It is estimated that those who have stepped on the pit of wechat video want to say:


And wechat also finally out a “H5 same layer player access specifications”, is a normal point…… Without further ado, let’s get to the point:

1. <video>Play attributes inline in the tag

Wechat has added some x5 private attributes on the video TAB, which are:

  1. X5-video-player-type Enables same-layer playback. The value is fixed to ‘H5’.

  2. X5-video-player-fullscreen specifies whether to play in fullscreen. The value can be ‘true’ or ‘false’.

  3. X5 -video-orientation Video orientation. Value of ‘landscape’ respectively, ‘portrait’ or ‘landscape | portrait’, respectively corresponding to the landscape, portrait and automatic rotation (this should be less).

It’s important to note, however, that these attributes are proprietary to X5 and only work on Android. Relevant to the iOS platform are these attributes:

  1. airplay

  2. x-webkit-airplay

  3. playsinline

  4. webkit-playsinline

The last two are the inline play properties in iOS platform. They are Boolean properties and do not need to be assigned (true if they exist). The first two attributes are related to airplay on iOS (honestly I still don’t understand why pages need airplay attributes), and the value is ‘allow’ or ‘deny’, usually ‘allow’ is used for insurance purposes.

2. Select and value properties of the CSS

Wechat mentioned the attribute of object-position in the same-layer access specification, which is used to set the position of the video. In practice, it is better to use the object-fit attribute at the same time. However, these two properties are not x5 proprietary, but native, so they work on both Android and iOS platforms.

The two elements object-position and object-fit are mainly used to set the position and size of the “replaceable element”. By “replaceable elements,” I mean elements whose content is not explicitly controlled by CSS. Typical examples are ,


Let’s go back to the video. The recommended practice in wechat’s official same-layer access specification is to dynamically calculate the required pixel value with JS, and then assign the value to the object-position attribute. However, I tried to circle myself and found that object-position itself supports percentage values. Usually, the default value of videos is ‘50% 50%’, that is, centered. Full screen video usually needs to be placed at the bottom, so change the value to ‘0 100%’.

Another attribute, object-fit, which is similar to background-size, is used to set how a video will contain its own container. Only the value ‘contain’ will contain the video. Note here, however, that in full screen, since videos generally don’t fill the screen (the aspect ratio difference and output resolution don’t count the title bar at the top), they leave a gap at the top. This gap is usually black by default. If you need to change the color, you first add a ‘display:block; ‘(because video is inline by default), then change background-color to OK~

3. Video cover

There is an attribute of poster related to the video cover in the

4. Set the size of the video port

            'width': window.innerWidth + 'px',
            'height': window.innerHeight + 'px'
        });Copy the code

That’s it.

5. UA feature detection

In the same layer access specification, determine whether it is the same layer player method:

  1. In TBS such as wechat, determine the X5 kernel version by UA. If the version number >036849, it indicates that UA is supported. Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.4; OPPO R7 Build/KTU84P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, Like Gecko) Version 4.0 / Chrome / Mobile MQQBrowser TBS / 036849 MicroMessenger Safari / 537.36/6.8/ NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN

  2. In QQ browser Android version, UA is supported when browser version >=7.1 example: UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.4; ZHCN; OPPO R7 Build/KTU84P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, Like Gecko)Version/4.0 Chrome/ MQQBrowser/7.1 Mobile Safari/537.36