum of this sentence as magic general let me control the mood, joy is not ecstatic, elated; When angry, not fever, hurt others hurt yourself; Sad not hutianrob, unable to recover after a fall.

I live my life with these words, and my peace of mind grows.

3.3 New member — Maomao

This year we added a new member to our family — a black puppy.

Maomao is my wife and I from the farmhouse back, it eats dog food growth, burning appearance level growth. When he was young, his all-black face gradually showed patterns, but he didn’t know it. He spent his days laughing and joking with the family’s aboriginal cats. He’s a little timid, but that doesn’t stop him from being the joy of the house.

Whenever we eat, it will obediently lie down at the table, prayerfully for a little reward. It was quiet, but its mung bean-sized eyes projected a frenzy of food on the table. If we ignore it, it groans aggrieved. At this time, we will remember that there is a dog at the table. It is very keen to eat, no matter what to eat, give how much, it can be very faithful implementation of the disc action. Everywhere he goes, the wind blows. Gluttonous mouth, not so.

When my wife comes home from work or even when we’ve been out for a few hours, he greets her at the door, excited and expectant. It like a little angel will act in pettish, and like a little girl will be afraid. Thank it for its arrival, for the family added a lot of joy. I hope there will be a new member of the family next year.

Conclusion — Play your part

The article does not have to be beautiful, words can be, life does not have to be gorgeous, enrich it.

I have a friend who is usually on good terms. One night, he asked me, why is it so hard for him when others are so easy? He has studied for a doctorate for three years and has not graduated yet. He decided to give up his doctorate and come out to find a job. Because of the limitation of his major, he could only take the public exam or enter a public institution. But utilities don’t fare too well either. From the campus just came out of his foot then stepped into the social mud pit, the mood of depression, imaginable.

That’s what I might have said to him. You are actually very lucky, many people are just ordinary undergraduate, you are ahead of many people at least in education, you have a girlfriend, already got a marriage certificate, this point is more than how many bachelors, compared to you know how happy you are. Now I would not comfort a person in this way, because if others comfort me in this way, I would not accept myself. How hard it is for a person who wants to improve!

So I said to him, who likes to show their difficulties to the public, every family has a difficult experience, ah, people, love face animal. How many are truly carefree? And when you get out of school, when you become someone else’s husband, you have a role to play. You are no longer an ignorant student in an ivory tower, but an adult with more responsibilities. You and I should play our part, and the gold will shine.

Yes, play your part and play your life well. You may never be a pillar, but you can be a hero to yourself and those you love.