1. Common code

    / /...
    $file = $request->file('file');
    $path = $file->store('public/checks');
    / /...
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Error message

  • 1. UploadedExcelFiles are sometimes packaged automaticallyrarfile
  • 2. UploadedExcelFiles sometimes report errors automatically
"fopen(.. \storage\app\public/checks/vEr8BInHAHwIbxnHUvmEkGlBsaF2z7V8kMfl2Xkd.): failed to open stream: Permission denied"
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3. Solution 1

/** * File upload *@param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function upload(Request $request)
    // Set the file suffix whitelist
    $allowExt   = ["csv"."xls"."xlsx"];
    // Set the storage directory
    $tmpPath    = 'storage/jschecks/' . date('Ym');
    $dirPath    = public_path($tmpPath);
    // If the destination directory cannot be created
    if(! is_dir($dirPath) && ! mkdir($dirPath,0777.true)) {
        return $this->fail(401.'Upload directory does not have permission to create folder');
    // If the destination directory does not have write permission
    if(is_dir($dirPath) && ! is_writable($dirPath)) {return $this->fail(401.'Upload directory does not have write permission');
    // Get the file
    $file = $request->file('file');
    // Verify the file
    if(isset($file) && $file->isValid()){
        $ext = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); // Upload file suffix
        // Check if it is Excel
        if(empty($ext) or in_array(strtolower($ext),$allowExt) === false) {return $this->fail(400.'File types not allowed');
        // Generate the file name
        $fileName = uniqid() . '_' . dechex(microtime(true)).'. '.$ext;
            // Store files
            $path = $file->move($tmpPath, $fileName);
            $webPath = '/' . $path->getPath() . '/' . $fileName;

            $data['oldname']    = $file->getClientOriginalName();
            $data['newname']    = $fileName;
            $data['url']        = url($webPath);

            return $this->success_without_index('File import successful! ', $data);
        }catch (Exception $ex){
            return $this->fail($ex->getCode(), $ex->getMessage()); }}return $this->fail(400.'File verification failed');
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4. Solution 2

Use with Laravel Medialibrary

/** * File upload *@param Request $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 * @throws \Exception
 * @throws \Throwable
public function upload(Request $request)
    // Set the maximum execution time of PHP pages to 30s by default
    // Return information
    $data = [];
    // Set the file suffix whitelist
    $allowExt   = ["csv"."xls"."xlsx"];
    // Get the file
    $file = $request->file('file');
    // Simple validation must have a file uploaded
    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
        'file'= >'required'
    // Verify the file suffix
    $validator->after(function($validator) use ($file, $allowExt) {
        if(! in_array($file->guessClientExtension(), $allowExt)) {return $this->fail(400.'Disallowed file types: Please upload Excel files! '); }});if ($validator->fails()) {
        return $this->fail(400.'No valid file found: please upload Excel file! ');
    $upload = ' ';
    DB::transaction(function (a) use ($file, &$data, &$upload) {
        // Store file information to database
        $upload = Upload::create([
            'file_name' => $file->getClientOriginalName(),
            'file_ext'  => $file->getClientOriginalExtension(),
            'category'= >'check',]);// Store to laravel-Medialibrary
        $media  = $upload->addMediaFromRequest('file')
        $tmp['filename']    = $media->file_name;
        $tmp['url']         = $media->getFullUrl();
        $data               = $tmp;

    // Data import
    $process = new Process('php '. dirname(app_path()) .'/artisan tqsq2005:excel-import ' . $upload->uuid);
    // Run time limit: 60s by default
    // Free time limit
    // Returns the number of inserted data
    $upload             = $upload->fresh();
    $data['inserts']    = $upload->import_records;

    if (is_array($data) && $data['inserts'])
        return $this->success_without_index('Successful import'.$data['inserts'].'Piece of data! ', $data);
    return $this->fail(400.'File import failed');
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